WordPress WooCommerce Pre Order Plugin
WordPress WooCommerce Pre Order Plugin
A pre-order is an order placed for an item that has not yet been released. The idea for pre-orders came when people found it hard to get popular items in stores due to their popularity.
WordPress WooCommerce Pre Order Plugin allows the customer(s) to purchase a product from the store which is currently out of stock. And a customer can even purchase products which have not arrived at the store.
The plugin is very flexible in many ways as customers can order the items with multiple stock units with partial payment as well if allowed by the admin.
Note: If a client has applied ajax to the add-to-cart functionality via any third-party plugin on the product page then it will break the plugin functionality because by default WooCommerce does not support ajax to the add-to-cart functionality on the product page, it is applicable on all archive pages like shop, cart pages.
The shipping will not be generated at the time of pre-order, else it will be generated once the product will come back in stock and the buyer places the order again.
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Why WordPress WooCommerce Pre Order Plugin?
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Features Of WordPress WooCommerce Pre Order Plugin

- This module works with all product types
- The customer can order out of stock products.
- Works with every type of products like Simple, Downloadable, Virtual, Grouped and Variable.
- The admin can set preorder status and availability date.
- The admin can set custom amount to be paid for pre ordered product.
- The admin can set the add pre-order product permission as Automatic, manual, or both
- The admin can set the email notification as automatic, manual, or both.
- Admin can add dynamic text on the pre-order button.
- Added a custom message on the pre-order product page.
- The admin can restrict any payment method for pre-order products like COD.
- By using this plugin customer can either pay the entire amount at once or can pay some of the amounts.
- Email notification to all registered customers for the new pre-order product.
- Email notification to the customers once pre-order product available in stock.
- Admin can enable/disable the pre-order reminder email to all the customers.
- The admin can enable/disable the pre-order In-Stock reminder email to all the customers.
Customer Reviews

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"Initial release v 1.0.0" "Current release v 2.3.0"
v2.3.0 Added: Dynamic text for the pre-order button Added: Custom message for pre-order product page Added: Notification Mode * Automatic - Notify customer automatically when the product is in stock * Manual - The admin will notify to customer manually * Both - Both will work. Added: Admin can decide how they can a product be added for pre-order * Manual -> Admin will add product for pre-order manually * Automatic -> Product will automatically add for pre-order Added: Admin can decide how a can product be added for pre-order. Added: Notification Status ( Admin can decide in which stock status the customer will notify automatically) Added: Admin can decide in which product stock status product will add for pre-orders Added: AddToCart button with the remaining amount on the customer order view page where the customer can add the same product into the cart instead of going to the product page and then add Added: Dynamic mail template. Added: Payment restriction feature for pre-orders.
v2.2.2 Added: Product search functionality on Add Pre-order form Added: WPML Email compatibility Added: Support&Service feature Fixed: Phpcs issues.
v 2.2.1 Fixed: fatal error and notice error.
v 2.2.0 Added: Compatibility with Woocommerce v6.3.1 Added: Pre-order list section in admin end. Added: Orders search and filter in customer Pre Order section. Added: Admin enables/disables preorder product in bulk. Fixed: Coding structure according to WordPress coding standards. Fixed: Compatible with woo-commerce 5.9.0 and WordPress 5.9.x Fixed: Time management in admin creates the preorder product.
v 2.1.5 Fixed - Admin end Navigation Menu issue. Fixed - Mini Cart Pre Order Product Price Change. Fixed - Variable Product Pre-order Timmer issue. Fixed - Admin Shipping adding issue. Fixed - Order cancellation issue. Added WooCommerce Pre Order Email Template. Added support with WooCommerce Option "Hide out of stock items from the catalogue" option enabled.
v 2.1.4 Allow Preorder product to add to the cart, while another product is already in the cart. Fixed - checkout issue for WooCommerce 4.x.x version
v 2.1.3 Fixed: Pre Order price float value issue fixed. Update : post_author check removed for adding pre-order product.
v 2.1.2 Added: Added client-side validations on add preorder product page. Added: Added Final Order button in order view page at customer end. Added: Added settings in the backend to enable/disable the emails on the performed action. Fixed: The fixed flow of the final order after the preorder. Fixed: Fixed issue of displaying add to cart button on the grouped products page in guest login. Fixed: Fixed issue of displaying a preorder button after the countdown expired on the product page.
v 2.1.1 Fixed: Fixed compatibility issues with the latest WooCommerce(3.6.0). Update : Updated pre-order product page view.
v 2.1.0 Added: Added feature to add grouped products as a preorder. Update: Updated overridden cart as new woocommerce update. Update: Overridden woocommerce session. Added : Added validations. Fixed: Fixed mail issues. Fixed : Fixed security issues.
v 2.0.2 Update : Added Translation Support.
v 2.0.1 Update : Compatible with Woocommerce 3.3.x
v 2.0.0 Update: The preorder product acts as a standalone product now. Update : Compatible with WooCommerce 3.2.x Update: Preorder products order listing on the customer end.
v 1.2.0 Fixed : Datepicker Issue resolved. Fixed: Language Translation related issue fixed.
v 1.1.0 Update : Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.x Update : Updated backend setting and cart file. Fixed : js issue fixed for variable product Fixed : Shipping calculation bug fixed
v 1.0.0 Initial release