Kreativa | Photography Theme for WordPress

High ResolutionWidget Ready
The most recent version of this theme (v7.4) was uploaded to our platform on .


Kreativa Photography theme is a feature rich theme for professional photographers. It includes proofing, events, fullscreens, portfolios and galleries for photographers to create a unique website.



1 Click Demo import with all images seen in demo.

Highlights of the theme includes:

  • Events
  • Photo Proofing
  • Client Management
  • Protected galleries
  • Fullscreen galleries
  • Portfolio Galleries
  • Page Builder
  • UI element switching based on image bright/dark setting.
  • Page opacity controls with color application
  • Background Slideshows and Videos

The theme is internationalized and WPML ready for multi-lingual translation.


  • Dark theme
  • Light theme


  • Fullscreen Slideshow with / without Slideshow text and Static Text
  • Fullscreen Slideshow with Audio
  • Kenburns Slideshow with / without Audio / Static Text
  • Photo Wall
  • Youtube Videos HD
  • HTML5 Videos
  • Revolution Slider
  • Static Image
  • Swiper Slides


  • Audio
  • Video
  • Gallery ( slideshow )
  • Image
  • Aside
  • Quote
  • Link


  • 1 Column portfolio
  • 2 Column portfolio
  • 3 Column portfolio
  • 4 Column portfolio
  • Password protected portfolios


  • Staff
  • Testimonials
  • Dividers
  • Single images
  • Thumbnails with lightbox
  • Slideshow with/without lightbox / titles /
  • Columns
  • Google Maps
  • Audio Shortcodes
  • Notices
  • Lists
  • Seperator Section Headings
  • Tabs
  • Accordions
  • Toggles
  • Progress bar
  • Counters
  • Circular Counter
  • Work Type Carousels
  • Blog Slideshow
  • Portfolio Slideshow
  • Blog grids
  • Portfolio grids
  • Photocard


  • Address
  • Image Upload
  • Social icons
  • Flickr
  • Gallery
  • Related Portfolio
  • Events Lister
  • Recent posts
  • Popular posts
  • Video

Multiple Sidebars Advance Theme Options Change colors of theme using theme options 400+ Google web fonts choices Internationalized ( localize with your language .po .mo files included ) PDF Help Guide. Detailed screenshots and explanations. Step by step guide to creating the theme. XML Demo data file provided ( Ensures an easy to build site using Demo data ) PSDs included


All images seen in demo included in demo import.

Images in demo from

Isotope script

Videos by Blender Foundation ,

Version 7.6
Revolution slider update

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'


Version 7.5

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'

Version 7.4

Added Download to lightbox

Files 'js/page-elements.js'
Files 'style.css'

Version 7.3

Corrected instagram blocks

Files 'js/common.js'
Files 'js/photowall.js'
Files 'style.css'

Version 7.2

Corrected service boxes

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'

Version 7.1

Service alignment corrections

Files 'css/responsive.css'
Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'functions.php'
Files 'style.css'


Version 7.0

Corrected service timeline listing

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php' 
Files 'functions.php'
Files 'js/common.js'
Files 'style.css'


Version 6.9

Blog grid fix

Files 'js/common.js'
Files 'style.css'

Version 6.8

Corrected Wall grid portfolio linking method

Files 'style.css'

Version 6.7

Lightbox carousel autoaplay

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'

Version 6.6

Lightbox carousel fix

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'

Version 6.5

Version changed during development

Version 6.4

Fix to slideshow text in Chrome

Files 'style.css'
Files 'supersized/supersized.css'

Version 6.3

Fullscreen Swiper slide spacing correction

Files 'css/responsive.css'
Files 'style.css'

Version 6.2

WordPress 5.6 update

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'framework/options/admin/js/init.js'
Files 'js/beforeafter/jquery.event.move.js'
Files 'js/common.js'
Files 'js/hcarousel.js'
Files 'js/jquery.stellar.min.js'
Files 'js/kenburns/jquery.slideshowify.js'
Files 'js/kenburns/kenburns.init.js'
Files 'js/photowall.js'
Files 'js/supersized/supersized.3.2.7.min.js'
Files 'js/waypoints/waypoints.js'
Files 'js/waypoints/waypoints.min.js'
Files 'style.css'

