Manual - Documentation, Knowledge Base & Education WordPress Theme
High ResolutionWidget Ready
The most recent version of this theme (v7.5.3) was uploaded to our platform on .
Manual version is live! – 6th Nov 2023 – view changelog
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WordPress 6.3.X Ready.
Compatible With WooCommerce Version 8.2.X
Compatible With Elementor Page Builder Plugin
Automatically Update the Manual theme by 1-Click with Envato Market Plugin
Fully RTL supported
Fully WPML Compatible
Child theme included
The easiest way to create online user manual
Write professional looking online manuals (Documentation or Knowledgebase) in no time at all or establish Forum to allow customers and clients to help themselves.
Using Manual WordPress Theme you can:
- Create a professional looking Documentation OR Knowledge Base
- Create a branded FAQ
- Establish FORUM within your wordpress site
- Track article user hits
- Allow user to vote (Like/Dislike) on article helpfulness.
- Reduce support ticket volume and repetitive questions
- Increase customer loyalty and reduce support time
- Benefit from the power and flexibility of a WordPress powered site
Overall Manual Theme Features
- Fully Responsive
- Documentation, Knowledgebase, FAQS, Portfolio, Shop, Education (LMS), Forum Fully Ready.
- Translation ready .po/.mo files included
- One click DEMO import.
- Ajax/normal article load for the documentation
- Great SEO Built-In
- Advance Ajax Live Search
- Child Theme Compatible and included in the package.
- Trending Live Search
- Fully customizable (styling option and more)
- WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress ($64)
- Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin ($59)
- LearnPress Fully Compatible
- WooCommerce Fully Compatible
- Elementor Fully Compatible.
- Fully compatible with BBpress
- Fully compatible with Contact Form 7
- Well Documented
- Based On Bootstrap Framework
- Great Support
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Private Category/Articles Access Level Article Control
- Private Attachment Files
- Article Feedback/Impression system
- Advance Typography Options
- Advance Theme Option Panel
- And so much more
- Globally Enable/Disable Live Search
- Targeted post type Live search
- Trending search (on|off feature)
- Search using AJAX/normal search.
- Highlight search terms.
- Filter search based on any post_type
- Control whether to search in title or content or excerpt
- Search in selected custom taxonomies
- Search in post author name
- Exclude old content from search results
- Customize SQL relation (AND/OR) between search terms
- Control whether to match search query exactly or partially
- Exclude search results of post type (knowledge base/documentation and FAQs) category articles or single post article that are protected based on user role or for only logged-in users
- Search page design control
- Search page custom page title bar design control
- Multiple search form designs
- And so much more
- Easily create and manage Documentation
- Make documentation public or make it available only for login users
- Make documentation post attached files public or make it available only for the login users
- Unlimited file attachment facility per post
- Advance menu system
- Theme Option
- Ability to change Documentation Single Post (Slug Name)
- Ability to change Documentation Category (Slug Name)
- Ability to change Documentation Breadcrumb Name
- Change documentation display records using ASD or DESC order
- Change documentation records display by using; page order, date and last date modified
- Change documentation category records using ASD or DESC order
- Change documentation category records display by using; id, count, name and slug
- ON/OFF post modified date.
- ON/OFF Documentation page redirect on search results.
- ON/OFF Post Modified Date.
- Enable Page Redirect on search results.
- ON/OFF Hash Search.
- ON/OFF Menu Scroller.
- Display Scrollbar After Height (for menu scroller)
- Make ON/OFF Quick Stats, Social Share and voting buttons
- Easily create and manage Knowledge Base
- Make knowledgebase post attached files public or make it available only for the login users
- 2 home page layouts available (classic and modern)
- Page Type
- Masonry – without sidebar
- Masonry – with sidebar
- Widgets
- Display latest article (using date)
- Popular articles (using number of views)
- Top rated articles (using like)
- Most Commented article
- Single Page
- Related Post (available ON/OFF Features)
- Unlimited file attachment facility
- Theme Option
- Ability to change knowledge base single post (Slug Name)
- Ability to change knowledge base category (Slug Name)
- Ability to change knowledge base breadcrumb name
- Short knowledge base category using ASC or DESC order
- Order knowledge base pages thats under category using ASC or DESC order
- Page display order by using: date and last modified date
- ON/OFF comments on each knowledge base article
- ON/OFF quick status under knowledge-base post title.
- ON/OFF post modified date.
- ON/OFF sidebar from the knowledge-base single pages.
- ON/OFF feature to remove the sidebar from the category
- Easily create and manage Knowledge Base
- Page Type
- FitRows 4 column
- FitRows 3 column
- FitRows 2 column
- Masonry 4 column
- Masonry 3 column
- Masonry 4 column
- Create Page Controls
- Page Template (left, right, full width)
- ON/OFF Like/Dislike
- ON/OFF post infomation
- ON/OFF social share
- Plus many more (modify according to your need)
- Theme Option
- Ability to change Portfolio Single Post (Slug Name)
- Ability to change Portfolio Category (Slug Name)
- Short portfolio records using ASC or DESC
- Short portfolio records using short by; title, date, random, modified and comment count
- Control comment box display using ON/OFF Features
- Control number of post to appear per page
- Easily create and manage Knowledge Base
- Easily create FAQs
- Fully compatible with BBpress
- Fully compatible with Contact Form 7
- Well Documented
- Based On Bootstrap Framework
- Great Support
- HTML5 & CSS3
Version - 6th Nov 2023 [FIX 1]: The LearnPress archive section is experiencing functionality issues.
Version 7.3.2 - 3rd Nov 2023 [UPGRADE 1]: Give the manual framework a makeover and update it to the newest version 5.0 [FIX 1]: Works well with the most recent LearnPress version.
Version - 1st July 2023 [FEATURE 1]: The FAQ section now supports AJAX load pagination, providing you with a convenient way to manage pagination. To activate this feature, follow these steps: - Navigate to the "Manual Options" menu. - Select the "FAQ" option. - Choose the "Category Page" subsection. - Locate the field labeled "Number Of Records Per Page." - Enter the desired number of FAQ posts you want to display per page. To display all posts, simply leave the value as -1. With this new feature, you have greater control over the pagination of your FAQ section. [UPGRADE 1]: The theme has been updated to be compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce. [UPGRADE 2]: The WPBakery WordPress plugin is now available for upgrade to its latest version. [CONTROL 1]: If the WordPress plugin BuddyPress is active, the header page title bar will be omitted.
Version - 12th May 2023 [FEATURE 1]: We have introduced a new capability for the 'mega post grid' shortcode. You can now exhibit posts from different post types such as post, knowledgebase, and documentation by selecting a specific 'post tag'. To access this functionality, please use the 'mega post grid' shortcode in either the Elementor or WPBakery page builder. [FIX 1]: The problem with the 'filter by category' feature not functioning in the Elementor shortcode 'mega post grid' has been resolved.
Version 7.3.1 - 23rd April 2023 [FEATURE 1]: The Table of Contents (TOC) feature now includes a new option that allows you to choose between generating “Random Links” or “Title Links” for the TOC. To access this option, simply navigate to “Manual Options” and select “Table of Contents.” From there, you can easily select your preferred link generation option. [UPGRADE 1]: An upgraded version of the WPBakery Page Builder plugin is now available for upgrade. [IMPROVED 1]: Theme security has been improved.
