PayPal Payment Terminal Wordpress

The most recent version of this plugin (v2.3.1) was uploaded to our platform on .

Start accepting paypal payments on your wordpress site in 2 minutes! This script would be ideal for taking donations/contributions on your blog, or accepting payments from your clients or receiving payments for pre-defined services!

-display as widget in sidebar or in any page/post -unlimited services addition
-super easy installation
-view all transactions
-filter transactions by date period
-sort and search transaction list
-customizable widget area fields
-automatic notifications to you and your customer
-NEW in v2.0: shortcode [pppt_paypalform] – allows to display paypal payment form on any page/post of your wordpress site!
- *NEW in v2.1
: shortcode per service [pppt_paypalform sid=”service-id”] and [pppt_paypalform sid=”service-name”] – use it to display paypal form for particular service on any page/post.
- NEW in v2.2 : added support for Wordpress 3.7 and 3.8, improved overall layout
- NEW in v2.3 : PHP 5.5+ support


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1) Unzip plugin file.
2) Upload the plugin folder (not just the files in it!) to your `wp-content/plugins` folder. If you’re using FTP, use ‘binary’ mode.
3) Activate the plugin in your plugins administration panel.
4) Drag and drop paypal payment terminal widget area from `Appearance/Widgets` area
5) Now go to paypal terminal settings and set your paypal merchant email!

Upgrading to v2.3.1:
Simply unpack all the files from zip archive and OVERWRITE all files in wp-content/plugins/paypal_payment_terminal folder. Then login to your wordpress and go to any post, edit it – add [pppt_paypalform] somewhere in post and save! Paypal form should now appear in that post!

8 January 2023
- reworked codebase to conform to WordPress/CodeCanyon standards

23 December 2014
- added support for PHP 5.5+
- replaced all mysql_ queries with proper wordpress db queries
- replaced mail() function with native wp_mail() for all notifications
- replaced the_editor() with wp_editor()
- all undefined variables / deprecated messages fixed

31 December 2013
- added support for wordpress 3.7 and 3.8, improved overall layout.

8 July 2012
- released updated version with 2 bug fixes (thank you message issue and links issue in thank you / cancel messages )

27 August 2011
- released v2.1 with shortcode support on “per service” basis.

4 May 2011
- released v2.0 with shortcode support (add payment form to any post of your wordpress site!).

25 March 2011
- released update with “transactions table doesn’t exist” fix.

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