iPanorama 360° - Virtual Tour Builder for WordPress
Gutenberg Optimized
The most recent version of this plugin (v1.8.1) was uploaded to our platform on .
iPanorama 360 Virtual Tour Builder is the WordPress plugin that lets you create awesome virtual tours for your customers without advanced programming knowledge. Using the built-in builder you can easily upload your panoramic photos, add hotspots that allow the user to navigate from one scene to another, add popover windows to point out important information about any part of the scene. You can enrich a hotspot or popover window with text, images, video and other online media. This panorama plugin is responsive and works on all modern browsers and mobile devices. Use this plugin to create interactive tours, maps and presentations.
Example. Widget “Modern”
![[panorama showcase]](https://www.dropbox.com/s/tsj0849cpy344zu/ipanorama-sphere.gif?raw=1)
Example. Widget “Civic”
![[panorama showcase]](https://www.dropbox.com/s/2bfpda24ddjr5ea/ipanorama-widget-civic.png?raw=1)
Example. Widget “List”
![[panorama showcase]](https://www.dropbox.com/s/iqvrep21m1id2jz/ipanorama-widget-list.png?raw=1)
Little planet type scene
![[little planet showcase]](https://www.dropbox.com/s/5jf9ij6exp8jx6m/ipanorama-littleplanet.gif?raw=1)
Perlin Transition Scene Effect and plus over 20 above

What Buyers Are Saying
![[panorama reviews]](https://www.dropbox.com/s/0jk1ka58p8pjbgd/ipanorama-reviews.png?raw=1)
Feature List
- 5 Scene Types – sphere, cube, little planet, flat and google street view
- Markers – allows you to mark different areas that you want to point out
- Virtual Tour – travel from one to another scene by clicking on special markers
- Tooltip System – the plugin has a build-in powerful tooltip system
- Popover System – show massive information inside the lightbox
- Marker Style Creator – create your own marker view
- Tooltips Show & Hide Animations – select from 50+ types
- Popover Show & Hide Animations – select from 50+ types
- Scene Transition Effects – select from 20+ types (zoom, fade, swirl and etc)
- Thumbnails – let people see a quick snapshot of your scene
- Preview Image – you can set an image that will show as a preview
- Fullscreen – you can toggle from the normal state to fullscreen and back
- Mouse Wheel – zoom with mouse wheel scrolling
- Keyboard – arrows can be used for navigation through the scene
- Compass – allow a compass to be displayed
- Touch – touch was used for navigation tasks
- Gyroscope – navigation with mobile device orientation
- Autoplay – the scene autorotate around axises
- Audio Background – set background music for a scene
- Embed – publish pano on different sites with the iframe
- Awesome Looks – 2 predefined themes (light & dark)
- Responsive Design
- Export & Import Config – save virtual tour to a file
- Powerful API – over 45 options
- Help via Email
- and so more..
Sources and Credits
- jQuery – https://www.jquery.com
- Three.js – https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js
- Angular Light – https://github.com/lega911/angular-light
= 1.7.2 = * Fix: incorrect rest_rout url for the plain permalink type = 1.7.1 = * Fix: MySQL current_timestamp update = 1.7.0 = * Mod: cancel the use of json files to store the item config = 1.6.32 = * Fix: $wpdb->prepare calls = 1.6.31 = * Fix: incorrect render order = 1.6.30 = * Fix: prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) from shortcode * Mod: polish the code = 1.6.29 = * Fix: empty list in wp 6.1 * New: feedback form = 1.6.28 = * Fix: scene preload images = 1.6.27 = * Fix: warped images = 1.6.26 = * Fix: unexpected output during activation = 1.6.25 = * Mod: texture loading improvements = 1.6.24 = * Fix: hidden markers in RTL mode Version 1.6.23 11/01/2022 ====================================== * Fix: pinch zoom for the flat scene type Version 1.6.20 29/07/2021 ====================================== * New: set the start point coord from the preview window * Fix: popover close on click outside * Fix: audio & video continues play after a popover close Version 1.6.19 23/07/2021 ====================================== * New: Gutenberg block support Version 1.6.18 16/07/2021 ====================================== * Fix: permissions list Version 1.6.17 16/07/2021 ====================================== * Fix: permissions for the role can be: 'private', 'group', 'all' Version 1.6.15 06/07/2021 ====================================== * New: shortcode attribute "customdata" * Fix: zoom for the flat type scene Version 1.6.14 05/05/2021 ====================================== * Fix: marker autofocus Version 1.6.13 05/05/2021 ====================================== * Fix: can't change the markers position * Fix: can't open an item, the infinity loading Version 1.6.12 04/05/2021 ====================================== * Fix: item date * Mod: audio player with a new interface (support a radio URL too) * New: global styles & the 'onLoad' callback Version 1.6.11 29/03/2021 ====================================== * Fix: removing disabled elements from the output * Fix: converting the url protocol from HTTP to HTTPS if needed * New: search item box, trash support * New: shortcode attribute 'slug' Version 1.6.10 25/03/2021 ====================================== * Fix: widgets thumbnail images lazyload Version 1.6.9 22/03/2021 ====================================== * Fix: website under HTTPS (secured with SSL certificate), but scene images are under HTTP (unsecured) * Mod: preload image generation Version 1.6.8 14/03/2021 ====================================== * New: compass support * New: tooltip show