Sparkle Paddle Payment Gateway - For WooCommerce & Easy Digital Downloads

High Resolution
The most recent version of this plugin (v1.0.7) was uploaded to our platform on .

Our plugin is an Add-on for Easy Digital Downloads(EDD) and WooCommerce. To make our plugin work you need to have either Easy Digital Downloads(EDD) or WooCommerce installed and activated.

Paddle Sales Page

Our plugin adds the Paddle payment gateway to EDD and WooCommerce.

Allow your customers to pay using Paddle on your website. Our plugin supports INS for the automatic after-payment process.

Before you purchase:
Please Note: This is not a standalone software, this is an addon and you will need to have the latest version of EDD or WooCommerce installed and activated to use this payment gateway. Before buying this add-on, you must make sure that you are able to use the services of Paddle(For your country and for your website).

Paddle test card details:

Paddle Payment gateway accepts payment using
  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • Maestro
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • Diners Club
  • JCB
  • UnionPay
  • Mada
  • PayPal
  • Wire Transfers (ACH/SEPA/BACS)
Our plugin supports
Standard Checkout: When this option is selected your customers will be taken to secure the Paddle website and allow to pay their payment. When payment is completed, your customer will be redirected back to your site’s order page.

Inline checkout: When this option is selected your customers will be able to process checkout inside your website. The user will be allowed to enter their payment details in Paddle secure inline iframe box for payment. After successful payment, they will be redirected back to your site’s order page.

Overlay checkout: When this option is selected your customers will be able to process checkout within your website. The user will be allowed to enter their payment details in Paddle secure popup checkout box for payment. After successful payment, they will be redirected back to your site’s order page.

Plugin Features
  • 1. Add paddle payment gateway to easy digital downloads and WooCommerce.
  • 2. Use custom gateway titles as per your wish.
  • 3. Select the paddle payment gateway icons from predefined options.
  • 4. Our plugin supports – standard, inline, and overlay checkouts and can use all 3 gateways simultaneously.
  • 5. Our plugin supports subscription plans of Paddle. You can customize the download product to make it work with Paddle’s subscription plan.
  • 6. Sandbox mode is available for testing purposes before going live.
  • 7. Automatic processing of refunds.
  • 8. Email Scheduler according to payment status.
  • 9. EDD SL ready.
  • 10. Supports EDD debug mode.
  • 11.Note: Variation Product Subscription is not supported yet.

Find Plugin Documentation Here.

Now WooCommerce & Easy Digital Download Plugins Subscription Addon Available

Change Logs:

= 1.0.7 =
28th March 2023
* Overlay Checkout (Terms & Conditions) Checkbox Validation Issue Fix
* Webhook Issue Fix
* WooCommerce Subscription Price Editable Now

= 1.0.6 =
2nd Aug 2022
* Subscription product - Coupon Code issue fixed
* Note: Create coupon codes for both platforms EDD/WooCommerce and Paddle. The subscription product is created on the paddle end so we have to create a coupon on the paddle.

= 1.0.5 =
15th Jul 2022
* EDD 3.0 Compatible
* WooCommerce on Hold Status - issue fixed
* EDD Paddle Subscription Notice 

= 1.0.4 =
20th Jun 2022
* Easy Digital Download prefield email address issue - fixed

= 1.0.3 =
- 12th Feb  2022-
* WordPress 5.9 Compatible
* vendor_id warning fix
* Single Payment option issue fixed for edd

= 1.0.1 =
- 22nd Oct 2021-
* Bug fixes for the issue appearing for empty checkout fields in overlay checkout in WooCommerce. Added error display for empty required fields.
* Auto-populate of customer's country for paddle checkout for WooCommerce.
* Empty cart issue fixed for the overlay checkout in WooCommerce.

= 1.0.0 =
- 7th Oct 2021 -
* Initial release of a plugin.