Version 7.3 - 15th April 2023 FEATURE 1: Support feature with page links for paginated posts in the knowledgebase post type. FIX 1: Issue of not supporting lanaguage and not scrolling to the specific content area for the Table Of Content (TOC) for the post type knowledgebas and documentation. FIX 2: the crucial problem of search results displaying when no category is selected for the post type documentation, as well as the issue of content not appearing in search results for selected categories where the actual post exists. COMPATIBLE 1: The most recent version of the theme is compatible with the latest versions of both WordPress and the WooCommerce plugin.
Version 7.2.6 - 11th January 2023 - COMPATIBLE 2: The manual theme is compatible with the latest update of Elementor/WooCommerce.
Version 7.2.5 - 27th November 2022 - FEATURE 1: Targeted "Documentation" category search. - COMPATIBLE 1: Manual theme compatible with the latest WooCommerce version 7.x.x - UPGRADE 1: "Visual Composer" to the new available version 6.10.0. - UPGRADE 2: "Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder" to the new available version 3.19.12. - FIX 1: Sorting issue in knowledge-based tree view while using Elementor shortcode. - FIX 2: The login form is not clickable on the responsive layout while using the page builder shortcode.
Version 7.2.4 - 2nd September 2022 - FEATURE ADD 1: New site demo 'Manual Digial Agency' - UPDATE 1: Security.
Version - 25th August 2022 - FEATURE ADD 1: New site demo 'Manual University'
Version - 24th August 2022 - FEATURE ADD 1: Option to add "alt" attribute for the logo. - ISSUE FIX 1: Some reposted issue.
Version 7.2.3 - 19th August 2022 - FEATURE ADD 1: New Site Demo "Manual Handyman" - ENHANCE 1: "Pricing table" & "service table" shortcode for the both page builder plugin elementor and wpbakery
Version 7.2.2 - 16th August 2022 - FEATURE ADD 1: Contact us link inside the article post for the both knowledgebase and documentation. - ENHANCE 1: Page speed. - ENHANCE 2: Manual Options KB and DOC section. - COMPATIBLE 1: Compatible with the latest learnpress version - COMPATIBLE 2: Compatible with the latest WooCommerce version 6.8.0 - ISSUE FIX 1: Fix the error message "Deprecate required parameters after optional parameters" for PHP version 8.
Version 7.2.1 - 20th July 2022 - FEATURE ADD 1: New Site Demo "classic Corporate" - ENHANCE 1: Theme design. - ISSUE FIX 1: Empty array error message when using WPBakery plugin. - ISSUE FIX 2: Other reported issue.
Version 7.2 - 8th July 2022 - FEATURE ADD 1: New Site Demo "Online Service"
Version 7.1 - 3rd July 2022 - ISSUE FIX 1: Sidebar TOC widget issue when load content via ajax - ISSUE FIX 2: bbPress(forum) design issue
Version 7.0 - 28th June 2022 - FEATURE ADD 1: “Next/Previous post link” feature inside documentation. - FEATURE ADD 2: Search by "knowleagebase category". - FEATURE ADD 3: New 14 site demos. - FEATURE ADD 4: Support desgin for the plugin weDocs. - FEATURE ADD 5: Added shortcodes for the plugin weDocs. - FEATURE ADD 6: Inline documentation progess bar. - ENHANCE 1: bbPress forum design. - ENHANCE 2: All page design shortcodes. - ENHANCE 3: Manual framework plugin. - ENHANCE 4: Manua theme coding. - ENHANCE 4: Design enhanced. - CHANGE 1: Coding structure. - REMOVE 1: Slider Revolution plugin. - REMOVE 2: All old designs. - ISSUE FIX 1: All reported issue's (elementor, wpBakery, site layout and coding error issue's). - ISSUE FIX 2: Inline documentation not working properly while using elementor issue.
Version 6.7 - 11th March 2022 - FEATURE ADD 1: “Next/Previous post link” feature inside knowledgebase single page. (Manual Options > knowledgebase > Single Page :: “Next Previous Post (Enable/Disable)”) - FEATURE ADD 2: Display all post records that are inside the sub-category section for the KB tree view. - FEATURE ADD 3: “IN PROGRESS” and “NOT SOLVED” tag feature for the bbPress forum. - FEATURE ADD 4: Limit sub-category display for the Shortcode “Knowledgebase”. - FEATURE ADD 5: Option to display post excerpt on the live search. (Manual Options > Search > Live Search). - FEATURE ADD 6: Option to enable/disable Gutenberg editor for the FAQ. - FEATURE ADD 7: Security update. - FEATURE ADD 8: Option to enable/disable “Custom Field Box” for the post type “Knowledgebase/FAQ/Portfolio/Documentation” - ENHANCE 1: bbPress forum design. - ENHANCE 2: Manual Options. - ENHANCE 3: WPBakery BBPress Shortcode Login, Register. - REVAMP 1: Plugin “Manual Framework (Post Type)” (IMPORTANT UPDATE) - ISSUE FIX 1: Page auto-scroll feature for the targeted direct link URL inside the documentation non-ajax load page. - ISSUE FIX 2: TOC widget issue.
Version - 17th Nov 2021 - ISSUE FIX 1: Manual Options design issue.
Version 6.6.3 - 8th Nov 2021 - FEATURE ADD 1: Show/hide social icons option for the WooCommerce single page. - FEATURE ADD 1: Option to change "Related products" text for the WooCommerce single page. - ISSUE FIX 1: RTL design issue.
Version 6.6.2 - 21st Oct 2021 - FEATURE ADD 1: Added an option "Has Archive" inside "manual Options > knowledgebase > Post Type & Breadcrumb Settings" which will allow users to choose Whether or not the post type will have a post type archive URL. - UPGRADE 1: "Manual Framework (Post Type)" to the latest version 3.2
Version 6.6 - 11th Oct 2021 - FEATURE ADD 1: Tagging functionality for the Documentation post type. - FEATURE ADD 2: Option to add custom text in front of the article update date. - FEATURE ADD 3: Option to display KB category descriptions at the top of KB header (single/category) section (on|off feature available)) - ENHANCE 1: Manual theme design. - UPGRADE 1: "Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder" to the latest version 3.19.11 - UPGRADE 2: "Slider Revolution" to the latest version 6.5.8 - COMPATIBLE 1: with the latest WordPress Version 5.8.1 - ISSUE FIX 1: On the Search result page; "Post Publish Date" & "Post Type Tag" enable/disable settings not working. - ISSUE FIX 2: Archive page error of learnpress 4.1.2 - ISSUE FIX 3: WooCommerce Shop card generating an issue on the Widgets section. - ISSUE FIX 4: Fix some RTL design issues. - ISSUE FIX 5: Remove dependency to appear documentation tree menu on the mobile version.
Version 6.5.2 - 19th July 2021 - ADDED: Added plugin "CMS Tree Page View" as required. - ENHANCED: Few designs.
Version 6.5.1 - 15th July 2021 - FEATURE ADD 1: Option to switch documentation inline menu style - modern or classic - UPGRADE 1: "Visual Composer" to the new available version.
