WooCommerce Estimated Delivery Or Shipping Date Per Product

The most recent version of this plugin (v5.1) was uploaded to our platform on .

WooCommerce Estimated Shipping Date Per Product  - Online DemoWooCommerce Estimated Shipping Date Per Product  - Online Documentation

WooCommerce Estimated Delivery Or Shipping Date Per Product allow you to display estimated delivery/shipping date per product and order. You can display estimated delivery date on product page,shop page,product archive page,cart page,checkout page, order page and order email. Using this plugin you can display estimated delivery date for each product.

This plugin offers you multi-level, delivery time management. It allows you to establish and personalize delivery times for each one of the products available in your woocommerce website and on several levels. This plugin is entirely customizable. You have the possibility to display and completely personalize delivery messages. You can specify delivery times on different levels (global, product, variation…).

Plugin also provide option for combine all cart product delivery date and display only single date for order on cart,checkout and order page base on product in cart with minimum/maximum delivery time.

WooCommerce Estimated Delivery Or Shipping Date Per Product

More Features

  • Estimated Delivery Date display on each product page.
  • Estimated Delivery Date display on cart,checkout,order page and order email for each item or as combine order date.
  • Option for set carrier delivery time for product page
  • Provide option for set delivery delivery time for each shipping method.
  • Provide option for enter delivery time for each product or/and as global setting for all product.
  • Provide option for set different delivery time for outofstock product as global or for each product.
  • Provide option for set different delivery time for backorder product as global or for each product.
  • Provide option for set different delivery message for each product or as global for all product.
  • Provide option for set different delivery message for outofstock and backorder product.
  • Provide option for set delivery date format.
  • You can display delivery message in many different format
    For example
    • Place your order by 50 Minitues to receive the product within March 23, 2023
    • Product will be deliver in 2 days
    • Product will be deliver on 20 March 2022
    • Product will be deliver between 2-5 days
    • Product will be deliver between 12 March – 15 March etc..
  • Plugin provide option for load delivery date on product page via ajax so it will work with any cache plugin
  • Plugin also provide option for combine all cart product delivery date and display only single date for order on cart,checkout and order page base on product in cart with minimum/maximum delivery time.
  • Provide option for add holidays, week day off, specific day off and date range so you can get more accurate delivery estimate
  • Provide option for set delivery end time for day
  • Provide option for hide/show delivery message on cart page,checkout page,order page and order email
  • Provide option for hide/show delivery message on product archive and shop pages
  • Option for hide/show delivery message for outofstock and backorder product
  • Supported all type of physical products
  • You can easily import/export delivery time for each product using woocommerce product import/export function
  • Easily set/modify delivery time using product bulk edit and quick edit function
  • Option for set delivery message for combine order date for cart and checkout page
  • You can display combine order delivery date message from any of six position on cart page.
    • Before Cart Table
    • After Cart Coupon
    • After Cart Content
    • After Cart Table
    • Cart Collaterals
    • Before Cart Total
  • You can display combine order delivery date message form any of eight position on checkout page.
    • Before Checkout Form
    • Before Customer Detail
    • Before Billing Detail
    • After Billing Detail
    • Before Shipping Detail
    • Before Order Notes
    • After Order Notes
    • Before Order Review
  • You can display combine order delivery date message form any of four position on customer order detail page.
    • Before Order Detail Table
    • After Order Detail Table
    • After Order Detail
    • After Customer Detail
  • You can display combine order delivery date message form any of five position on order email.
    • Before Order Detail
    • After Order Detail
    • Before Order Meta
    • Before Customer Detail
    • After Customer Detail
  • Option for set delivery text icons
  • Different delivery text color option for outofstock,instock,backorder product and combine order message
  • Supported DOKAN and WCFM Multivendor plugin
  • Supported WP Rest API
  • Supports WPML-compatibility
  • Easy to use, No coding require

Plugin have 4 shorcodes for display delivery message

1) You can use below shortcode for display delivery message for product on product detail page


2) You can use below shortcode for display delivery message for specific product anywhere on website

[rp_delivery_date product_id="product id here"]

3) You can use below shortcode for display combine/single delivery message for order on cart and checkout page


4) You can use below shortcode for display combine/single delivery message for order anywhere on website

[rp_order_delivery_date order_id="your order id here"]

Frequently Asked Questions

Will delivery time display for all type of products?

Yes, for all physical product types.

Can we set delivery time text position?

Yes, Different positions are given in global settings.

Can i set different delivery time for outofstock product?

Yes, you can set different delivery time for outofstock product.

Can i set different delivery time for backorder product?

Yes, you can set different delivery time for backorder product.

Is this plugin provide shortcode to display delivery time?

Yes, plugin provide 4 shortcodes for display delivery date on product,cart,checkout or other pages

Is this plugin display delivery time for individual product?

Yes, you can display different delivery time for each product. Plugin provide option for set delivery time for each product in product edit screen.

Is this plugin display delivery time for each variation?

Yes, you can display different delivery time for each variation. Plugin provide option for set delivery time for each variation in product edit screen > variations settings.

Can I quick edit product delivery time?

Yes, Plugin provide option for quick edit delivery time for each product. You can quick edit delivery time from quick edit screen of product.

Can I bulk edit product delivery time?

Yes, Plugin provide bulk edit multiple products delivery time using bulk edit action of product.

Can I import/export delivery time setting for products?

Yes, you can import/export product delivery time using woocommerce product import/export function.

