Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin

Gutenberg OptimizedHigh Resolution
The most recent version of this plugin (v5.0) was uploaded to our platform on .

Current Version 5 View Changelog
WordPress 6.3 Ready
React 18 Ready
WooCommerce 7.8+ Ready
Buddypress 11.2 Ready
GDPR Ready

Introducing the Stachethemes Event Calendar Plugin for WordPress

A powerful and feature-rich calendar solution that takes your event management to the next level.

What sets Stachethemes Event Calendar apart is its unique approach to the classic event calendar concept. With a focus on ease of use and comprehensive event details, this plugin empowers you to create fully detailed and informative events effortlessly. Whether you’re organizing conferences, workshops, concerts, or any other type of event, this powerful plugin offers the flexibility and functionality to meet your needs.

Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 1 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 2 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 3 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 4 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 5 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 6 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 7 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 8 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 9 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 10 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 11 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 12 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 13 Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 14

Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 15Plugin Features

General Features

Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 16Powered by React.js for Outstanding Performance and User Experience! Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 17
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 18WordPress API Intergation Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 19
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 20Plugin code (e.g. layouts, forms, dashboard menus) is loaded on-demand Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 21
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 22Intergated own Builder Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 23
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 24Multilingual support
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 25Fully translatable. i18n support
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 26Multi-site Ready
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 27WooCommerce integration. Sell tickets and product directly from your calendar
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 28BuddyPress integration
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 29Google Maps integration
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 30Google Captcha integration
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 31OpenStreetMap integration
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 32OpenWeather integration
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 33Font Awesome integration
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 34Import & Export iCalendar events
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 35Sync iCalendar events from url
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 36Import & Export CSV events
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 37Manage your calendar and events directly from the front-end Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 38
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 39Front-end Event Submission
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 40Diverse Views – Agenda Month, Week, Day, Grid, Box Grid, Map
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 41Events slider Gutenberg block Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 42
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 43Events list Gutenberg block
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 44Full calendar Gutenberg block Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 45
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 46Event submission form Gutenberg block Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 47
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 48Filter events by date, location, category, organizer, guests and more
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 49Repeatable events
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 50Auto-generated SEO Schema Markup
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 51Built-in comments form Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 52
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 53Facebook comments form
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 54Event single page
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 55Organizers and Guests pages Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 56
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 57Built-in Media slider
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 58File attachments section for your users to download from the event
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 59Map and directions
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 60Search for events near the user’s location (proximity filter) Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 61
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 62Event weather forecast section
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 63Event schedule section with details
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 64Guests list
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 65Organizers list
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 66Attendance list
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 67Event reminders
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 68RSVP to Event
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 69Built-in QR Code ticket scanner for validating tickets Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 70
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 71Color customizable
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 72Social share links

Repeating Events

Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 73Create Daily Events
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 74Create Weekly Events
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 75Create Monthly Events
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 76Create Yearly Events
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 77Repeat Events on Weekdays and Weekends
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 78Add Ex-Dates
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 79Repeat on Specific Days or Dates (e.g., every 3rd Tuesday or the 15th of each month and so on)
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 80Manual Mode: Input RRULE String Directly into the Repeater

Different Views

Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 81Month View
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 82Week View
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 83Day View
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 84Agenda View
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 85Grid View
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 86Box Grid View
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 87Map View
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 88Modal Mode
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 89Single Page Mode
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 90Event Slider


Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 91Integrated Drag & Drop Layout Builder
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 92Select Custom Colors
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 93Select Custom Fonts
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 94Change Layout Colors
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 95Font-Awesome Icons
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 96Add Custom CSS Code


Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 97Manually Add/Invite Attendees
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 98Event Attendance via RSVP Form
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 99Attend via Ticket Purchase
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 100Public or Private Attendance List
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 101Allow RSVP Waiting list (Queue)
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 102Limit Total Number of Attendees
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 103Limit Number of Attendees per RSVP
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 104Require Phone
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 105Require Login
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 106Attendance Email Notifications


Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 107Powered by WooCommerce
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 108Sell Simple or Variable Tickets (Products)
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 109Limit Tickets Quantity
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 110Limit Quantity per Event Occurrence (Repeated Events)
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 111Coupons and Discount System
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 112Customer Notifications
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 113Admin Notifications
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 114Pay via any Gateway supported by WooCommerce e.g. PayPal, Stripe, Amazon Pay, PayFast, Square, Checks, Bank Transfers or On Delivery and more
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 115Ticket QR Code Scanner for ticket validation


Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 116WooCommerce
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 117BuddyPress
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 118Google Fonts
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 119Google Maps
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 120OpenStreetMap
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 121OpenWeatherMap
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 122Font Awesome Icons

For Developers

Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 123REST API
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 124Filter Plugin Options Using WordPress Filtering System

Envato Mentions

Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 125

In Top Lists Since 2016

Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 126 7 Best Event Calendar Plugins for WordPress 2023
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 127 The 12 Best WordPress Event Plugins for Better Event Management in 2023
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 128 12 Best WordPress Events Plugins for Better Event Management (Calendars, Ticketing, RSVPs)
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 129 15+ Best Event Calendar Plugins for WordPress 2023
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 130 10 Best WordPress Event Calendar Plugins & Themes 2020
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 131 15 Best Event Calendar WordPress Plugins 2019
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 132 6+ Best Event Management Plugins For WordPress 2019
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 133 9 Best Event Calendar Plugins for WordPress 2019
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 134 14 Best Event Calendar Plugins for WordPress
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 135 7 Best Event Calendar plugins for WordPress Sites 2019
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 136 5 Best WordPress Events Plugins Compared
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 137 10 Best WordPress Event Calendar Plugins
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 138 10+ Best event calendar plugins for WordPress in 2019
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 139 Best WordPress Event Calendar Plugins
Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 140 Event Calendar WordPress Plugins

Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 141How to use it?

Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 142


Icons by Font Awesome. Check them out!
Map and reCAPTCHA by Google.
Map by OpenStreetMap.
Weather Forecast by OpenWeather

Stachethemes Event Calendar - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - 143Change log