Version 6.5 - 23rd June 2021 - FEATURE ADD 1: "Hide Private Articles" inside VC/Elementor shortcode "knowledgebase" , "KnowledgeBase - Single Category Records", "KnowledgeBase - Tree View" and "Widget - KnowledgeBase Article" - FEATURE ADD 2: "Hide All Private KB Articles" inside "Manual Options > Knowledgebase > Global Settings". - FEATURE ADD 3: "Article Display Order" and "Include Child Category Posts" inside widget "KB Category Articles In Single Page Sidebar" - FEATURE ADD 4: Ability to change text "reset" via theme options (Maual Options > Text) - FEATURE ADD 5: Enable/Disable "Doc - Category/Single Page Title Bar" (Manual Options > Page Title Bar > DOC - Category/Single Page) - FEATURE ADD 6: Enable/Disable "Search Page Title Bar" (Manual Options > Page Title Bar > Search Page) - FEATURE ADD 7: Enable/Disable "FAQ - Category/Single Page Title Bar" (Manual Options > Page Title Bar > FAQ - Category/Single Page) - FEATURE ADD 8: Show/hide Header Title Text for the section "documentation page title bar" (Manual Options > Page Title Bar > DOC - Category/Single Page) - FEATURE ADD 9: Enable/Disable 'Table Of Content' that will appear inside article for the 'knowledgebase' articles (Manual Options > Knowledgebase > Single Page) - FEATURE ADD 10: Enable/Disable 'Table Of Content' that will appear inside article for the 'documentation' articles (Manual Options > Documentation > Single/Category Page) - FEATURE ADD 11: 2 different style options for the documentation tree menu ( Manual Options > documentation > Tree Menu ) - FEATURE ADD 12: Replace the main menu with the documentation tree menu when switching to responsive layout - on/off feature available (Manual Option > Documentation > Tree Menu - FEATURE ADD 14: Ability Re-adjust Responsive Header Height for all the custom 'page title bar' - FEATURE ADD 15: WP default feature post "Visibility: Password protected" implemented - FEATURE ADD 16: Popup JS link on the FAQ for the quick access. - ENHANCE 1: Onclick demo import. - ENHANCE 2: Widget "KB Category Articles In Single Page Sidebar". - ENHANCE 3: Footer options (Manual Options > Footer > Footer Styling). - ENHANCE 4: Search box. - ENHANCE 5: Mobile menu display. - ENHANCE 6: Documentation tree menu. - ENHANCE 7: Enhance "Doc - Tree view ajax load" shortcode for the wpBakery and Elementor. - ENHANCE 8: Enhance "Inline Documentation" shortcode for the wpBakery and Elementor. - COMPATIBLE 1: learnpress new Version 4.0.7. - FIX ISSUE 1: "post_type" flushing rewrite rules. - FIX ISSUE 2: Blog Single Page Breadcrumb link. - FIX ISSUE 3: Inline menu overlap issue with firefox. - FIX ISSUE 4: Documenation content not loading using the direct link url if, activate ajax page load. - FIX ISSUE 5: Footer hardcode CSS issue. - FIX ISSUE 6: MsScroll issue while using Firefox. - FIX ISSUE 7: Fix Learnpress shortcode issue.
Version 6.4.2 - 29th March 2021 - FEATURE ADD 1: Added all "wp default feature" support for the different area. - FEATURE ADD 2: Display Private Records on the live search (Manual Options > Search > Live Search). - FEATURE ADD 3: Display Private Records on the Search Page (Manual Options > Search > Search Page). - RELEASED 1: Default features of "WPBakery Page Builder" ("WPBakery Page Builder > Design Options" and "WPBakery Page Builder > Custom CSS") - UPGRADE 1: "Js Composer", "Ultimate_VC_Addons" and "Slider Revolution" to the new available version. - UPGRADE 2: all outdated learnpress template files. - ENHANCE 1: CSS, site layout. - FIX 1: Manual options multiple select options not working after plugin "learnpress" active. - FIX 2: Hyperlink not working inside FAQ content section. - FIX 3: Images in the posts and custom posts stretched to full width - FIX 4: Other outline issues
Version - 28th Dec 2020 - UPGRADE 1: "Js Composer", "Ultimate_VC_Addons" and "Slider Revolution" to the new available version. - FIX 1: Other outline issues
Version - 1st Nov 2020 - FIX 1: Documentation tree menu show/hide issue for the normal doc article load - FIX 2: VC shortcode issue "Knowledgebase Tree View" - FIX 3: Other outline issues
Version - 22nd Oct 2020 - FEATURE ADD 1: Ablity to select number of sub-category records that display inside main category section via "manual Options > Knowledgebase > Category Page"
Version - 19th Oct 2020 - FEATURE ADD 1: ON/Off feature to remove sidebar from the blog home page. - FEATURE ADD 2: Ability to upload alternate header image for the learnpress single course, more options like; Image Header Position and features like "Apply No Header Image" are provided. - UPGRADE 1: LearnPress Outdated template files. - FIX 1: Few known issues.
Version 6.4 - 28th Sep 2020 - FEATURE ADD 1: 100% Elementor Compatible - FEATURE ADD 2: 40 new widgets added for the elementor - FEATURE ADD 3: New site demo - Elementor Knowledgebase - UPGRADE 1: Visual Composer", "Manual Framework" and "Slider Revolution" to the new available version. - FIX 1: Few known issues.
Version 6.3 - 3rd Sep 2020 - FEATURE ADD 1: Manual is now fully integrated with Learning system i.e compatible wih the plugin leanrpress - FEATURE ADD 2: Facilty to show/hide Post Type ( Knowledge Base, FAQs, Portfolio, Documentation, Home Help Blocks, Home Org Blocks and, Testimonial ) from the admin sidebar. - FEATURE ADD 3: Bulk reset (posts likes/dislikes & impression) facilty for the KB and DOC. - FEATURE ADD 4: New template page "Page - with sidebar" - FEATURE ADD 5: VC shortcode 'knowledgebase' show/hide section - Feature added 'Completely hide private category' with option option yes/no. - FEATURE ADD 6: Enable/Disable sticky sidebar (Manual Options > Theme - Widget) - FEATURE ADD 7: Few missing CSS to support Gutenberg Editor. - FEATURE ADD 8: Ability to add portfolio custom breadcrumb name - FEATURE ADD 9: Ability to add custom portfolio home page URL - FEATURE ADD 10: Tree menu scroller bar design for the documentation. - FEATURE ADD 11: 404 page - ability to change title, subtitle and content text color - FEATURE ADD 12: New VC shortcode post grid - FEATURE ADD 13: Option to make footer section full width using "manual option > layout" - FEATURE ADD 14: Feature to add footer background image. - FEATURE ADD 15: Added one column layout along with other design control for the vc shortcode "Knowledge Base". - FEATURE ADD 16: Added VC shortcode "Video". - FEATURE ADD 17: WooCommerce shopping cart - FEATURE ADD 18: Added 2 new site design. - FEATURE ADD 19: Widget: added flip text,url on the manual - button section - ENHANCE 1: FAQ Accordion system - ENHANCE 2: Footer design. - ENHANCE 3: Manual Dashboard. - ENHANCE 4: WooCommerce My account section. - ENHANCE 5: Default page template - ENHANCE 6: All VC shortcodes. - ENHANCE 7: VC Row settings, added new option background-size. - COMPATIBLE 1: Make theme compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce. - UPGRADE 1: "Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder", "Visual Composer", "Manual Framework" and "Slider Revolution" to the new available version. - REMOVE 1: FAQ toggle system - REMOVE 2: Page template 'Contact'.
