WooCommerce File Approval
The most recent version of this plugin (v9.8) was uploaded to our platform on .
The WooCommerce File Approval plugin seamlessly integrates into your WooCommerce installation allowing you to share files with your customers. Files that can be approved or rejected!
https://www.codecanyondemo.work/wcfa/wp-admin(Shop admin account)
user: demo
pass: demo
(Customer account)
user: demo1
pass: demo

How to automatically update the plugin
To receive automatic updates just install and configure the Envato updater plugin: https://goo.gl/pkJS33 . The official guide that explains how to configure it can be found in the following link: https://envato.com/market-plugin .The idea
It happens that a shop manager needs to share some files with a customer after a purchase. Those files have to be approved or rejected by the customer. Eventually, the customer must have the possibility to leave a message explaining the reason for his actions. This process must go on until the file is approved by the customer!The WooCommerce File Approval is designed to satisfy this need! The shop manager now can create all the attachments he needs for an order! Each attachment will have its file and its message thread that allows communication with the customer. Each attachment has some further options like the “reply policy” (how often the user can post a message) and “file title”.
How it works: the approval workflow
The process is straightforward:- The admin, through the order details page, attaches one or more files. For each of them, a message can be left. Once saved, a notification email is sent to the user
- The user, through the order details page, can approve or reject the attachment. Optionally can leave a message. Once done, a notification is sent to the admin
- The admin can eventually re-attach a new file or simply post a message to have further info (so the process cycles again through step 1)
Message thread style
The attachment messages are displayed via a nice visual thread style!Customer attachments to replies
You can optionally enable the option to allow customer files attaching to replies. In this way, if a customer needs to send you some further info about the current file approval process, he can eventually share with you some files!Email notification
Every time the admin edits the attachments (so the user needs to re-approve/reject it) or posts a message, The customer receives an email notification. The same thing happens when the customer approves/rejects an attachment or if he posts a message. Email texts can be configured (and eventually translated via WPML) via the special Email texts menu.Reminder emails
In case an order after 24h still has some files that still have to be approved/rejected by the customer, the plugin can send a reminder notification. You can set the reminder interval (daily, twice a day, weekly, etc) and customize the email text.Automatic approval
If the customer doesn’t take an action within X hours, the plugin can automatically approve those files. A notification will be sent to the admin and the customer notifying them about the action!New content highlight
Every time the admin edits an attachment or adds a new message, those contents will be highlighted in the front in order to give better feedback to the customer. The same things happen when a customer leaves a message: on the admin order details page, the new message will be highlighted.Orders list page
Keep an eye on file approval status directly from the admin orders list page!Keep your server clean
The attached files are uploaded into the WordPress media gallery and bound to the order. Once an attachment is deleted, the associated file will be automatically deleted. If an order is deleted, all the associated files will be deleted.The Cleaner tool allows you to bulk delete attachments according to order date and status!
The plugin supports the WPML translation plugin. You will then be able to customize and translate email texts through the special menu.Large files upload
The plugin automatically configures your media gallery in order to accept large file uploads without the need for any further server configuration! Max uploadable file is computed as the max free space available in your server temp folder (in which the system temporarily stores files after an upload). So make eventually sure your system is properly configured to store files for the size you need!Large image preview
In case using large images ( > 2500px), make sure you properly configure the Settings -> Media -> Large size setting in order to accept the width and height you need.Note on custom Thank you, Order details page and email
The plugin is designed to work with the standard templates. If you have altered in any way the management of the Thank you, Order details, or Email management, this might lead the plugin to not work as expected. In case of any issues, you need then to restore the originals.Template
Approval area templates can be found inside the template folder inside the plugin. They can be copied into the {theme_folder}/woocommerce-file-approval/approval_area/ folder and customized without worrying to restore the customization when updating the plugin!Custom actions
via the add_action(‘wcfa_display_approval_area’, ‘your_function_name’, 10, 1); (it takes $order object as parameter) you can custom display the approval area in your custom templates!SCREENSHOTS
Admin order page