'framework/plugins/[ All plugins ]

Version 6.1

Updated parallax
Added Blog parallax pagination

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'functions.php'
Files 'js/jarallax/jarallax-element.js'
Files 'style.css'

Version 6.0

WordPress 5.5 related changes

Files 'framework/admin/js/admin-common.js'
Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'framework/options/admin/js/init.js'
Files 'framework/options/admin/js/of-medialibrary-uploader.js'
Files 'functions.php'
Files 'js/common.js'
Files 'js/jquery.tubular.1.0.js'
Files 'style.css'


Version 5.8

WordPress 5.5 related changes

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'framework/options/admin/css/common-admin-style.css'
Files 'functions.php'
Files 'style.css'

Version 5.7

Fixed: Photowall

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'framework/functions/theme-functions.php'
Files 'functions.php'
Files 'js/photowall.js'
Files 'style.css'

Version 5.6

Thumbnail grid correction

Files 'js/page-elements.js'
Files 'style.css'

Version 5.5

Updated Google fonts

Files 'framework/options/google-fonts.php'
Files 'style.css'

Version 5.4

Language file update

Files 'comments.php'
Files 'languages/kreativa.pot'
Files 'style.css'

Version 5.3

Added support for new Instagram API

Files 'footer.php'
Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'framework/functions/theme-functions.php'
Files 'framework/options/options-data.php'
Files 'functions.php'
Files 'js/common.js'
Files 'js/jquery.gridrotator.js'
Files 'style.css'

Version 5.2

Pagebuilder related change

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'


Version 5.1

Demo impoter update

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'

Version 5.0

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files '/js/common.js'
Files 'style.css'


Version 4.9

Fix for multiple swiper slides

Files 'framework/options/admin/options-framework.php'
Files 'js/common.js'
Files 'style.css'

Version 4.8

Updated WooCommerce files

Files 'style.css'
Files 'woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php'

Version 4.5

Files 'js/common.js'
Files 'style.css'

Version 4.4

Upgraded Revolution slider

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'


Version 4.3

Fix: Author name to archive

Files 'style.css'
Files 'template-parts/header-title.php'

Version 4.2

Removing cart over-ride.

Files 'style.css'
removed 'woocommerce/cart/'
removed 'woocommerce/cart/cart.php'

Version 4.1

Flip cards contents

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files '/js/page-elements.js'
Files 'style-dark.css'
Files 'style.css'


Version 4.0

Flip cards contents

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'

Version 3.9

Fixed: Custom menu for homepage
Fixed: Widget notices

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'
Files 'template-parts/header-navigation.php'
Files 'template-parts/menu/mobile-menu.php'
Files 'template-parts/menu/vertical-menu.php'


Version 3.8

Fix: Notice fix for categories

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'


Version 3.7

WooCommerce file update
HTML5 video fixes

Files 'js/common.js'
Files 'style.css'
Files 'template-parts/fullscreen/fullscreenvideo-html5.php'
Files 'woocommerce/cart/cart.php'

Version 3.6

Upgraded Revolution slider

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'


Version 3.5

Files 'framework/functions/theme-functions.php'
Files 'framework/options/options-data.php'
Files 'style.css'

Version 3.4

Added Proofing selector text to theme options
Updated WooCommerce file

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'framework/options/options-data.php'
Files 'style.css'
Files 'woocommerce/content-single-product.php'


Version 3.3

Add: Password protected page style.

Files 'functions.php'
Files 'style.css'

Version 3.2

Add: WordPress filters

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'


Version 3.1

Fix: Youtube fullscreen in embed

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'functions.php'
Files 'style.css'


Version 3.0

WordPress 5.0 Compatible

Files 'functions.php'
Files 'style.css'

Version 2.9

Updated WooCommerce files

Files 'style.css'
Files 'woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php'
Files 'woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php'

Version 2.8

Updated WooCommerce files


Version 2.7

Minor fix to shortcode grids

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'


Version 2.6

Metro and Thumbnails Alt text
Photowall lightbox title and description
Vertical images title and description

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'
Files 'template-parts/fullscreen/fullscreen-photowall.php'


Version 2.5

Upgraded Revolution Slider

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'


Version 2.4

Fix: Fullscreen background color on homepage
Update: WooCommerce files

Files 'functions.php'
Files 'style.css'
Files 'woocommerce/cart/cart.php'
Files 'woocommerce/content-single-product.php'

Version 2.3

ADD: Yoast support for Pagebuilder
ADD: Additional slug rename to theme options
Fix: Minor change to Masonry thumbnails display

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'framework/options/options-data.php'
Files 'js/page-elements.js'
Files 'style.css'


Version 2.2

Fixed: Flip box target link

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'


Version 2.1

Fix: Mobile Fullscreen audio manual play
Fix: WooCommerce minor fix
Add: Proofing selection list with thumbnails and filename in wp-admin proofing post settings.