Version 6.2.5 - 15th May 2020 - IMPORTANT: SECURITY UPDATE - FEATURE ADD 1: Enable/Disable page title bar for both KB category and single page. - FEATURE ADD 2: VC shortcode Search Box. - UPGRADE 1: "manual.pot" language file. - UPGRADE 2: Slider Revolution plugin to the new version. - FIX 1: Fixed reported issues related to breadcrumb.
Version 6.2.4 - 5th May 2020 - FEATURE ADD 1: Add search icon on the main navigation menu. - FEATURE ADD 2: Display ajax search box when users click on the search icon (main menu feature). - FEATURE ADD 3: Ability to add button on the main navigation bar. - FEATURE ADD 4: Inline post display feature for the knowledgebase. - FEATURE ADD 5: Responsive main menu header height control. - FEATURE ADD 6: Ability to change forum title bar text language using "Manual Option" pannel - COMPATIBLE: Theme is now compatible with a popular page builder elementor. - ENHANCE site design layouts. - UPGRADE: Visual Composer, Slider Revolution & Manual Framework to the latest version. - FIX 1: WPML dropdown language switch menu compatible issue. - FIX 2: reported issue.
Version 6.2.3 - 18th April 2020 - FEATURE ADD 1: NEW site demo "Consulting". - FEATURE ADD 2: Added new shortcode "Message Box" - FEATURE ADD 3: Search by "Authors" (Manual Options > Search > Advance Search) - FEATURE ADD 4: Exclude Older Search Results (Manual Options > Search > Advance Search) - FEATURE ADD 5: Ability to select custom "Title Text Color" and "Link Regular Color" for the "Page Title Bar". (Effected Page Title Bar section: 'Bbpress/Forum', 'KB - Category/Tag Page', 'KB - Single Page', 'DOC - Category/Single Page', 'FAQ - Category/Single Page', '404 Page', 'Blog Single Post' and 'Search Page') - ENHANCE 1: Visual Composer shortcode "FAQ - Single Category Records" - ENHANCE 2: Visual Composer shortcode "POST TYPE - Category Landing Style" - FIX ISSUE 1: Search issue. - FIX ISSUE 2: Design issue. - FIX ISSUE 3: bugs that are reported.
Version 6.2.2 - 11th April 2020 - REMOVE 1: All old codes and action_hooks related to the live/normal search query. - FRESH CODE: Added NEW fresh codes and action hooks related to the live/normal search. - FEATURE ADD 1: Ability to search result based on selected "Taxonomies" (manual options > Search > Advance Live/Normal Search)
Version 6.2.1 - 8th April 2020 - FEATURE ADD 1: NEW site demo "Forum (bbPress)". - FEATURE ADD 2: Control live search via title, Content, Excerpt, or Knowledgebase Tags using theme options panel. - FEATURE ADD 3: Added more forum design controls. - FEATURE ADD 4: Added main menu search design control - FIX ISSUE 1: bugs that are reported. - REMOVE 1: Conditional .js file and its supporting code.
Version 6.2 - 4th April 2020 - REVAMP 1: Theme "Manual Options". - FEATURE ADD 1: NEW site demo "Online Service". - FEATURE ADD 2: Main Menu Height control. - FEATURE ADD 3: Theme widget design control, able to switch design and control widget width. - FEATURE ADD 4: New VC shortcode, Post Type - total post/category count - FEATURE ADD 5: More design controls for the VC shortcode "Knowledgebase Single Category Records" - FEATURE ADD 6: More design controls for the VC shortcode "Knowledgebase" - FEATURE ADD 7: Added new design for the "Knowledgebase category page" - FEATURE ADD 8: 100% responsive compatible for the bbPress pages. - ENHANCE 1: Theme "Manual Options". - ENHANCE 2: VC Shortcode "KnowledgeBase". - ENHANCE 2: VC Shortcode "Knowledgebase Single Category Records". - FIX ISSUE 1: bugs that are reported and other known code issues.
Version 6.1.9 - 26th March 2020 - FIX ISSUE 1: KB category hover issue for the design layout two - FIX ISSUE 2: KB content not working for the single post, while sidebar aligns to the left section. - REPLACE 1: Replace twitter social share link
Version 6.1.8 - 25th March 2020 - FEATURE ADD 1: NEW site demo "eCommerce". - FEATURE ADD 2: NEW widget "Documentation Sidebar" for the documentation section. - FEATURE ADD 3: VC shortcode "KnowledgeBase", ability to show/hide subcategory name. - FEATURE ADD 4: VC shortcode "POST TYPE Category Landing Style", ability to select post_type and display records accordingly. - ENHANCE 1: Theme "Manual Options". - ENHANCE 2: VC Shortcode "KnowledgeBase". - ENHANCE 3: VC Shortcode "POST TYPE Category Landing Style". - FIX ISSUE 1: unable to click the Inline Documentation print icon issue. - ISSUE FIX 2: Other misc issues.
Version 6.1.5 - 13th March 2020 - FEATURE ADD 1: NEW site demo "Classic Corporate". - FEATURE ADD 2: NEW widget "Manual Social" for the navigation bar. - ENHANCE 1: Theme "Manual Options". - ISSUE FIX 1: Theme widget section. - ISSUE FIX 2: Theme header section. - ISSUE FIX 3: Other misc issues. - UPGRADE 1: Upgrade plugin "Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder" to the latest version.
Version 6.1.2 - 8th March 2020 - ISSUE FIX 1: Icon color not changing for the live search, searched result. - ISSUE FIX 1: Header menu open/close issue on the responsive layout. - UPGRADE 1: Upgrade plugin "Slider Revolution" to the latest version.
Version 6.1 - 5th March 2020 - FEATURE ADD 1: NEW site demo "corporate". - ISSUE FIX 1: Some auto-generated bug.
