PancakeSwap currencies value API for CryptoPay WooCommerce

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PancakeSwap currencies value API for CryptoPay WooCommerce

This is not a plugin by itself. It is an Add-on for the plugin linked below. Thanks to this plugin, you can use the data provided by PancakeSwap as the currency converter API. When you install the plugin, PancakeSwap option will appear on the Currency converter API list on the main plugin’s API’s page. As in the picture below.

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CryptoPay WooCommerce – Cryptocurrency payment gateway plugin

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Tags: Payment plugin with her cryptocurrency wallet for WooCommerce, WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin, Cryptocurrency payment plugin for WordPress, Payment plugin with her cryptocurrency wallet for WordPress, Get paid with WordPress MetaMask cryptocurrency wallet, Get paid with WooCommerce MetaMask cryptocurrency wallet, Get paid with WordPress cryptocurrency wallets, Get paid with WooCommerce cryptocurrency wallets, Payment method with crypto wallet