26.11.2023 Version 5.1.7
- Fixed webpack conflict that was causing problems when displaying the calendar and calendar widgets together on a single page.
24.11.2023 Version 5.1.6
- New ticket option: "Limit per order." Limits the number of tickets from this event allowed in a single purchase.
- New ticket option for Variable products: "Exclusive." When an exclusive product is added to the cart or already purchased, other variations become unavailable, and vice versa.
- Added an option to modify certain event recurrences.
- New shortcode: [stec_single] displays a single event. Parameters: event_id, offset_date (optional).
- Fixed an issue where Elementor may return the error "The content area has not been found on your page." 
- Attendance private list modified - now, when checked, the list will be visible to logged-in users only.
- Added hooks allowing the addition of custom input fields to the RSVP form.
- Bug fix where Elementor custom date min/max filters are not working.
- Bug fix where repeated event's first occurrence may not render.
- Bug fix where events may not load if prefetch events is turned on.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
3.11.2023 Version 5.1.5
- Agenda layout behavior is now similar to version 3.x.
- Added option to hide Organizers and Guests emails to anonymous users.
- Added option to display event dates in the user's local time.
- Event Submit Form: Calendar is auto-assigned if there is only one available calendar from the list.
- Added support for the free version of OpenWeatherAPI (more info:
- Added custom cron job intervals for event cron jobs.
- Manage events list display unapproved events on top.
- Manage events list per page limit increased to 20.
- Added "Event status" element to the builder (event submission form).
- Added available tickets quantity below title on the front-end (Tickets section).
- Cron job imports no longer spam approved email notifications.
- Attachments will use the item caption if it has one.
- Bug fix where combined quantity doesn't work properly (Variable tickets).
- Bug fix where recurrent events do not show up in the search results.
- Bug fix where A.I. feature was not retrieving data.
- Bug fix where Captcha was missing from the standalone submit form.
- Bug fix where false error message appears "Stachethemes Event Calendar database update failed." 
- Varius bug fixes and improvements
15.10.2023 Version 5.1.4
- Added organizer badge tag. This badge is displayed next to organizer tag and is given to verified users by the administrator
- Added RSVP element to the builder (Event submission form)
- Added Featurer element to the builder (Event submission form)
- ToS checkbox in RSVP and Reminder forms is now optional and is removed for logged-in users.
- Bug fix where filters are not visible when prefetch events is turned on
- Bug fix where attendees may get duplicated when order status is changed
- Bug fix where all attendees get erased when an event changes date
- Bug fix where layouts are not editable in the calendar dashboard settings
- Bug fix where attendance details may not show up
10.10.2023 Version 5.1.3
- Added an option to prefetch events on page load, which can potentially speed up calendar load times.
- Added "List by tickets" option in Manage Orders.
- Added an option to split multi-quantity tickets into individual ones at checkout.
- Added QR Code to each ticket on checkout.
- Added an option to disable/enable order and ticket QR Codes in the order checkout.
- Fixed a bug in the QR Code Scanner where sometimes the scanner displayed the old scanned item.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
28.09.2023 Version 5.1.2
- Added an option to upload images when the user is not logged in or when the media library is not available. The option can be found in Settings -> Misc section.
- Added an option to search Ticket Orders by order ID.
- Customer phone numbers are now visible in the tickets order details page.
- Fixed a bug where the import cron job erased existing events.
- Fixed a bug where date navigation was missing in day and week views.
- Fixed a bug where the order search results were limited to 5 items.
23.09.2023 Version 5.1.1
- Fixed a bug where events wouldn't display when multiple calendar shortcodes were used in grid or boxgrid view.
- Calendar will no longer crash if the event is missing a thumbnail image.
- Events List and Events Slider now filter events by language (if language parameter is available).
- Simplified all shortcode parameters to use booleans instead of 0/1.
- Included the organizer element in the builder (event submission form).
- Introduced a history navigation feature in the admin panel.
- Added a "Quick Add to Cart" option in the Add/Edit Event section under Tickets
- Included the 'stecOnCalendarReady' hook, which triggers when the calendar is fully loaded.
- Added an option to restrict import settings and cron imports to specific user roles.
- Added a Media Library button to the TinyMCE editor.
- .ICS files will now automatically create locations if they are not already present.
- In the grid view, the date will display the event end date unless the 'Hide End' option is selected.
- Introduced a new parameter called "filter__attendee" which allows filtering events based on whether a user is attending or in the queue.
- Added a new JavaScript filter, stecFilterBeautifyDate, which allows users to customize the date format for event timespans.
- Added the 'stecOnCalendarReady' filter, which triggers when the calendar is loaded.
12.09.2023 Version 5.1.0
- Added a migration tool (from ver 3.x to ver 5) for transferring calendars, categories, locations, organizers, guests, and events. Please note that meta-data, such as tickets, attendees, and reminders, will not be included in the migration. Please make backup beforehand!

- New settings option: Enforce Private Back-End. When enabled, restricts terms and events permissions to Private mode, allowing only their authors to edit, view, and use them.

- New settings option: Enforce Private Frontend. When enabled, makes terms and events visible on the front-end only to their authors.

- Added an option to turn off the counter in the grid layout.

- Added a new JavaScript hook called "stecOnAddToCart," triggered after an item is added to the cart.

- Added more dynamic date values:
   start_of_this_year: Start of the current year.
   end_of_this_year: End of the current year.
   start_of_prev_year: Start of the previous year.
   end_of_prev_year: End of the previous year.
   start_of_next_year: Start of the next year.
   end_of_next_year: End of the next year.

