Nayla - Multi-Concept Creative Portfolio Theme
First of all, thank you for your interest in our product. Nayla is designed and developed for creative individuals of all kinds, allowing you to create personal portfolios, agency portfolios, one-page websites, and even corporate/businesswebsites.
Nayla is not just a theme, it’s a creative website builder.
In Nayla™ you can create/customize nearly everything with Elementor Page builder. From headers/footers to portfolio pages; Elementor and Nayla allows you to get a full control on your website.
Nayla allows you to use dark/light color modes on your website and also you can set different layouts for specific pages. And a layout switcher widget included so you can switch between layouts when navigating the website.
Theme Features
- Landing page included.
- Built with Elementor.
- Compitable with WooCommerce.
- AJAX page transitions.
- GSAP included.
- Smooth scroll plugin.
- Interactive mouse cursor.
- Parallax scroll effects.
- Easy page settings.
- Swiper Slider use.
- Fully responsive
- Fully customizable
- Custom page loader
- Page scroll effects
- Simple and convenient
- Documentation included
- Browser compatibility
- Clean & modern design
- Well commented HTML elements
- Custom grid layout.
- Google fonts
- Icofonts.
- W3C validated code.
- Classic and fullscreen menu styles.
- And more!
Image and Video Credits
- Envato Elements
- Behance
- Unsplash
- Pexels
- Vimeo
Images and videos in demo pages, are not included with your purchase from Themeforest.
v1.4.0 [3.11.2023] NEW* - Home Interactive Grid widget added can be displayed on demo website. UPGRADE* - Layout switching now smooth and sensitive. UPGRADE* - Fullscreen Slideshow widget arrow controls added UPGRADE* - Page loader overlay type can now be used with a background image. UPGRADE* - Navigating different layouts now animated with integrated animation types. UPGRADE* - Sticky logo size can now be controlled by “Site Logo” widget on Elementor. UPGRADE* - More controls added for product galleries can be controlled from theme options. Dynamic grid filter animation bugs fixed. Embed background multiple iframe bug fixed. Project headers layout switch issues fixed. Product add to cart button bugs fixed. Product gallery responsive bugs fixed designs adjusted. Displacement masked background effect disabled on touch screens. Header/Footer template selection removing bug fixed on page options. Multiple categoried projects views adjusted. Mobile menu bugs fixed. Fullscreen menu bugs fixed. Animation performance improvements. Responsive design adjustments. Minor/Major bug fixes.
v1.3.1 [10.10.2023] NEW WIDGET: Dynamic Grid (Filterable) NEW* Minimal list widget infinite scroll option added NEW* Embed videos can now cover it's parent containers no matter what aspect ratio it is. NEW* New custom transitions added for inner page projects which are using embed videos as featured image. Lightbox image issues fixed. Mobile interaction options added for Nayla Video widgets. Projects navigation edge issue fixed. Product page design adjustments. Product category tabs dragging issue fixed. Product category tabs product add to cart bug fixed. Ajax calls on cart page disabled because of performance improvements. Landing page updated. Minor performance imporevements. Responsive design adjustments. Minor bug fixes.
v1.3.0 [30.09.2023] IMPORTANT: Theme Activation Module has added, (Don’t forget to activate your copy after updating theme and plugins) IMPORTANT: Project color settings readjusted (Don’t forget to set color for your projects) NEW* Single Image (Elementor Widget) border-radius option. NEW* Marquee image separator option. NEW* Showcase 3D titles no infinite. Theme Documentation updated ( Fullscreen carousel mobile view adjusted. Layout switch bug for project pages fixed. Layout switch page transtion issue fixed. Images carousel spacing setting bug fixed. Clients carousel drag & drop crash issue fixed. Fullscreen menu visibility and animation issues fixed. Template sub-menus height issues fixed. Dynamic text for headings are adjusted. Client logo change on layout switch settings added. Demo content updated. Responsive design adjustments. Minor bug fixes.
v1.2.0 [15.09.2023] *NEW - Project page template - boxed. *NEW - Fullscreen slideshow autoplay enable/disable option. *NEW - Removing line-breaks(‘br’ tags) on mobile devices option added for Text Wrapper *NEW - Inner page projects (Single Project widget) -> project page transitions. *NEW - Projects grid -> project page transitions. Fullscreen Project responsive design adjusted. Fullscreen Slideshow mobile slide navigation issue fixed. (Vertical touch move allowed.) Elementor Editor crash when smooth scroll active issue fixed. Sticky header smooth scroll issues fixed. Fixed header smooth scroll issues fixed. Smooth scroll page transition issues fixed. Vertical image gallery project page spacing issue fixed. Infinite tabs mobile title visibilition issues fixed. Infinite grids motion blur effects are disabled on mobile devices (For animation performance improvements) Lightbox gallery responsive issues fixed. Project header videos autoplay issue fixed. Minor bug fixes. Responsive design adjustments. Animation & speed performance improvements.
v1.1.2 [06.09.2023] NEW FEATURE: Now you can create "Sub-Menus" with Elementor for classic navigations. Demo content updated. Showcase 3D titles, responsive view redesigned. Infinite Grids responsive view redesigned. Minor/major responsive design adjustments. Minor bug fixes.
v1.1 [02.09.2023] WooCommerce compatibility is up! New* Home Page - Shop New* Shop inner pages. New* Shop Elementor widgets. New* Blog posts page New* Blog Elementor widgets. Responsive design adjusments. Minor Bug fixes.
v1.0 Release