Smart Product Viewer - 360º Animation Plugin
Please install latest plugin v1.5.3 for WordPress 5.6 to fix 0% issue. Thank you!
Smart Product Viewer is a best selling 360º product animation plugin designed for WordPress e-Commerce sites. This 360º WordPress Plugin is perfect to showcase products you sell, it allows a customer to see your product in detail with a full 360° spin view or understand how the product works with flawless step-by-step animation. It’s simple to install and easily customizable with lots of options to choose from.
Last update: December 2020

Key Features
- NEW! Lightbox – fullscreen lightbox added (view demo)
- NEW! Page Scroll – 360° spin view animates on page scroll
- Widget Integration – add 360° views to sidebar as widgets
- Shortcode Generator – easy way to customize the layout, colors and styles
- WooCommerce – use any 360° view as WooCommerce product image
- Drag & Drop – handy drag & drop images manager
- Responsive – fully responsive layout
- Mouse Interaction – allows to spin the product using a mouse
- Touch Friendly – iPhone/iPad and Android devices supported
- Customizable – 64 navigation style and color combinations to choose from
- Smooth Animation – flawless step-by-step product animation
- Extended License – can be used in your WooCommerce theme
- Photography Examples – 360° photography examples included
- Documentation – detailed documentation included
- Support – efficient customer support
WooCommerce Integration
Smart Product Viewer is a handy tool to increase your WooCommerce sales. Product views created with our 360º animation plugin can be used as WooCommerce product images instead of regular pictures encouraging your customer to make a purchase.
More than 800+ happy customers, read what they say about the Smart Product Viewer, a 360º WordPress Plugin and its outstanding support.
Main reason: Design Quality
Extra comments: Wow. After wasting so much time with hand made xml rotators – this is a godsend.
- cbesett
Main reason: Customer Support
Extra comments: Really nice and effcient customer supportThe plugin is perfect.
- zfournier
Main reason: Design Quality
Extra comments: Great piece, love how easy it is to use.
- jshapan
Main reason: Customer Support
Extra comments: Amazing, fast and friendly support.
- maurizio789
Main reason: Code Quality
Extra comments: I have purchased all the 360 viewers over the years and they all have some issue that causes problems. Or, they work so poorly that they end up being unusable. All they needed as a basis for a great product was responsiveness and the drag/inertia effect (like the iPod) and you will have a winner. The backend, excellent documentation with well explained shortcodes are an added bonus that makes this about as good as it gets.
- EricStreeter
18 April 2021 - ver 1.5.4 - Updated according to latest CodeCanyon standards. 12 December 2020 - ver 1.5.3 - Added: support for WordPress 5.6 by removing jQuery Migrate dependency 20 April 2020 - ver 1.5.2 - Added: Categories to better organize 360 Smart Products - Updated: to latest CodeCanyon quality policies - Maintain: PHP 7.x support 12 May 2018 - ver 1.5.1 - Added: "sensitivity" parameter to control drag speed - Added: [smart-product-woo] shortcode for Beaver Builder support and other - Added: option to show product by name instead of ID - Added: RTL scrollbar option to WooCommerce metabox - Fixed: WooCommerce stock report page conflict 20 August 2017 - ver 1.5 - Added: Left and Right positions for scrollbar - Added: Start position of scrollbar handler - Added: display the file names under the images when editing the view - Added: Option to show default gallery or thumbnails together with 360 view (works with ONLY some themes, no guarantees) - Fixed: Some CSS and JS cleanup 21 April 2017 - ver 1.4.6 - Added: support for WooCommerce 3.0 - Added: move on hover option for widget - Added: stop on hover option for shortcodes - Added: RTL direction for sidebar 28 April 2016 - ver 1.4.5 - Improved: animate view on scroll feature - Fixed: JavaScript error with removeClass() function 12 November 2015 - ver 1.4.4 - stop the animation when user dragging the view and continue when user stop 30 July 2015 - ver 1.4.3 - fullscreen button mobile bug fixed, fullscreen sizes fixed 22 July 2015 - ver 1.4.2 - small fullscreen images bug fixed 10 June 2015 - ver 1.4.1 - move on hover feature added for shortcodes - problem with PHP warnings fixed 4 February 2015 - ver 1.4 - lightbox option to show big views in fullscreen added - option to make product spin on page scroll added 8 August 2014 - ver 1.3 - shortcode generator added - option to start product spin on load added - option to control spin speed added 11 May 2014 - ver 1.2 - noUiSlider updated to v6 - scrollbar styles updated - script files compiled into one to reduce load time 6 May 2014 - ver 1.1.1 - button to reorder images added - support to work from ajax loaded content added 26 April 2014 - ver 1.1 - WooCommerce support added
Threesixty Slider - by creativeauranoUiSlider - by
Magnific Popup - by dimsemenov