Woocommerce XML - CSV Feeds

The most recent version of this plugin (v1.1.14) was uploaded to our platform on .

This is a WordPress plugin to create cached and on the fly export feeds for WooCommerce products. Build your own, custom WooCommerce product feeds.

Example of XML file: https://woo3.hostin.gr/skroutz.xml

Comes with preposted skroutz.gr & Facebook Products feed.

Tested with thousands of products

Exported CSVs are compatible and can be opened with MS Excel and other spreadsheet apps


  • User friendly and self-explanatory entries management.
  • 44 available values to be used and exported
  • Supports Variations attributes
  • Supports custom product meta
  • Supports WooCommerce Brands
  • Option to exclude product(s).
  • Extensible / developer friendly. You can alter the plugin without hacking it, but via WordPress filters and actions.
  • Easily translatable via .po / .mo files.
  • Available translations: English, Greek.


1.1.15 03 Jul 2023
  • Feature: Added the option to include products by any product taxonomy term
  • Fix: The logic for products on backorder was not solid
1.1.14 6 Jan 2023
  • Feature: Added the shipping class label tag
  • Fix: On some case the product meta list needed to be json decoded
1.1.13 16 Dec 2022
  • Fix: availability message value match flexibility
1.1.12 21 Nov 2022
  • Fix: better product stock management
1.1.11 31 Mar 2022
  • Fix: in some cases variations slugs were displaying instead of labels
1.1.10 05 Mar 2022
  • Fix: some options when editing the feed settings would not save if empty
  • Fix: Removed PHP 8.0 deprecation warning
1.0.9 04 Mar 2022
  • Fix: single product overrides could be edited but not be removed
  • Fix: “one product based on the parent for variable products” now checks for stock settings
1.0.8 02/16/2022
  • Feature: added backorder custom message
1.0.7 07/30/2021
  • Feature: added the optin to add the parent product excerpt and description if the variation’s does not exists
  • Feature: The file path can now handle directories
  • Fix: Checkboxes would not save unchecked status on save
1.0.6 05/03/2021
  • Feature: WooCommerce version 5.x support
  • Feature: Added ajax XML generation
  • Feature: Added Facebook product feed XML tags
  • Feature: Added Facebook product feed XML sample entry
  • Fix: Condition to avoid various PHP notices and warnings
1.0.4 04/02/2019
  • Feature: Converted from select2 to selectWoo
  • Fix: Condition to avoid PHP warning for product brands
  • Fix: Decoding of url encoded attributes
1.0.3 06/03/2018
  • Fix: Removed WooCommerce v3.0+ deprecation warnings
1.0.2 08/09/2017
  • Feature: Added list with all scanned meta keys
  • Fix: Prevent error if brands plugin is not installed
1.0.1 05/02/2017
  • Feature: WooCommerce version 3.0.x support
  • Feature: Product taxonomies detection and tags, all product taxonomies are supported
  • Feature: Option to merge attributes
  • Feature: Include / exclude products by category
1.0.0 03/27/2017
  • Initial release