Version 6.0 - 29th February 2020 - FEATURE ADD 1: NEW site demo "software". - FEATURE ADD 2: 2 new widgets for the documentation; "DOC Articles" and "DOC Category". - FEATURE ADD 3: Site design layout; "Boxed" or "Wide". - FEATURE ADD 3.1: Control "Container Width" (global effect). - FEATURE ADD 3.2: "Header Full-Width Layout" (Make menu+logo area full width) on/off feature. - FEATURE ADD 3.3: High Screen Container Width Control for the screen size "1400px", "1900px" and above. - FEATURE ADD 4: New "Live Search Box" design (manual options > Custom Style > Live Search Box), the admin user can select the design as "Style 1" or "Style 2" for the live search box. - FEATURE ADD 5: Able to enter "Header Content Padding" as: 135px 0px 135px 0px (top, right, bottom, left) . - FEATURE ADD 6: Knowledgebase: "Category Page Design" options (manual options > Knowledgebase > Category Page), admin user can select design as "Style 1" or "Style 2" for the KB category page. - FEATURE ADD 7: Knowledgebase: "Single Page Design" options (manual options > Knowledgebase > Single Page), the admin user can select the design as "Style 1" or "Style 2" for the KB single page. - FEATURE ADD 8: Make Knowledgebase category/single page content align to center, feature active only if page sidebar is turned OFF. - FEATURE ADD 9: Documentation: allow article comments ONLY WORK IF, ajax load article is turned OFF. - FEATURE ADD 10: Documentation: select category/single page "Row Layout" "col-4|col-8" or "col-3|col-9". - FEATURE ADD 11: Documentation "Category/single Page Design" options (manual options > Documentation > Single/Category Page), admin user can select design as "Style 1" or "Style 2" for the DOC Single/Category page. - FEATURE ADD 12: Search Page: order Search Result; "Order" and "Order By" options available. - FEATURE ADD 13: Search Page: the ability to select the number of search records per page. - FEATURE ADD 14: Search Page: added tag (shows respective "post type name" for the display records) for the search result. - FEATURE ADD 15: 404-page admin user can define any "Page Background Color". - FEATURE ADD 16: NEW VC Shortcode: Login Box. - FEATURE ADD 17: VC Shortcode "Knowledgebase": added new design style. - FEATURE ADD 19: VC Shortcode "KnowledgeBase - Single Category Records": added new design style. - FEATURE ADD 20: VC Shortcode "Documentation - Tree View Ajax Load Post": added new design style. - FEATURE ADD 21: NEW VC Shortcode "Documentation Articles". - REMOVE 1: VC Shortcode "Knowledgebase", "KnowledgeBase - Category Landing Style": manual entry knowledge base category. - REMOVE 2: VC Shortcode "Documentation - Tree View Ajax Load Post": manual entry documentation category. - REPLACE 1: VC Shortcode "Knowledgebase", "KnowledgeBase - Category Landing Style": select knowledge base category from the available list. - REPLACE 2: VC Shortcode "Documentation - Tree View Ajax Load Post": select documentation category from the available list. - ENHANCE 1: Theme "Manual Option" panel. - ENHANCE 2: Theme "Manual" dashboard. - ENHANCE 3: VC Shortcode: "KnowledgeBase", "KnowledgeBase - Category Landing Style", "KnowledgeBase - Single Category Records", "Documentation - Tree View Ajax Load Post", "Inline Documentation", "FAQ - Single Category Records" and "KnowledgeBase - Tree View". - UPGRADE 1: "Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder" and "Slider Revolution" to the new available version. - COMPATIBLE 1: Making WooCommerce the latest version compatible with the theme. - ISSUE FIX 1: FORUM user alert message - appearing HTML tags. - ISSUE FIX 2: Targeted post type "Knowledgebase" live search issue. - ISSUE FIX 3: Appearing notification bar on the search page when only a single post type is active. - ISSUE FIX 4: Knowledgebase Category Page "Category Records Display Order" issue. - ISSUE FIX 5: Admin section; post type Knowledgebase "preview" and "draft" issue. - ISSUE FIX 6: Admin section; post type Knowledgebase, displaying all other post type records inside Knowledgebase issue. - ISSUE FIX 7: other known bug fixed.
Version 5.7 - 21st January 2020 - FEATURE ADD 1: Knowledgebase Tag Search - FEATURE ADD 2: Search page on|off the sidebar - CHANGE 1: Live search query. - ENHANCE 1: Theme admin dashboard (flexible and clean design) - UPGRADE 1: Manual Framework plugin. - ISSUE FIX 1: Records having HTML Entity on the search page. - ISSUE FIX 2: Tag box not appearing when Gutenberg Editor activates for the post type knowledgebase.
Version 5.6.1 - 3rd January 2020 - IMPROVE 1: 2x Faster Demo Import Speed
Version 5.6 - 2nd January 2020 - IMPROVE 1: Demo Import Speed - UPGRADE 1: Upgrade plugin "Manual Framework" and "Visual Composer" to the latest version. - ISSUE FIX 1: Some known issues.
Version 5.5 - 22nd NOV 2019 - FEATURE ADD 1: Shortcode Inline Documentation - FEATURE ADD 2: On|Off KB sub-category description - ISSUE FIX 4: Some known issues.
Version 5.4.8 - 3rd NOV 2019 - FEATURE ADD 1: Added new social icon WhatsApp @footer - ISSUE FIX 1: Fix RTL design issue. - ISSUE FIX 2: Fix email social share link (included share link inside mail body) - ISSUE FIX 3: Checked manual theme using the latest PHP version. - ISSUE FIX 4: Fix some known issues.
Version 5.4.7 - 24th OCT 2019, 31 October 2019 - ENHANCE 1: Demos design - ISSUE FIX 1: Fix RTL design issue. - ISSUE FIX 2: Some Known issue.
Version 5.4.6 - 16th OCT 2019 - FEATURE ADD 1: New design options added to shortcode "knowledgebase" i.e provided more design options. - FEATURE ADD 2: New KB landing page. - UPGRADE 1: Revolution Slider to the new version. - ISSUE FIX 1: Fix RTL design issue.
Version 5.4.5 - 29th SEP 2019 - ISSUE FIX 1: RTL design layout issue. - ISSUE FIX 2: Widget knowledgebase articles - RTL mode fix
Version 5.4, 5.4.1, 5.4.2 - 27th SEP 2019 - ISSUE FIX 1: RTL design layout issue. - ENHANCED 1: Documentation non ajax load tree view load structure.
Version 5.3.1 - 18th SEP 2019 - ISSUE FIX 1: Gutenberg Editor issue, both knowledge base, and documentation. - UPGRADE: Slider Revolution to the latest version.
Version 5.3 - 16th SEP 2019 - FEATURE ADD 1: Enable|Disable auto-scroll web page to the documentation title - ISSUE FIX 1: Footer design issue - UPGRADE: RTL design
Version 5.2 - 14th SEP 2019 - FEATURE ADD 1: Knowledgebase: On|Off Gutenberg editor. - FEATURE ADD 2: Documentation: On|Off Gutenberg editor. - UPGRADE: upgrade plugin "Slider Revolution" to the latest version. - ISSUE FIX 1: Footer design issue
Version 5.1 - 1st SEP 2019 - FEATURE ADD 1: Knowledgebase : show/hide category description. - ISSUE FIX 1: Footer design issue
Version 5.0 - 29th August 2019 - FEATURE ADD 1: Site color options (website, standard a tag color, custom color, button color and more) - FEATURE ADD 2: Theme widgets title tag (h4,h5,h6) switch option - FEATURE ADD 3: Custom header - Knowledgebase (category, single) page (global effect) - FEATURE ADD 4: Custom header - documentation page - FEATURE ADD 5: Custom header - FAQ page - FEATURE ADD 6: Custom header - 404 page - FEATURE ADD 7: Custom header - single blog post page - FEATURE ADD 8: Knowledgebase - single page title tag (h1, h2) switch option (SEO) - FEATURE ADD 9: Documentation - single page title tag (h1, h2) switch option (SEO) - FEATURE ADD 10: Documentation Ajax load page on|off feature added. - FEATURE ADD 11: New Documentation Landing page using shortcode visual composer - FEATURE ADD 12: FAQ custom slug and breadcrumb name options - FEATURE ADD 13: Blog - Custom Breadcrumb Name feature - FEATURE ADD 14: Blog - Remove Breadcrumb Name feature - ENHANCED 1: site overall design. - ENHANCED 2: live search box. - ENHANCED 3: Documentation section. - ENHANCED 4: knowledgebase section. - ENHANCED 5: FAQ section. - ENHANCED 6: WooCommerce section. - ENHANCED 7: 404-page section. - ENHANCED 8: Footer section. - ENHANCED 9: admin "Manual Theme" options - ISSUE FIX 1: Known issue.
Version 4.2 - 29th March 2019 - FEATURE ADD 1: Highlight the Search Terms. - FEATURE ADD 2: Display search bar on the blog article post (on|off feature available) - FEATURE ADD 3: Remove shortcodes via search results. - ENHANCED 1: Theme CSS - ISSUE FIX 1: Knowledgebase Pagination issue.
