WooCommerce Accept.Blue Payment Gateway
The most recent version of this plugin (v1.15.11) was uploaded to our platform on .
accept.blue is the premier payment gateway among today’s top merchants, resellers and developers.
- Secure, Fast and Reliable Checkout Process.
- Easy and Manageable Extension Settings.
- Credit Card Number Tokenization
- Sale Processing Command
- Authonly (Capture Charge) Processing Command
- Refund Processing Command
- Multi-currency
- WooCommerce Subscription supported
- WooCommerce Deposits supported
- ACH supported
Please use the dedicated support section on CodeCanyon.
Online Docs
Accept.Blue API Docs
= 1.16.15= - 08 November 2023 - Update: Capture Card Processor error response message = 1.15.15= - 31 October 2023 - FIXED: (\*) required name of card label = 1.15.14= - 20 October 2023 - FIXED: (Optional) name of card label = 1.15.13 = - 28 Sep 2023 - FIXED: Card name validation = 1.15.12 = - 02 Aug 2023 - UPDATE: Required Name on Card Settings. - FIXED: PHP Error notices. = 1.15.11 = - 03 March 2023 - UPDATE: New payment module implemented, AcceptBlue ACH. = 1.14.11 = - 15 January 2023 - FIXED: bugs trigger capture in the admin orders, when the orders already completed and captured. = 1.14.10 = - 27 July 2022 - UPDATE: WC Order status cancelled - AB void implementation - FIXED: fatal error installation = 1.13.9 = * 12 December 2021 * UPDATE: Customer change payment method subscription = 1.12.9 = * 25 October 2021 * FIXED: card validation * UPDATE: implement add payment method = 1.11.8 = * 09 October 2021 * UPDATE: API gateway URLs = 1.10.8 = * 12 August 2021 * UPDATE: add recharge and adjust button in wc orders = 1.9.8 = * 20 June 2021 * UPDATE: force save card token = 1.8.8 = * 31 May 2021 * UPDATE: refund api call to version 2 = 1.7.8 = * 29 May 2021 * UPDATE: add new plugin version in API request agent = 1.6.8 = * 11 May 2021 * UPDATE: add new AB params UMtax = 1.5.8 = * 30 April 2021 * FIXED: auto-capture error in dashboard = 1.5.7 = * 11 march 2021 * FIXED: auto-capture wc_status outside WooCommerce = 1.5.6 = * 24 february 2021 * FIXED: auto-capture on-change globally when the wc order status is completed = 1.5.5 = * 18 february 2021 * FIXED: auto-capture when payment complete = 1.5.4 = * 17 February 2021 * UPDATE: Manual Capture button in admin order * UPDATE: Default Order Status * UPDATE: UMip API request * UPDATE: AutoSave Accept.Blue payment token when the order is a subscription * TESTED: WC 5.0 = 1.4.4 = * 30 december 2020 * UPDATE: remove tgmpa() conflicting in the other envato theme and codecanyon plugin * UPDATE: timeout response message * TESTED: WC 4.8 = 1.3.4 = * 25 November 2020 * FIXED: auto-capture admin hook = 1.3.3 = * 25 september 2020 * FIXED: refund bug = 1.3.2 = * 06 June 2020 * UPDATE: refund with fee = 1.2.2 = * 23 May 2020 * UPDATE: Auto-capture * UPDATE: refund command to creditvoid = 1.1.2 = * 25 January 2020 * FIXED: Bugs CC save token = 1.1.1 = * 28 November 2019 * FIXED: live gateway url = 1.1 = * 1 October 2019 * UPDATE: Multi-currency Implementation * UPDATE: WooCommerce Subscription Implementation = 1.0 = * 19 September 2019 * Initial release version

Version: 1.15.11
Envato version: 1.20.23Updated
Software Version
Compatible With
Gutenberg Optimized
High Resolution
Files Included
Demo Content Included