Real Estate Pro - WordPress Plugin

Gutenberg OptimizedHigh Resolution
The most recent version of this plugin (v2.1.0) was uploaded to our platform on .

Real Estate Pro - WordPress Plugin - 1
Real Estate Pro - WordPress Plugin - 2 Real Estate Pro - WordPress Plugin - 3

Real Estate Pro - WordPress Plugin - 4 Real Estate Pro - WordPress Plugin - 5

CSV importer

Real Estate Pro - WordPress Plugin - 6

Real Client Site

Multilingual WPML :


  • Payment Gateway
    • a) Paypal [Express Checkout]
    • b) Stripe [ Full synchronize with Stripe Plan ]
  • Mailchimp to store Email for new registrants
  • WPML
  • Loco
  • Polylang
  • Integrated with WPBakery Page Builder
  • Real Estate Listing plugin
    • 1) Add/Edit Listing from frontend “My Account”
    • 2) My Favorites
    • 6) Set Start Bid Amount
    • 7) My Payment History
    • 8 ) Who is interested about my listing
    • 9) Claim Listing
    • 10) Contact List Owner
    • 11) Responsive Touch slider
    • 12) Public Facilities
    • 13) Floor Plan
    • 14) Offer/ Deal
    • 15) Listing Read / Write access by user role
    • 16) Admin can add new fields
    • 17) Category Map Marker image setting
    • 18) User Listing Publish Ability or Pending for approval
    • 19) Geolocation search by KM and Mile
    • 20) Search widget
    • 21) Revolution Sliders Search ShortCode
  • Membership Type of Real Estate plugin
    • a) Free Account
    • b) One time Payment
    • c) Recurring Payment
    • d) Free Trial
    • e) Paid Trial
    • e) Variable Payment Package
  • 7 Pricing Tables
  • 2 Signup styles
  • My account
    • User Setting
    • User Social Profile
    • User privacy setting
    • User Change Password
    • User All Post
    • User Post: Custom Fields
    • User Insert Post
    • User Edit Post
    • Subscription upgrade
    • Subscription downgrade
    • Subscription Cancel
    • Mu Account Menu Show/Hide
  • Coupon for Signup
    • Coupon By Package
    • Set Coupon limit
    • Set Coupon expire date
  • User Role creation by Package
  • Overriding templates of Real Estate plugin
  • Page Redirect
    • Agent Public Profile Page Redirect
    • Agent My Account Page Redirect
    • Agent Registration Page Redirect
  • Page Setting
  • 11 Email Templates
    • User Welcome Email template
    • User Forget Password Email template
    • User Order Email template
    • Admin Order Email template
    • Listing contact Email template
    • Listing contact Email template for CC Admin [Admin Setting]
    • Claim Email template
    • Deal Email template : Listing Owner + Buyer
    • Subscription Reminder Email Template
  • Agent Public Profile
  • Payment History
  • Report
    • 3D Pic charts
    • Line Chart
  • User Public Profile Page Redirect:
    • Hide Admin Bar
  • 2 type of User Directories
  • And Lots of other settings..

Change log of Real Estate Listing

Version 2.0.9 – 13-August-2022

- Added new archive listing payout with popup filter & add phone field on contact form

Version 2.0.5 – 17-April-2022

- Added masonry image grid in listing detail page
- Added new hero slider in listing detail page

Version 2.0.3 – 24-January-2022

- Bug fixed on stripe subscription cancel module

Version 2.0.2 – 21-September-2021

- Vulnerability update

Version 2.0.1 – 15-September-2021

- -Added reCAPTCHA V3

Version 2.0.0 – 07-September-2021

- -Speed optimization

Version 1.9.9 – 03-August-2021

- -Update csv importer

Version 1.9.8 – 31-July-2021

- -update https issue

1.9.7– 3rd- June-2021

--Update sort issue

1.9.5– 17- April-2021

--Added Price European 1.200.000 & US format 1,200,000

Price Format Setting

--Added Lsting detail on popup for all style and shortcodes.
Popup Demo : Popup Demo
Popup Settings

1.9.4– 19- March-2021
--Added New lising archive page A to Z filter
Added New Listing Style

1.9.3– 28- February -2021

--Update public profile 

1.9.2– 09- February -2021

--Update search and elementor issue

1.9.1– 13- January-2021

--Update for WordPress 5.6

1.9.0– 22- November-2020

--Bug fixed in CSV import  "local Area" issue

1.8.8– 03- November-2020

--Added new Listing style : Grid with Faceted search

--Added new Listing style : Grid with Left Filter

Demo :

Demo :

1.8.7– 06- October-2020

--Update basic role access

1.8.6– 01- October-2020

--Bug fixed for multiple filter shortcode   

1.8.5– 30- September -2020
--Added Sort Order

1.8.3– 22- September -2020

--Update 'Undefine' text

1.8.2– 20- September -2020

--Update web link

1.8.1– 16- September -2020

--Bug fixed on stripe Upgrade section

1.8.0– 21- August-2020

--Add: Facet  Property type

1.7.9– 24- July-2020

--Add: Mulit Categories from front-end

--Bug fixed: Listing Sort price

1.7.8– 18- June-2020

--Bug fixed: Home page listing shortcode action link

1.7.7– 10- June-2020

--Add Woocommerce Payment gateways

1.7.6– 8- June-2020

-Bug fixed on payment settings

1.7.5– 2- June-2020
 -Update stripe API

1.7.4– 28- May-2020

Added 3rd party contact form option

1.7.3– 27- May-2020
Bug Fixed

1.7.2– 20- May-2020

Add colorbox modal

1.7.1– 17- May-2020
Security Update
1.7.0– 20- April-2020
Bug fixed

1.6.9– 11- April-2020

Update rent text and detail section.