Version 4.1 - 17th March 2019 - ISSUE FIX 1: PHP Fatal error generated for KB.
Version 4.0 - 17th March 2019 - FEATURE ADD 1: KnowledgeBase Fix layout style. - FEATURE ADD 2: KnowledgeBase Tree view style. - UPGRADE 1: Footer layouts - UPGRADE 2: upgrade plugin "Slider Revolution" and "Visual Composer" to the latest version. - ISSUE FIX 1: Some Known issues.
Version 3.9.2 - 6th January 2019 - UPGRADE 1: upgrade plugin "Slider Revolution" and "Visual Composer" to the latest version. - ISSUE FIX 1: Some Known issues.
Version 3.9.1 - 14th December 2018 - BUNDLED 1: Bundled plugin "WPCustom Category Image" because plugin removed from codex - ISSUE FIX 1: Some Known issues.
Version 3.9 - 4th November 2018 - FEATURE ADD 1: Added Logo adjustment option for the responsive layout. - UPGRADE 1: Upgrade plugin "Visual Composer" to the latest version 5.5.5. - ISSUE FIX 1: Some Known issues.
Version 3.8 - 1st October 18 - FEATURE ADD 1: More customize controls for header menu & header. - ISSUE FIX 1: Some Known issues.
Version 3.7 - 20 September 2018 - COMPATIBLE: Making theme compatible with the latest add on plugins like woo, bbPress, and more. - UPGRADE 1: upgrade plugin "manual framework" - UPGRADE 2: upgrade plugin "Slider Revolution" and "Visual Composer" to the latest version. - ISSUE FIX 1: Some Known issues.
Version 3.6 - 1 June 2018 - COMPATIBLE: Making theme compatible with the latest add on plugins like woo, bbPress, and more. - UPGRADE 1: upgrade plugin "manual framework" - UPGRADE 2: upgrade plugin "Slider Revolution" and "Visual Composer" to the latest version. - ISSUE FIX 1: Other small issues.
Version 3.5 - 23 Jan 2018 - FEATURE ADD 1: More customize controls for header menu & header. - FEATURE ADD 2: More VC short-codes. - ENHANCED 1: Menu Section - UPGRADE 1: Jquery parallax - ISSUE FIX 1: KB sidebar related articles, category link issue. - ISSUE FIX 2: Redux Framework slider option issue. - ISSUE FIX 3: Other small issues.
Version 3.3 - 8 Dec 2017 - FEATURE ADD 1: ON|OFF author name from the knowledge-base category article title. - UPGRADE 1: 'WPBakery Page Builder' to the new version 5.4.5. - UPGRADE 2: 'Slider Revolution' to the new version
Version 3.2 - 28 Nov 2017 - FIX Bug 1: Hash Search for faq and documentation. - FIX Bug 2: Global navigation text color not changing issue.
Version 3.1 - 9 Nov 2017 - FEATURE ADD 1: Disable/Enable Live Search Post Navigation/Breadcrumb (Live search will display post Navigation for Post, FAQ, Documenation & Knowledge Base), please go to "Manual Options > Search > Live Search" to enable/disable this feature. - FEATURE ADD 2: Ability to change "Show All Results" & "No Results" text using "Manual Options", please go to "Manual Options > Search > Live Search" to change text. - ENHANCED 1: Nagigation bar. - FIX Bug 1: Live search issue when switch site language. - FIX Bug 2: Other small bug.
Version 3.0 - 5 Nov 2017 - FEATURE ADD 1: Navigation menu customization (ability to customize primary menu from font family to colors) - FEATURE ADD 2: Ability to customized site default header layout (Navigation Style, Customize Header Background, Customize Header Title, Customize Header Sub Title, Customize Breadcrumb Link, Customize Trending Search) - FEATURE ADD 3: Ability to customize search page header. - FEATURE ADD 4: Ability to change site TYPOGRAPHY. (body, h1 to h6) - FEATURE ADD 5: Added more customized options for the page. - FEATURE ADD 6: Added more customized options for the portfolio page. - FEATURE ADD 7: Ability to use "VC page builder" while creating a portfolio page. - FEATURE ADD 8: enhanced search engine i.e display records to only specific users based on the access level. - FEATURE ADD 9: the ability to add a short post description before the title on the search page. - FEATURE ADD 10: the ability to target search from display to specific post type. - FEATURE ADD 11: Knowledgebase - Ability to password protect category and define user level. - FEATURE ADD 12: Knowledgebase - Ability to Provide article Feedback, when user click on Thumbs Down icon (click on dislike post). - FEATURE ADD 13: Knowledgebase - Apply Category Header Image To all Respective KB single post - FEATURE ADD 14: Knowledgebase - The ability to move knowledgebase sidebar from left to right and vice versa for the single page. - FEATURE ADD 15: FAQ - Ability to password protect category and define user level. - FEATURE ADD 16: FAQ - Ability to add FAQ category header image. - FEATURE ADD 17: Option to Replace responsive "Bar Icon" (hamburger menu) with something text like.. "Menu". - ENHANCED 1: blog section. - ENHANCED 2: portfolio section. - ENHANCED 3: page section. - ENHANCED 4: site layout. - ENHANCED 5: Documentation section. - ENHANCED 6: shortcode Icon with text - ENHANCED 7: 404 page. - ENHANCED 8: Home Help Block - ENHANCED 9: Home Org Block. - FIX ISSUE 1: Responsiveness for large screen issues. - ORGANIZED: coding (all codes are assigned to class and functions). - UPGRADE: All old codes.
Version 2.5 - 26 April 2017 - FEATURE ADD 1: One Click Demo Install - FEATURE ADD 2: RTL support (rtl.css file included inside the theme) - FEATURE ADD 3: Documentation single article user access level i.e access by login users or only via selected user level - FEATURE ADD 4: Like/Dislike text, user access level messages, and others can be controlled via manual options. - FEATURE ADD 5: Knowledge-base single article user access level i.e access by login users or only via selected user level - FEATURE ADD 6: Add Troubleshoot feature to fix 'Busted!' message when trying to access to a specific documentation entry, and see the text message "Busted!" - FEATURE ADD 7: Show the custom post type icon in the search result - FEATURE ADD 8: Filter documentation by category in backed - FEATURE ADD 9: Option to disable author name & post publish date under the documentation post title - FEATURE ADD 10: Option to disable author name, post publish date & change author name under Knowledge Base post title - FEATURE ADD 11: Option to disable author name and publish date under search page. - FEATURE ADD 12: Custom search result page i.e header control; custom background image, title, and sub-title. - FEATURE ADD 13: Ability to add custom search button text - FEATURE ADD 14: Change the sidebar position in documentation categories. - FEATURE ADD 15: Ability to change text 'view all' for the knowledge-base. - UPGRADE 1: Theme design layouts - FIX issue 1: Make Theme compatible with the latest WooCommerce version 3.0.1 - FIX issue 2: Portfolio page :: Hide live search bar if select ‘Disable Header Text’ - FIX issue 3: knowledge-base category page - design bug when there is only one subcategory - FIX issue 4: display footer images in some posts, while running default WordPress search.
