Maktub - Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress
Clean, Fast, Minimalist and lightweight. Maktub is a super modern Blog created by EstudioPatagon highly focused on Speed and Typography. This text-centric theme includes one unique mode “text-mode” which can dramatically increase the rendering time of your website, also this theme fits perfectly any kind of blog specially personal, travel, technology, or biography blogs. It is super light (just 1 required plugin for all features). This fast theme was made with multiple techniques to achieve excellent Scores on Google Insights, also we keep in mind the code quality and SEO. It is easy to use and customize. Includes 11 customs widgets and a powerful Theme Options Panel to make easier the administration.
Maktub is fully compatible with AMP in Transitional Mode (home, archives, author and single post pages) and it is multilanguage, includes: English, Spanish, French and Turkish. and you can easily translate the theme into any language you want.
For more lightweight & fast themes, visit us on
Important: This Theme is capable to get high scores on Google Insights (up to 100%) for Desktop Check the factors that could affect the speed here.
Check the Speed reports and tests:
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We offer direct help via our support system, just submit a ticket if you have any question.
What our customers says:
Main Features:
General Features
- Super Light and Modern design.
- Highly optimized and lightweight (just 1MB size).
- AMP Support (Transitional Mode) Check AMP Home and AMP Single Post.
- Woocommerce 8.0+ Compatible check here.
- Using a shared hosting? Maktub has a very low INODES usage.
- PHP 8 ready (faster rendering time).
- Constantly updated.
- Translation ready (English, Spanish, French, Turkish included).
- Minified and Optimized code.
- Open Graph Support.
- Built with SCSS and pre-compiled with Prepos 7 (Windows and Mac compatible).
- Dedicated advertising section (below header, before and after post content, custom advertise to place anywhere).
- Advertising section between grid posts, check demo here
- Sticky sidebar for Posts
- Lazy Load for Lists (home pages, archives, categories, etc).
- Lazy Load for post content.
- Lazy Load for embed (iframes like Youtube/Vimeo/Soundcloud).
- New: Breadcrumbs compatible with Yoast SEO, NavXT and Rank Math plugins.
- HTML5 & CSS3 ready.
- 4 Single post dispositions (with 2 variations)
- No Sidebar Style for Post and Pages see here.
- Custom Tag page, see here.
- Custom Author page, see here.
- Custom 404 Page see here.
- About me Widget.
- Custom Tag Cloud Widget.
- Custom Galleries.
- Advertising sections.
- Disqus and Facebook support.
- Fully responsive.
- Video Support (Vimeo, Youtube, etc).
- Retina Display Ready.
- Font Awesome icons.
- Works on Android, Ipad and Iphone.
- Documentation included.
- Clean Design.
- Well Coded.
- Navigation Menu.
v2.0.0 - 18 November 2023 (big update) ------------------------ Summary: Multiple Features and Woocommerce Compatibility. - Fixed: PHP warning if migrating from other EP theme. - Fixed: Telegram always visible on social widget area. - Fixed: Post format Gallery not displayed properly on AMP mode. - Fixed: MutationObserver warning from Google Insights. - Fixed: CLS warning from Google Insights. - Improved: Multiple Accesibility and Best practices from Google Insights tests. - Improved: Layout width for no sidebar post/pages. - Improved: Minor adjustments to EstudioPatagon dashboard. - Improved: Twitter icon to "X" version. - Added: NEW! WooCommerce compatibility up to 8.2.2 - Added: NEW! Breadcrumb compatibility with Yoast, NavxT and RankMath plugins. - Added: Option to remove headings from excerpts. - Added: Compatibility up to PHP 8.2.4 - Added: Compatibility up to WP 6.4 v1.4.0 - 02 January 2023 ------------------------ - Fixed: Views counter not working on AMP posts with certain server configurations. - Fixed: Notification bubble do not disappear when "Our themes" section is visited on wp-admin. - Fixed: Incorrect excerpt unit on Theme Options max excerpt length. - Fixed: Twitch social profile do not appear on header and subscription form. - Added: *Unlimited Social Profiles, there is a new option on Theme Options -> Social Profiles to upload custom icons. - Added: Last