- Added a search filter in the Tickets Orders menu. You can now search for Ticket Orders by customer name, email, phone, event name, event id, or event start date.

- Added "filter__events" parameter for [stec] shortcode. Use this parameter to retrieve only the selected events.
    Example: [stec filter__events=1,2,3]

- Added "include" parameter for [stec_events_list] and [stec_events_slider] shortcodes.
    Example: [stec_events_list include=1,2,3]

- Added "layouts__agenda_list_reverse_order" (true/false). This parameter reverses the agenda events list order.

- Added "layouts__grid_reverse_order" ( true/false). This parameter reverses the grid events list order.

- Added "layouts__boxgrid_reverse_order" (true/false). This parameter reverses the boxgrid events list order.

- Added "builder__submit_form_id" parameter allowing to specify custom event submit form for this calendar shortcode.

- Importing events no longer triggers email notifications.

- The plugin now includes Font-Awesome v6.4.2. You can disable it from Settings -> Misc tab if needed.

- Added an option to force load scripts on certain pages, resolving issues where the calendar is not detected via the has_shortcode method.

- Added an option to toggle share links via the Editor share element.

- Fixed deprecation warnings for Elementor v3.16.0

- Various fixes and Improvements.
28.08.2023 Version 5.0.9
- Bug fix where en_US is missing from the languages list if the primary language is not English.
- When ?lang parameter is missing in admin url bar the plugin will check if WPML language variable is present.
- Added duplicate button for terms in the admin panel
- Added shortcode support for Custom HTML builder element
18.08.2023 Version 5.0.8
- Fixed a bug in Box Grid layout and Event Slider Widget that showed the wrong year.
- More dynamic date options added for filtering: 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years.
31.07.2023 Version 5.0.7
- Add to cart is disabled for products without price
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to add a variable product to the cart if the attributes were created beforehand
- Fixed a bug where exporting orders to CSV would only export the first selection.
- Varius minor bug fixes and improvements
24.07.2023 Version 5.0.6
- Added an option to display the categories inline below the top menu. Demo:
- Added an option to display the event submission form button above the month and week views. By default, the form shows up when a day cell is clicked.
- Varius bug fixes and improvements

20.07.2023 Version 5.0.5

- Added option to archive events. The new option can be found in STEC Dashboard -> Events -> Manage. Archived events can be accessed from STEC Dashboard -> Events -> Manage -> Manage Archive
- Added dynamic value to the shortcodes attributes "current_user" which defaults to the currently logged-in user id. This can be used to display events from the current user only. 
[stec filter__author="current_user"]
[stec filter__organizer="current_user"]

- Added Custom HTML and Custom JS elements to the builder
- Edit event "Delete" button prompts confirmation
- Submit form "Delete" button promps confirmation
- Bug fix where Elementor is not listing the "stec_event" custom post type in the Theme Builder Conditions Menu list
- Varius bug fixes and improvements

10.07.2023 Version 5.0.4

- The proximity button has been redesigned to now allow users the ability to search for events based on a specific location defined by the user or utilize their current location.
- Various bug fixes and improvements

05.07.2023 Version 5.0.3

- Added new elements to the Builder's Events Submission Form Layout: Images, Location, and updated Categories.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.

03.07.2023 Version 5.0.2

- Added a new element to the Builder: Event Repeater (Event Submission Form).
- Fixed an issue where the agenda list would refresh unnecessarily when the responsive class changes.
- The top menu search events field now searches by event calendar, category, organizer, guest, and location as well.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.

30.06.2023 Version 5.0.1

- Each event now has the option to load its own layout template. 
The new option can be found in Add / Edit Event -> Misc tab -> Template override

- Agenda, Grid, and Box Grid views now have the option to display events from subsequent months below those of the 
current month, without refreshing the list.

20.06.2023 Version 5.0

  - Version 5 Released