Version 2.0 - 21 November 2016 - FEATURE ADD 1: Hamburger Menu - Feature ADD 2: Option to display Search Form on the header menu. - Feature add 3: Option to display simple modern search or manual standard search on the header navbar. - Feature ADD 4: Option to target display (both Hamburger menu & Search Form) on the header navbar. - Feature add 5: Option to enable/disable header box that appears right after logo and menu bar. - Feature add 6: Option to enable/disable blog single post sidebar. - Feature add 7: Option to enable/disable breadcrumb from the single KB page. - Feature add 8: VC SHORTCODE 1 "FAQ Category (widget)". - Feature add 9: VC SHORTCODE 2 "FAQ Single Category Records" - FIX 1: KB TAG issue. - UPGRADE 1: Visual Composer Version 5.0 - UPGRADE 2: Manual Theme Version 2.0
Version 1.8.1 - 14 November 2016 - FEATURE ADD 1: Display ONLY root categories OR root + child categories for the knowledge base main page. - FEATURE ADD 2: PORTFOLIO - Added custom redirect link to the portfolio detail page. - FEATURE ADD 3: KNOWLEDGE-BASE - Display category articles on the KB single post sidebar. - FEATURE ADD 4: Display custom number of posts under categories for the knowledge base home pages (template page) & short-codes. - FEATURE ADD 5: Link BOTH Icon and text using the "Icon with Text" short-code in VC. - FIX 1: Logo resizes the issue. - UPDATE 1: Manual Theme Version 1.8.1
Version 1.8 - 25 October 2016 - REVAMP 1: Forum design layout - THEME SUPPORT 1: WooCommerce. - FEATURE ADD 1: ON|OFF social share for the blog post. - FEATURE ADD 2: knowledge-base allow voting for normal users OR for only login users. - FEATURE ADD 3: Documentation allows voting for normal users OR for only login users. - FEATURE ADD 4: like/dislike/impression reset feature. - FIX 1: Search Issue. - UPDATE 1: Manual Theme Version 1.8
Version 1.7.1 - 27 September 2016 - FIX 1: "Target Post Type Search -> Default Live/Normal Target Search" issue. - UPDATE 1: Manual Theme Version 1.7.1
Version 1.7 - 22 September 2016 - FEATURE ADD 1: Visual Composer New Version - FEATURE ADD 2: Target Search Drop-down text change facility. - FEATURE ADD 3: Display custom name/title for the attached files. - FEATURE ADD 4: Option to appear blog title on the single page head section. - FEATURE ADD 5: Custom breadcrumb home page URL for the Documentation. - FEATURE ADD 6: Custom breadcrumb home page URL for the Knowledge Base. - FEATURE ADD 7: Capability to run any JavaScript necessary when the page is load via ajax for the documentation post. - FEATURE ADD 8: Display all child category posts in parent category ON|OFF feature. - FEATURE ADD 9: Option to activate visual composer inside documentation page ON|OFF feature. - FEATURE ADD 10: Show hides header logo ON|OFF feature. - UPGRADE 1: Redux Framework v3.6.1.3 - ENHANCE 1: Targeted search - FIX 1: Drop-down menu issue. - FIX 2: Fix live search overlap results by increasing CSS z-index value. - FIX 3: Targeted post type search. - UPDATE 1: Manual Theme Version 1.7
Version 1.6.2 - 27 August 2016 - FEATURE ADD 1: ON|OFF Feature, disable Search from the Knowledge Base category page (Manual Options) - FEATURE ADD 1: ON|OFF Feature, disable Breadcrumb from the Knowledge Base category page (Manual Options) - FEATURE ADD 1: ON|OFF Feature, disable quick stats from the Knowledge Base category page (Manual Options) - FIX 1: Live search issue on the documentation page after hash search active. - UPDATE 1: Manual Theme Version 1.6.2
Version 1.6.1 - 25 August 2016 - FIX 1: Header parallax image issue when live search disable. - UPDATE 1: Manual Theme Version 1.6.1
Version 1.6 - 21 August 2016 - FEATURE ADD 1: Social share icon linked In (Manual Options) - FEATURE ADD 2: Social share Disable/Sort-able feature (Manual Options). - FEATURE ADD 3: Custom Tag Slug Name for the knowledgeBase. - FEATURE ADD 4: Customize the 404 page. - FEATURE ADD 5: Customize go up Icon. - FEATURE ADD 6: Ability to add background image for the footer notification bar. - FEATURE ADD 7: Total customization:: documentation header layout for the category. - FEATURE ADD 8: Enable/Disable search icon Bounce-In Animation - FEATURE ADD 9: Enable/Disable social share inside FAQ blocks - FEATURE ADD 10: Related post for the documentation article. - FEATURE ADD 11: Option to change post display by name for the documentation. - FEATURE ADD 12: New Portfolio Template. - ENHANCE 1: Portfolio "Deactivate Next/Previous Link" from Theme Options. - ENHANCE 2: Portfolio page feature "Activate Social Share". - ENHANCE 3: JQuery supporting scripts. - ENHANCE 4: VC short-code Portfolio List. - FIX 1: Portfolio page feature "Disable Portfolio:: Description and Link" not working issue. - FIX 2: Search "Flip Search Placeholder Text" issue. - FIX 3: Social share hover border color not changing issue. - UPDATE 1: Manual Theme Version 1.6 - UPDATE 2: Manual Framework Version 1.4
Version 1.5 - 21 July 2016 - FEATURE ADD 1: Single Documentation Pages callable by link. - FEATURE ADD 2: SHORTCODE:: FAQ font size and color editing. - FEATURE ADD 3: ON/OFF feature to enable/disable search box at the top from individual entries of the Knowledge Base. - FEATURE ADD 4: ON/OFF feature, removing Sidebar from the FAQ Page. - FEATURE ADD 5: ON/OFF feature, enable/disable "previous/next" area at the bottom of the portfolio single page - FEATURE ADD 6: ON/OFF feature, to enable/disable search box from the documentation category page. - FEATURE ADD 7: Manual Framework:: Language compatible WPML - FEATURE ADD 8: Manual Framework:: Added Feature Image. - FEATURE ADD 9: Manual Framework:: Added Tag Support. - FEATURE ADD 10: ADD WIDGET:: Display custom knowledgebase category widget. - FEATURE ADD 11: Full Footer Layout Customization. - FIX 1: FAQ permalink generating the blank page. - UPDATE 1: Manual Theme Version 1.5 - UPDATE 2: Manual Framework Version 1.3.8
Version - 17 June 2016 - FEATURE ADD 1: Manual Option .xml language file (WPML compatible) - FIX 1: knowledge-base post disappear on switch language. - FIX 2: Issue generated for the publish post (faq/knowledge-base/documentation) that has no category assign. - UPDATE 1: Manual Theme Version
Version 1.4.8 - 7 June 2016 - FEATURE ADD 1: Documentation Access By Role. - FEATURE ADD 2: Documentation Menu Scroller (on/off feature) - FEATURE ADD 3: Custom Group Knowledgebase VC Shortcode. - FEATURE ADD 4: Group - Tab KnowledgeBase (NEW HOME PAGE LAYOUT) - FIX 1: Fix other known issues. - UPDATE 1: Manual Theme Version 1.4.8
Version 1.4.7 - 12 May 2016 - FEATURE ADD 1: Trending new home page layout for knowledge-base. - FEATURE ADD 2: Readjust logo height, top margin feature added. - FEATURE ADD 3: ON/OFF sidebar from the knowledge-base single pages - FEATURE ADD 4: ON/OFF knowledge-base post modified date - FEATURE ADD 5: ON/OFF documentation post modified date - FEATURE ADD 6: ON/OFF documentation page redirects on search results. - FEATURE ADD 7: ON/OFF quick status under the knowledge-base post title. - FEATURE ADD 8: Shorting feature for FAQ - FEATURE ADD 9: WPML Compatible - FIX 1: Parallax issue when switching the header menu to white background. - FIX 2: Fix other known issues. - UPDATE 1: Manual Theme Version 1.4.7
Version - 24 April 2016 - FIX 1: Fixed outline issue by the reviewer. - UPDATE 1: New version of visual composer added, also users are provided instruction to update VC to the newer version - UPDATE 2: Theme version
Version - 23 April 2016 - Added: New VC version added. - Upgrade: Manual Theme Version