Frontend – Order details page

After approval

PDF file preview

Admin orders list page

Notification email

= 9.8 - 21.11.23 = * Improved HPOS compability = 9.7 - 01.11.23 = * Minor bugfixes = 9.6 - 31.10.23 = * Minor bugfixes = 9.5 - 30.10.23 = * Fixed an issue related to the Order list page and HPOS = 9.4 - 23.08.23 = * Added the new wcfa_display_approval_area action that allows to display the approval area. = 9.3 - 23.08.23 = * Fixed an issue with the "from" text option = 9.2 - 21.08.23 = * Added the new [order_received_url] shortcode = 9.1 - 01.08.23 = * Fixed an issue related to the admin order page = 9.0 - 27.07.23 = * Added compatibility with HPOS = 8.9 - 27.06.23 = * Mino bugfix = 8.8 - 13.04.23 = * Improved file preview management = 8.7 - 04.04.23 = * Performace improvements = 8.6 - 31.01.23 = * Typo = 8.5 - 25.01.23 = * Added a new option to hide the "Attachments" column content by default. = 8.4 - 23.01.23 = * Added the new option to send a cumulative notification in case of multiple files attachment = 8.3 - 22.12.22 = * Improved the error message displayed when the approval process fails = 8.2 - 01.12.22 = * Improved the Approval area management and settings = 8.1 - 29.10.22 = * Minor CSS improvements = 8.0 - 28.09.22 = * Minor bugfix = 7.9 - 08.08.22 = * Improved image preview function = 7.8 - 19.05.22 = * Fixed an issue that might prevent the PDF preview to be properly displayed = 7.7 - 04.05.22 = * Files URLs are now masked = 7.6 - 31.03.22 = * Fixed an issue that might prevent Files attachment to be properly created when using Chrome = 7.5 - 14.03.22 = * Fixed an issue due to notifications were not sent to the admin * Fixed an issue due to files were not approved/rejected properly = 7.4 - 08.03.22 = * Minor improvements = 7.3 - 14.02.22 = * Minor improvements = 7.2 - 04.02.22 = * Minor improvements = 7.1 - 08.01.22 = * Fixed an issue related to the "order status change" option = 7.0 - 04.01.22 = * Added a new feature to approve orders according to the file's approval/rejected status = 6.9 - 03.01.22 = * Improved compatibility with PHP8.0 = 6.8 - 13.11.21 = * Fixed an issue related to the scheduler = 6.7 - 03.11.21 = * Minor improvement in email management = 6.6 - 02.11.21 = * Minor improvement to the highlight effect = 6.5 - 30.10.21 = * Is now possible to bind attachments to specific order items = 6.4 - 28.10.21 = * Improvement to the reminder system = 6.3 - 28.10.21 = * Improvement to the reminder system: it now considers the attachment date instead of the order date = 6.2 - 27.10.21 = * Improvements to the scheduler = 6.1 - 11.10.21 = * Minor update = 6.0 - 17.09.21 = * Minor improvement in scheduling option management = 5.9 - 19.08.21 = * Added a new "Cleaner" section that allows removing file attachments according to order creation date and status = 5.8 - 23.07.21 = * Fixed an issue that prevented the plugin to be properly installed/updated = 5.7 - 23.07.21 = * Fixed an issue due to reminder notifications being sent twice = 5.6 - 02.07.21 = * Added option to attach files to the customer notification email = 5.5 - 18.05.21 = * Image preview (admins side) is now clickable = 5.4 - 05.04.21 = * Unapproved file reminder: added a new option to exclude orders by status = 5.3 - 01.04.21 = * Automatic approval: added new option to exclude orders by status = 5.2 - 30.03.21 = * Is now possible for the customer attach some files to a reply message = 5.1 - 10.03.21 = * Fixed an issue due to template not properly loaded if stored in the theme folder = 5.0 - 04.03.21 = * Improved customization = 4.9 - 04.03.21 = * Improved customization = 4.8 - 03.03.21 = * A popup is now displayed after the user submitted some data = 4.7 - 16.02.21 = * Added option to disable the embedded lightbox javscript library = 4.6 - 15.02.21 = * Fixed an issue in case of multiple files, the user was not able to approve/reject files after approving/rejecting the first = 4.5 - 14.02.21 = * Fixed an issue due to notifications were sent even if disabled = 4.4 - 14.02.21 = * Fixed an issue that prevented the user to reply once the admin edited the attachment = 4.3 - 15.01.21 = * Minor CSS improvements = 4.2 - 14.01.21 = * Fixed an issue related to the notification management = 4.1 - 13.01.21 = * Fixed an issue with WooCommerce 4.9 = 4.0 - 11.01.21 = * Fixed an issue related to the [if_new_attachment] and email sending = 3.9 - 11.01.21 = * Minor improvement = 3.8 - 11.01.21 = * Added a new [if_new_attachment] shortcode = 3.7 - 08.01.21 = * Fixed an issue related to the order id display on the emails = 3.6 - 07.01.21 = * Added option to automatically approve a file if no action is taken by the user in X hours * Added new email template for automatic approval notification = 3.5 - 05.01.21 = * Minor UI improvement = 3.4 - 26.12.20 = * Added new approval controller * Added a new option to select which approval controller has to be used: slider or buttons = 3.3 - 14.12.20 = * Minor bugfix = 3.2 - 14.12.20 = * Fixed a CSS issue that prevented new attachments to be properly saved = 3.1 - 05.12.20 = * Fixed a CSS issue = 3.0 - 02.12.20 = * Fixed an issue related to new lines and the preset answer texts = 2.9 - 01.12.20 = * Added a new option to automatically send a reminder email for orders which have files that still have to be rejected/approved by the user = 2.8 - 28.11.20 = * Minor improvements = 2.7 - 14.11.20 = * Added "preset answers" feature = 2.6 - 13.11.20 = * Added a new option for customizing the email "From" text = 2.5 - 06.11.20 = * Minor improvement on the file management system = 2.4 - 08.10.20 = * UI Improvements = 2.3 - 10.09.20 = * Added a new option to set file approval status via the admin page = 2.2 - 01.09.20 = * A login form is displayed if the "Only logged users can access the approval area" option has been enabled = 2.1 - 31.08.20 = * Added new option: only logged users can access the file approval area = 2.0 - 26.08.20 = * Fixed an issue due to notification emails were not sent to the admin = 1.9 - 01.08.20 = * Fixed the "Default recipient override" setting = 1.8 - 29.06.20 = * Added new "General texts" menu = 1.7 - 27.06.20 = * Added option to set the initial status after the first clink of the approval button = 1.6 - 15.05.20 = * The attachment is no longer set as rejected as the default state when the user accesses for the first time the order page = 1.5 - 09.05.20 = * Fixed a CSS issue = 1.4 - 09.05.20 = * Fixed an issue due to the admin order link was not properly embedded into emails = 1.3 - 08.05.20 = * Added a new option to specify admin notifications recipient for each attachment = 1.2 - 08.05.20 = * Added preview for PDF files * Image previews are now displayed on a lightbox * Attachment approval status is now displayed on the admin orders list page = 1.1 - 27.04.20 = * Improved large file upload management = 1.0 - 27.04.20 = * First release

Version: 9.8
Envato version: 10.7Updated
Software Version
Compatible With
Files Included
Demo Content Included