Files 'css/responsive.css'
Files 'framework/admin/css/style.css'
Files 'framework/metaboxes/proofing-metaboxes.php'
Files 'framework/metaboxgen/metaboxgen.php'
Files 'style.css'
Files 'wpml-config.xml'

Version 2.0

Maintenance Release

Files 'style.css'

Version 1.9

Service icon top style fix
WooCommerce file update

Files 'style.css'
Files 'woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php'
Files 'woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php'

Version 1.8

WooCommerce files update
Revolution Slider update



Version 1.7

Proofing Archives and Taxonomy
Theme Options controls for Proofing archives

Added /kreativa/archive-mtheme_proofing.php
Modified /kreativa/framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php
Modified /kreativa/framework/options/options-data.php
Modified /kreativa/style.css
Added /kreativa/taxonomy-proofingsection.php
Modified /kreativa/template-parts/header-title.php


Version 1.6

Fix: To tabs for PHP 7
Minor adjustments to Pagebuilder

Files 'framework/admin/css/style.css'
Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'framework/functions/theme-functions.php'
Files 'framework/options/admin/css/admin-style.css'
Files 'js/jquery.tubular.1.0.js'
Files 'js/tilt.jquery.js'
Files 'style.css'


Version 1.5

Add Events choise for "Past Event" 
Add Events pabebuilder block
Fix Thumbnails Gallery filter to display only the filtered lightboxes

Files 'framework/admin/js/postmetaboxes.js'
Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'framework/functions/theme-functions.php'
Files 'framework/metaboxes/events-metaboxes.php'
Files 'framework/metaboxes/portfolio-metaboxes.php'
Files 'framework/options/admin/js/init.js'
Files 'js/page-elements.js'
Files 'style.css'
Files 'template-parts/fullscreen/fullscreen-supersized.php'


Version 1.4

Fix: Blog small layout from pagebuilder
Fix: WooCommerce style corrections

Files 'css/responsive.css'
Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style-dark.css'
Files 'style.css'


Version 1.3

Instagram grid fix for non square images
Lightbox title on/off via theme options

Files 'css/dynamic_css.php'
Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'framework/options/options-data.php'
Files 'style.css'
Files 'template-parts/header-title.php'


Version 1.2

WooCommerce variations fix
Thumbnail galleries minor fixes
Pagebuilder minor style fixes

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'includes/background/fullscreen-slideshow.php'
Files 'style-dark.css'
Files 'style.css'
Files 'woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php'
Files 'woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php'


Version 1.1

Pagebuiler Upgrade
Portfolio permalink slug change choice
Photowall lightbox thumbnails fix

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'style.css'
Files 'template-parts/fullscreen/fullscreen-photowall.php'


Version 1.0.3
Minor transition changes in Horizontal fullscreen toggle
Fotorama thumbnails centered in Horizontal menu style

Files 'style.css'

Version 1.0.2

ADD: Horizontal Menu

Files 'css/dynamic_css.php'
Files 'css/responsive.css'
Files 'footer.php'
Files 'framework/functions/theme-functions.php'
Files 'framework/options/[all files and folders]
Files 'functions.php'
Files 'header.php'
Files 'js/common.js'
Files 'js/page-elements.js'
Files 'search.php'
Files 'style-dark.css'
Files 'style.css'
Files 'template-parts/fullscreen/fullscreen-supersized.php'
Files 'template-parts/header-navigation.php'
Files 'template-parts/header-title.php'

Version 1.0.1

Added One Click Demo Importer

Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php'
Files 'framework/options/admin/options-framework.php'
Files 'framework/options/options-data.php'
Files 'style.css'


Version 1.0 initial release