Updated/Modified Date to Single posts, this new option is located on Theme options -> blog -> single post. - Added: Autoplay option to Slider Module. - Added: Order by Post Views option on Post with thumbnails Widget. - Added: New Tagline option for Classic header on Theme options -> header. v1.3.0 - 01 September 2022 ------------------------ - Fixed: Related Articles not displaying image with some specific option combination on AMP articles. - Fixed: Custom scripts on head rendered on AMP pages (by default AMP will use a different custom script field). - Fixed: Lightbox 403 forbidden error on very specific server configurations (Nginx + htaccess combination). - Fixed: Disable global featured image was affecting widgets and related articles in Single post layout. - Fixed: Category carousel do not appear if all posts were created before Maktub installation. - Fixed: Incorrect amount of views on articles that were created before Maktub installation. - Fixed: Main Dropcap not using custom title font family. - Fixed: Custom Gutenberg admin Styles not working from Theme options -> adv settings. - Improved: Admin Welcome page. - Improved: Some Theme Options names. - Improved: Removed sidebar on AMP articles, this will reduce CSS usage and is not needed for mobile users. - Improved: Removed Footer widgets on AMP articles, this will reduce CSS usage. - Added: New section with related themes on EstudioPatagon -> Our themes. - Added: New section to customize website max-width on Theme options -> Styling -> Content width. - Added: New option to disable Preloader/Loading status on Theme options -> header. - Added: New option to modify DropCap vertical alignment on Theme options -> Text Mode. - Added: New option to enable footer widgets on Theme options -> AMP. v1.2.0 - 22 July 2022 ------------------------ - Fixed: Shortcodes not working on Footer Copyright section. - Fixed: Back to top button not working properly when Sticky header is disabled. - Fixed: AMP Validation error. - Fixed: Incorrect Avatar on About me Widget (when using multiple authors per website). - Fixed: Share Post on Linkedin always display homepage instead of Post url. - Fixed: Javascript error when Theme Optimization is "OFF". - Improved: (Important change) now for customers who are installing the theme in a blog with existing articles, the default layout will be "small image" on post lists instead of "text only". - Improved: Now views counter uses ajax, this will improve the counting for heavy cache plugins. - Improved: Now Back to top button will appear on mobile/tablet devices. - Improved: Text dropcap with complex languages: Chinese, Japanese, etc. - Improved: Minor change to the main Dropcap animation. - Improved: Sticky posts will no longer appear on widgets, this will prevent incorrect amount of posts. - Added: HTML 5 validation for email field on comments section. - Added: New field custom script on , on Theme options -> adv settings. - Added: New option to change main boxes bg color, on Theme options -> styling -> content. - Added: New option to disable boxed layout for mobile devices, on Theme options -> blog -> layouts. v1.1.0 - 03 July 2022 ------------------------ - Fixed: Lightbox for Images not grouping properly in WP 5.8 - 6.x. - Fixed: Incorrect alignment for Category carousel on Mobile devices. - Improved: Recommended image size texts for multiples modules and sections of the theme. - Improved: Increased image quality for Category Carousel. - Improved: Prism language and copy button design. - Improved: How global text mode is applied, now carousel and slider modules will apply directly the text mode from there. - Improved: Now Posts Slider module can be used with mixed content (With/Without images). - Added: Compatibility for more image extensions on our theme Lightbox (Gallery): Webp and JPEG. - Added: Now Prism Syntax Highlighter works with WP Code block. - Added: New option "offset" for articles modules (grid, sidebar and classic). - Added: New global option "Loop Post Style" on Theme options -> blog -> classic & grid posts. - Added: New global option "Author Avatar mode" on Theme options -> Text mode. v1.0.0 - 29 June 2022 ------------------------ - Initial release.
Spanish Language By: Estudio Patagon
- Josefin Sans –
- Source Serif Pro –
Fonts icons by: Remix Icon and Fonts Awesome