1.6.8– 9- April-2020

Update listing message  error

1.6.7– 8- April-2020

City duplicate value fixed for Grid view search.

1.6.6– 1- April-2020

Added single listing page layour

Update categories & tags link on  single listing page 

1.6.5– 26- March-2020

Fixed Overriding templates issue

1.6.4– 08- March-2020
Added icon change option

1.6.3– 02- February -2020

Added Font changing option

1.6.2– 30- January -2020

Update image responsive issue 

1.6.1– 29- January -2020

Update public profile

1.6.0– 13- December-2019

Added powerful CSV importer (Full ajax) . You can uplooad images by the CSV file.

Added listing notification for add new listing

1.5.9– 11- December-2019

Added:  Mortgage calculator

1.5.8– 6- December-2019
Added:  One-click demo importer
1.5.7– 28- November-2019
Bug fixed

1.5.6– 14- November-2019

Added:  New Listing style: List View :

1.5.5– 17- September-2019

Update : Single page Agent profile image

Update : Add/edit listing JS file

1.5.4– 10- September-2019

Update : Single page show/hide option

1.5.3– 9- September-2019
Bugfix : Stripe Plan Issue

1.5.2– 28- August -2019

Bugfix : on the contact form name and Widget slider rent period issue

1.5.1– 27- August -2019

Added:  Rent period type

1.5.0– 21- August -2019

Update: languages string issue

1.4.9– 3- August -2019
Added : Listing feature (show on top) option on package section 

1.4.8– 31- July -2019

Added : Cities shortcode for home page

Update: Categories design update for home page
Update: Slider seach design update for home page
Update: Carousel slider design update for home page

1.4.7– 22- July -2019

Added : Bug fixed on the image gallery.

1.4.6– 20- July -2019
Added : Bug fixed on  map zoom.
1.4.5– 18- July -2019
Added : New Design for listing archive page
Added : New Design for listing single page
Added : custom post type "property" change option
Added : New slider
Added : New filter shortcode
Added : Listing Feature setting option
Added : "Load More" ajax paging
Added : Review Module
Added :  New Ajax filter option on listing archive page
Delete: Bidding

1.4.4– 24-April -2019

Update user setting

1.4.3– 31-March -2019

Bug fixed : SSL issue

1.4.2– 18-November -2018

Add Metabox : admin can add/edit listing with all fields from dashboard

1.4.1– 11-September -2018
Add new shortcode : [listing_filter property-type="For Rent"  category="test" dir_city="test" zipcode="10001" beds="2" baths="2" min_price="10000" area="1500" property-type="For Rent" ]
Update MailChimp API
1.4.0– 31-August -2018
Bug Fix
Bug Fix
1.3.8– 03-April -2018
Update help file
Update front end map API issue for add/edit listing
1.3.6– 28-June -2017
Bug fix for WordPress 4.8
1.3.5– 31-Mar -2017
Update Search option
1.3.4– 20-Mar -2017
Added single page element control option.
1.3.3– 09-Mar -2017
Add map zoom option
1.3.2– 24-Feb -2017
Bug fix on search form z-index 
1.3.1– 16-Feb -2017
Bug Fix on Search options
Bug Fix on Search options
Add Search options
Add option: popup show/hide for single page
Add autocomplete on search form
Bug Fix
Added "Sold" option for the property.
1.2.6– 22-August -2016
Bug fix : Listing image same size on archive page
1.2.5– 16-May -2016
Bug fix : Map cluster image missing issue
1.2.4– 5-May -2016
Bug fix : WordPress 4.5.1
1.2.3– 19-April -2016
Bug fix : User Directory
1.2.2– 16-April -2016
Bug fix : Ajax Popup share link
1.2.1– 7-April -2016
Bug fix : Page redirect
1.2.0– 8-February -2016
Add : Show/ Hide Map, search bar, agent and claim 
1.1.9– 4-February -2016
Add : Missing words for languages 
1.1.8– 17-january -2016
Bug Fix : User Payment history save data
1.1.7– 5-january -2016
Bug Fix : WPML Post issue : wpml_update_translatable_content
1.1.6– 20-December -2015
Bug Fix :  Search 
1.1.5– 10-December -2015
Bug Fix :  WordPress 4.4 issue fixed
1.1.4– 30-November -2015
Bug Fix : Contact Us email setting
1.1.3– 3-November -2015
Added : Widget listing with option
Added : Widget Slider with option
1.1.2– 17-October -2015
Added : Revolution Sliders Search ShortCode 

1.2.7– 18-Nov -2016

Real Estate directory listing WordPress Plugin

Real Estate listing