Version 1.4.6 - 7 April 2016 - Fix: Logo display issue. - Upgrade: Manual Theme Version 1.4.6
Version 1.4.5 - 6 April 2016 - Feature Add 1: New home page layout. - Feature Add 2: New Shortcode "Monitor Frame Portfolio" for page builder (visual composer) - Feature Add 3: Make documentation public or make it available only for the login users - Feature Add 4: Make attached files for the knowledgebase or documentation public or make it available only for the login users - Enhance 1: Post type target search system. - Upgrade 2: Manual Theme Version 1.4.5
Version 1.4.2 - 15 March 2016 - Feature Add 1: Global target post type search - Feature Add 2: on/off global target post type search - Feature Add 3: on/off-target search for the form section. - Missing Add 1: Added missing section for the global color change - Upgrade 1: NEW VERSION Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress - Upgrade 2: Manual Theme Version 1.4.2
Version 1.4.1 - 5 March 2016 - Fix the Responsive layout issue in some sections. - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version 1.4.1
Version 1.4 - 4 March 2016 - Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress - Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin - Feature Add 1: 7 new home page layouts - Feature Add 2: 3 new inner page layouts - Feature Add 3: Header menu area support:: with OR without background - Feature Add 4: Header background area totally customizable. - Feature Add 5: Related post for knowledgebase. - Feature Add 6: Knowledgebase widget available: Latest article, Top-rated article, Most view article, and most commented article. - Feature Add 7: Attachment feature for both knowledgebase and Documentation. - Feature Add 8: Shortcodes available for the page builder. - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version 1.4
Version - 29 January 2016 - Feature Add 1: Documentation category records display order - Feature Add 2: Documentation category records display order by - Feature Add 3: Activate Order Attribute for knowledgebase. - Feature Add 4: Hover Icon Color change feature. - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version
Version - 27 January 2016 - Feature Add 1: Documentation disable/enable Quick Stats - Feature Add 2: Documentation disable/enable Social Share - Feature Add 3: Documentation disable/enable Voting Buttons - Enhance 1: Blog Category section - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version
Version - 21 January 2016 - Feature Add 1: Global color change for link and bottom. - Feature Add 2: Display the header image for the single post (more styles available). - Enhance 1: Enhance the knowledgebase section. - Fix 1: FAQ design issue. - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version
Version 1.3.10 - 11 January 2016 - Feature Add 1: Redirect FAQ single page to the specific category page on search - Fix: Portfolio Issue - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version 1.3.10
Version - 5 January 2016 - Feature Add 1: Enable/Disable search form on the portfolio template pages - Enhance 1: Trending Search - Enhance 2: Normal search - Fix: Portfolio Issue - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version
Version - 4 January 2016 - Feature Add 1: Trending search - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version
Version 1.3.9 - 2 January 2016 - Feature Add 1: Global Search - Feature Add 2: Redirect single documentation page to the specific documentation category page - Enhancement 1: Forum search enhance - Fix 1: Forum index page issue - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version 1.3.9
Version - 30 December 2015 - Compatible 1: Making theme compatible with WP plugin "wpStickies" - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version
Version - 28 December 2015 - Feature Add 1: Ability to change Documentation Single Post (Slug Name) - Feature Add 2: Ability to change Documentation Category (Slug Name) - Feature Add 3: Ability to change Documentation Breadcrumb Name - Enhancement 1: Documentation right menu section. - Fix 1: Changed depreciated WordPress hook/function - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version - Upgrade 1: Manual Framework Version 1.3.5
Version 1.3.8 - 24 December 2015 - Feature Add 1: Nested show hide menu for the documentation. - Enhancement 1: Documentation pages. - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version 1.3.8
Version - 21 December 2015 - Remove 1: Remove ajax js (manual/js/ajax.js) link. - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version
Version 1.3.7 - 21 December 2015 - Feature Add 1: Next level Knowledge-base record shorting. - Feature Add 2: Edit link on each post when user login for Knowledge-base, faq, and documentation - Feature Add 3: Ability to add a header background for the home blog. - Feature Add 4: Turn ON/OFF search form on the home page. - Issue Fix 1: Display more than 5 child posts under documentation. - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version 1.3.7
Version - 15 December 2015 - Feature Add 1: Ability to display Favicon via theme option panel - Feature Add 2: Ability to add Tracking Code via theme options panel before close the head or body tag. - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version
Version - 11 December 2015 - Fix 1: Documentation Shorting issue. - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version
Version - 8 December 2015 - Fix 1: FAQ page issue. - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version
Version 1.3.5 - 5 December 2015 - Feature Add 1: Ajax Search - Fix 1: General bug - Enhancement 1: Forum home page - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version 1.3.5
Version 1.3.1 - 4 December 2015 - Feature Add 1: Documentation order & order by system - Fix 1: General bug - Upgrade 1: Manual Theme Version 1.3.1
Version 1.3 - 1 December 2015 - Feature Add 1: Portfolio FitRows 4 column - Feature Add 2: Portfolio FitRows 3 column - Feature Add 3: Portfolio FitRows 2 column - Feature Add 4: Portfolio Masonry 4 column - Feature Add 5: Portfolio Masonry 3 column - Feature Add 6: Portfolio Masonry 2 column - Feature Add 7: Portfolio single page 4+ style - Feature Add 8: Ability to add any page as the home page - Fix 1: General bug - Upgrade 1: Manual Framework Version 1.3 - Upgrade 2: Manual Theme Version 1.3
Version 1.2 - 19 November 2015 - Feature Add 1: Ability to change Knowledge Base Category (Slug Name) - Feature Add 2: Ability to change Knowledge Base Breadcrumb Name - Feature Add 3: Choose Knowledgebase category display order as ASC or DESC - Feature Add 4: Ability to add header background image in the single post for the knowledge base. - Enhancement 1: Theme CSS - Upgrade 1: Manual Framework Version 1.2 - Upgrade 2: Manual Theme Version 1.2
Version 1.1.1 - 17 November 2015 - Enhance: Responsive layout for the "help desk" section.
Version 1.1 - 17 November 2015 - Feature Add 1: Select the minimum number of help boxes to appear. - Feature Add 2: Custom URL slug for the knowledge base. - Feature Add 3: Enable/Disable comments for the knowledge base. - Feature Add 4: Elegant font support. - Fixed Bug 1: Home help desk section issue. - Fixed Bug 2: Other bug fixes. - Upgrade 1: Theme manual version 1.1 - Upgrade 2: Manual Framework version 1.1
1.0 - First Release

Version: 7.5.3
Envato version: 7.5.4Updated
Software Version
Gutenberg Optimized
High Resolution
Widget Ready
Demo Content Included