WordPress Multisite Sync

The most recent version of this plugin (v1.1.13) was uploaded to our platform on .

Multilingual Multisite Synchronize

WordPress Multisite Sync - Online Demo WordPress Multisite Sync - Online Documentation

Wordpress Multisite Cronjobs

Keep your WordPress multisite in sync with cronjobs and this plugin. You can synchronize your post types, even WooCommerce products, to one or more sites inside your multisite network and keep them up to date.

Post type “Attachments” Syncing is currently not available!

WP Multisite Synchronize Features

  • More than 10 possible cronjobs
  • Configure each cronjob individually
  • Cronjobs run automatically
  • Choose source site and multiple destination sites
  • Choose product type and product status what you want to copy
  • Choose the data you want to copy
  • Copies feature and gallery images
  • Run cronjob manually
  • Well Documentented


  • Tested with Wordpress 3.8+


  • WordPress 3.8.1+
  • PHP 5.2+


  • WordPress Multisite


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