Social Counter Plugin for WordPress - Arqam
High Resolution
The most recent version of this plugin (v2.6.2) was uploaded to our platform on .
Arqam WordPress Social Counter Plugin grabs the latest counts of your Fans/Followers etc. from your Favorite Social Networks and then displays them on your Blog. It is the perfect solution to encourage more users to join your network.
Check out Arqam WordPress Social Counter Plugin review on WPExplorer
Arqam Social Counter WordPress Plugin Features
- 100% Responsive
- Retina Ready
- Get all future updates with added features FREE for lifetime
- Translation Ready, Includes the .po and .mo files
- Cross-Browser Compatibility FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE9, IE10
- Drag an Drop feature to sort icons as you wish !
- Option To set the Cache time to reduce load time and API calls.
- Store the values as a fallback, if any of the APIs is not reachable.
- Available as a widget and shortcode.
- Option for the number of columns.
- Dark skin option.
- Compatibility with the WPBakery Page Builder plugin.
- Displays the number of:
- Facebook Page Fans
- Twitter Followers
- Dribbble Followers
- Envato Followers
- SoundCloud Followers
- Github Followers
- Behance Followers
- Tumblr Followers
- YouTube Subscribers
- Vimeo Channel Subscribers
- Foursquare Friends
- MailChimp List Subscribers
- Instagram Followers (MANUAL)
- LinkedIn Company Followers and User Account connections
- Vk Members
- 500px Followers
- Vine Followers
- Pinterest Followers
- Flickr group Members
- Steam group Members
- RSS Subscribers Number ( / Manual )
- Goodreads user and artist Followers Counter.
- Mixcloud Followers Counter.
- Twitch Followers Counter.
- bbPress topics, replies and forums counters.
- BuddyPress groups counter.
- myMail plugin subscribers.
- Mailpoet plugin subscribers.
- Members Number
- Posts Number
- Comments Number.
- Multiple Styles
- Metro Style.
- Colored Border icons.
- Gray Rounded icons.
- Colored Rounded icons.
- Flat Colored square icons.
Change Log
Click here to view the changelog
Version: 2.6.2
Envato version: 2.7.2Updated
Software Version
Compatible With
Gutenberg Optimized
High Resolution
Demo Content Included