WooCommerce Quote
The most recent version of this plugin (v4.5) was uploaded to our platform on .
The WooCommerce Quote plugin seamlessly integrates into your WooCommerce system allowing your customers to add products to a quote basket and ask for price estimation.
https://www.codecanyondemo.work/wcqt/(Shop admin account)
user: demo
pass: demo
(Customer account)
user: customer
pass: customer
How to automatically update the plugin
To receive automatic updates just install and configure the Envato updater plugin: https://goo.gl/pkJS33 . The official guide that explains how to configure it can be found at the following link: https://envato.com/market-plugin .How it works
Once installed and activated, the plugin allows you to select/exclude products for which customers can ask for a quote. For those products, the plugin displays an “Add a quote” button that allows the customer to add them to the quote basket (just like they add products to the cart). Via the quote request page, the quotation can be placed by filling out a simple quote form. You can customize the experience by setting different options like:- Select which user roles can ask for a quote
- Hide quotable products for not allowed user roles
- Hide prices for quotable products
- Automatic quote approval
- Expiring date and automatic expiration time
- Email notifications
- Customize the contact form
Quote statuses and Workflow
Quotes can have the following statuses:- New quote: Once the customer submits a quote, the plugin will create an order marking it as a “New quote”.
- On hold quote: You can “pause” the quote for later processing. On hold quote won’t expire and won’t automatically be accepted (if you enable the special option).
- Accepted quote: When a quote is marked as “Accepted”, the user will be notified via an email notification (text customizable via the Emails menu). The customer can pay the order via the My Account -> Quotes -> View quote page. The accepted quote can expire according to the expiring date the admin can set automatically via the Settings menu or via the specific date he can set for the quote via the admin Quotes -> Edit quote page.
- Rejected quote: The admin can reject the quote. The user will be notified via an email notification (text customizable via the Emails menu).
- Rejected quote by the customer: Once the quote is accepted, the customer can eventually reject the quote. In this case, the admin will be notified via email (text customizable via the Emails menu).
- Expired quote: Auotomatically set if the quote passes the expiration date.
Edit the product prices and add shipping fees, extra costs or coupon codes to the quote
Before sending the quote, you can edit the product prices, add shipping fees, some extra costs and apply a discount code to the quote.Contact form
You can customize the contact form the customer has to fill out before placing the quote. You can create different field type like:- Text
- Textarea
- Date
- Time
- Select/Multiselect
- Country & State
- Acceptance
Email notifications
The plugin will notify the customer when a quote changes the status or remind a quote is expiring. You can customize the text of those emails via the Emails menu.Expire & Approval
You can set the quotes to be automatically approved (only if marked as New quote) and set an automatic expiration period (only if marked as Accepted quote). For example, you can set a quote to expire 1 day after the quote has been placed. These features consider the date the quote has been placedCustom quote message
The admin can set a custom message via the admin edit quote page that will be displayed in the frontend View quote page and the notification emails.Add to cart
You can enable the option to allow the customers to add quotable products to the cart.Template
Templates files used for email notification and for the quote area can be found in the templates folder. They can be copied into the theme folder (for example: {theme_folder}/woocommerce-quote/frontend/ or {theme_folder}/woocommerce-quote/emails) and customized.WPML
The plugin supports the WPML translation plugin. You will then be able to customize and translate texts through the special Text menu.Would you give better support for quotes?
You can use the plugin in conjunction with the WooCommerce Support Ticket System plugin. For each quote, the customer (or the admin) can open a support ticket having a chat in order to have a more detailed info exchange.Note on 3rd party plugins
Ensure you are not using any plugin that alters the price and “add to cart” button management. This might interfere with the plugin preventing it from properly hiding prices and displaying the “add to quote” buttons.SCREENSHOTS
Frontend – Shop

Frontend – Request quote page

Frontend – Quote basket menu item

Frontend – My Account Area

Admin quote edit page

Contact form edit page

Notification email

Quotes table

= 4.5 - 20.10.23 = * Fixed an issue due to fields where not sortable in the admin contact form configuration page = 4.4 - 19.10.23 = * Minor improvements = 4.3 - 10.10.23 = * Fixed an issue with themes that are not properly loading the cart-fragments.min.js library = 4.2 - 05.10.23 = * Fixed an issue related to variable products = 4.1 - 20.09.23 = * Minor bugfixes * Email templates can now have childs and saved in the {your_theme_folder}/woocommerce-quote/emails/ folder = 4.0 - 23.08.23 = * Fixed an issue related to the admin page edit page = 3.9 - 22.08.23 = * Fixed an issue caused by the DiVi theme * Improved session management = 3.8 - 16.08.23 = * Fixed an issue related to the variable products = 3.7 - 10.08.23 = * Minor improvements = 3.6 - 07.08.23 = * Fixed an issue due to contact field name where not properly displayed in some cases = 3.5 - 26.07.23 = * Minor bugfix = 3.4 - 10.06.23 = * Language update = 3.3 - 04.06.23 = * Fixed an issue on the Quote list page = 3.2 - 02.06.23 = * Added option to autofill fields with the customer billing/shipping data = 3.1 - 31.05.23 = * Fixed some issue with variation management = 3.0 - 30.05.23 = * Fixed an issue with the exclusion/inclusion option = 2.9 - 30.05.23 = * Improved variations management when enabling the "purchasable" option = 2.8 - 30.05.23 = * Improved variations management = 2.7 - 16.05.23 = * Improved session management = 2.6 - 16.05.23 = * Improved FlatSome theme compatibility = 2.5 - 15.05.23 = * Improved FlatSome theme compatibility = 2.4 - 12.05.23 = * Fixed an issue related to the data validation = 2.3 - 12.05.23 = * Fixed an issue realted to the "add to cart button" display on the product page = 2.2 - 12.05.23 = * Fixed an issue that prevented the "add to quote" text to be displayed = 2.1 - 11.05.23 = * Added option to customize the "add to quote" button text = 2.0 - 11.05.23 = * Added "new quote submission" notification for customer = 1.9 - 08.05.23 = * Added new option to add product to cart even if quotable = 1.8 - 18.04.23 = * Improved fixed an issue related to the items count = 1.7 - 13.04.23 = * Fixed an issue related to the activation process = 1.6 - 14.04.23 = * Fixed an issue due to the quantity being ignored when adding a product to the quote list = 1.5 - 14.04.23 = * Typo = 1.4 - 11.04.23 = * Fixed an issue related to the form menu = 1.3 - 05.04.23 = * Minor UI improvements = 1.2 - 04.04.23 = * Minor improvements = 1.1 - 28.03.23 = * Minor improvements = 1.0 - 28.03.23 = * First release

Version: 4.5
Envato version: 7.7Updated
Software Version
Compatible With
Files Included
Demo Content Included