Pdf creator for Arforms

The most recent version of this plugin (v4.1) was uploaded to our platform on .

PDF Creator with ARForms

PDF Creator for ARForms plugin integrates your form entries and PDF creation in a single process. You can send generated PDF as an attachment with email to administrator immediately after form submission from ARForms.

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ARForms has new extension which creates PDF of form entries. PDF Creator For ARForms is just another wordpress plugin which you can install and manage just like other wordpress plugins.

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Plugin Features

  • Save PDF File on user submission of a ARForms so it can be attached to a notification
  • Multiple PDF Templates
  • View and download a PDF via the administrator interface or after a user submits their form
  • Language Support – almost all languages are supported including RTL (right to left) languages like Arabic and CJK languages – Chinese, Japanese and Korean
  • UTF-8 encoded HTML
  • Page Numbering