Is this plugin supoort DOKAN Multivendor plugin?

Yes, Vendor can set delivery time for each product from vendor dashboard.

Is this plugin supoort WCFM Multivendor plugin?

Yes, Vendor can set delivery time for each product from vendor dashboard.

Is this plugin supoort WCFM Multivendor plugin?

Yes, Vendor can set delivery time for each product from vendor dashboard.

Is this plugin supoort WooCommerce REST Api?



Version 5.3, Nov 10, 2023
Solved spelling mistake

Version 5.2, Nov 09, 2023

Add Support for WooCommerce Rest Api
Add support for DOKAN and WCFM Multivendor plugin
Fixed some minor issue
Supported latest woocommerce version 8.x.x and wordpress version 6.3.x

Version 5.1, July 11, 2023
Load delivery date using ajax in shop and archive pages
Solved cart page duplicate delivery date issue
Supported latest woocommerce version 7.8.x and wordpress version 6.x.x

Version 5.0, June 05, 2023
Solved wpml issue for translationg delivery text
Solved hours and minitues translation issue for po,mo files
Solved admin manully add  order item issue
Supported latest woocommerce version 7.7.x and wordpress version 6.2.x

Version 4.9, March 22, 2023
Added carrier pickup date option
Add option for hide delivery setting at product level
Add option for hide delivery text settings as product level
Add delivery icon option
Add other design settings
Supported latest WooCommerce version 7.x and Wordpress 6.x and PHP 8.x

Version 4.8, June 30, 2022
Solved {date + x} calculation issue for multiple dates

Version 4.7, June 20, 2022
Added options for display combine/single cart item and order date
Solved some minor issue
Support latest woocommerce version 6.x.x

Version 4.6, May 18, 2022
Solved js conflict issue
RPPDDF is not defined ReferenceError: RPPDDF is not defined at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (wp-content/plugins/rp-product-deliverydate/assets/js/script.js:14:9)

Version 4.5, April  04, 2022
Solved some minor delivery date issue
Supported latest woocommerce version 6.3.x

Version 4.4, March 17, 2022

Solved error Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /usr/www/users/kaylefbase/wp-content/plugins/rp-product-deliverydate/lib/Rpesp_Front.php on line 745

Version 4.3, March 16, 2022
Solved some minor issue
Support latest woocommerce version 6.x.x

Version 4.2, Feb 24, 2022
Solved bulk edit issue
Support latest woocommerce version 6.2.1

Version 4.1, Jan 29, 2022
Solved language pot file issue
Supported latest woocommerce version 6.1.1

Version 4.0, Dec 17, 2021 
Added option for display delivery text on product list pages
Add  option for set different color for delivery text for instock,outofstock and backorder product
Support latest woocommerce version 6.0

Version 3.9, Oct 28, 2021 
Added backorder delivery time option
Change admin design
Support latest woocommerce version 5.8.0

Version 3.8, July 5, 2021 
Add delivery time and text option for out of stock product

Version 3.7, June 29, 2021 
Solved html tag issue for delivery text field

Version 3.6, June 25, 2021 

Add option for load delivery date using ajax for solve cache plugin conflict

Version 3.5, May 05, 2021 

Solved before add to cart button position issue

Version 3.4, April 29, 2021 

Add shortcode [rp_delivery_date] option for display delivery date to any custom position on product page

Version 3.3, April 27, 2021 

Solve minor error for admin order page

Version 3.2, April 26, 2021 

Support woocommerce version 5.1.x

Version 3.1, March 04, 2021 

Solved order text issue for variation
Support woocommerce version 5.0

Version 3.0, Sep 24, 2020 

*  Solved JavaScript error of quick edit on categories pages

Version 2.9, Sep 8, 2020 

* Add Support for import/export delivery time setting with default woocommerce import/export function
* Solve some minor issue
* Support Latest Woocommerce version 4.4.1

Version 2.8, July 14, 2020 

* Solve some minor issue
* Support Latest Woocommerce version 

Version 2.7, May 23, 2020 

* Solve some minor issue

Version 2.6, May 06, 2020 

* Add option for display delivery date before add to cart button

Version 2.5, May 05, 2020 

* Add option for display delivery text only for back order products

Version 2.4, April 28, 2020 

* Add option for change order delivery text for each product

Version 2.3, March 31, 2020 

* Support woocommerce version 4.0.X
* Solve some other minor issue

Version 2.2, Dec 21, 2019 

* Solve some warning errors

Version 2.1, Dec 19, 2019 

* Solve date translation issue

Version 2.0, Nov 14, 2019

* Support woocommerce version 3.8.x
* Add global option for enable delivery time for all products

Version 1.9, Sept 26, 2019

* Support woocommerce version 3.7
* Solved some minor issue

Version 1.7, July 4, 2017 

* Support woocommerce version 3.x
* Solved some minor issue

Version 1.6, March 10, 2017

* Solve some minor issue

Version 1.5, Jan 8, 2017

* Add bulk edit and quick edit option for delivery data
* Make compatible with WPML plugin

Version 1.4, July 22, 2016 

* Add option for hide estimation text for out of stock product
* Add option for display date in order email

Version 1.2, March 10, 2016 

* Add option for set estimated date text for each product
* Allow you to set estimated date between two day Ex: delivery between 24th march 2016 to 27th march 2016

Version 1.1, Feb 29, 2016 
* Add estimated date option for variable product

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