trigger "enter" Version 1.6.7 27/02/2021 ====================================== * Fix: the 'civic' widget home button * Mod: tooltip show/hide actions after the hover event * New: load a scene from the URL param 'sceneid' * New: support Emoji Version 1.6.6 22/02/2021 ====================================== * Fix: markers from the previous scenes are accessible even though they are invisible * Fix: can't navigate to a google street scene type * Fix: the builder improperly adds a marker to the center of the scene Version 1.6.5 23/11/2020 ====================================== * Fix: marker "go to a scene" option not shown * Fix: virtual tour doesn't work on some Mac, empty scene Version 1.6.4 12/09/2020 ====================================== * Fix: save & load an item from a config file Version 1.6.3 10/09/2020 ====================================== * New: preload images to get faster pano loading experience * New: shortcode attribute 'width', 'height' Version 1.6.2 29/07/2020 ====================================== * Fix: camera save option doesn't work (cause black screen) * Fix: look at a shape * Mod: add the core plugin versioning to the loader Version 1.6.1 29/07/2020 ====================================== * Fix: loader can't load old items Version 1.6.0 29/07/2020 ====================================== * New: scene transition effects (fade, zoom, swirl and etc) Version 1.5.25 24/07/2020 ====================================== * Fix: compatibly with old items (resave item) Version 1.5.24 24/07/2020 ====================================== * Fix: marker positions for the flat scene type * Fix: widget styles Version 1.5.23 20/07/2020 ====================================== * Fix: disabled the marker autoFocus & go to a new scene * Mod: sets the camera lookAt position via yaw & pitch values * New: sets the marker position via yaw & pitch values * New: DB field 'editor' Version 1.5.22 17/06/2020 ====================================== * Fix: super admin can't see menu items * Fix: on IE is no vertical scroll bar (lightbox & inbox) Version 1.5.21 02/06/2020 ====================================== * New: item slug (URL valid name) * Mod: file system operations Version 1.5.20 21/05/2020 ====================================== * New: options for preview & iframe embed page * New: image for a marker * New: auto focus on a marker after the click event * Mod: light & dark themes, the 'civic' widget * Fix: FontAwesome i2svg breaks the admin frontend Version 1.5.19 14/05/2020 ====================================== * New: edit roles with access to the plugin Version 1.5.18 05/05/2020 ====================================== * Fix: loader is called only once on a page Version 1.5.17 24/04/2020 ====================================== * Mod: user can view & edit only their items Version 1.5.16 21/04/2020 ====================================== * Fix: audio options (stop previous) * Fix: popovers in the fullscreen mode * Mod: items pagination view Version 1.5.15 29/03/2020 ====================================== * Fix: pinch zoom for scene types: 'sphere', 'cube', 'flat', 'gsv' Version 1.5.14 20/03/2020 ====================================== * Fix: undefined variable timestamp Version 1.5.13 12/03/2020 ====================================== * New: widget - 'List' with the scene list control * Fix: base css styles Version 1.5.12 08/03/2020 ====================================== * Fix: marker creation for the flat scene type * Mod: fullscreen mode for widgets: 'Civic', 'Modern' * Mod: preview & iframe embed feature out of the box Version 1.5.11 16/01/2020 ====================================== * Fix: marker mouse pointer still appears after a scene is changed * Fix: markers scrolling for the flat scene type * Fix: scenes navigation for the civic widget Version 1.5.10 06/01/2020 ====================================== * New: edit permissions for roles: administrator, editor, author, contributor * Fix: warnings with framebuffer is incomplete Version 1.5.9 26/11/2019 ====================================== * New: shapes (planes with texture) * New: container background styles can be inline or not * New: shortcode attribute 'sceneid' Version 1.5.8 28/10/2019 ====================================== * New: popover feature (inbox or lightbox) Version 1.5.7 09/10/2019 ====================================== * New: New theme 'bubbles' * Fix: Update widgets Version 1.5.6 10/09/2019 ====================================== * Fix: Bug with the browser cache, don't see updates after changes Version 1.5.5 03/09/2019 ====================================== * New: New widget 'Civic' * New: Embed & preview is independent of WordPress themes and third-party plugins Version 1.5.4 ====================================== * Fix: Lost details in the fullscreen mode Version 1.5.3 ====================================== * Fix: Cubemap scene, front & bottom images issue Version 1.5.2 ====================================== * Fix: Preview & Embed URL generation Version 1.5.1 20/07/2019 ====================================== * Fix: Save & load config to and from a file * New: Interactive preview image builder Version 1.5.0 18/07/2019 ====================================== The fully new version, incompatible with old one Version 1.3.9 26/11/2018 ====================================== - Fix: Black screen issue in Chrome with zooming - Fix: Fullscreen toggle Version 1.3.8 18/06/2018 ====================================== - Fix: Compatible with Smart Product Viewer - Fix: Exit full screen mode in IE Version 1.3.7 30/04/2018 ====================================== - New: Save or not the camera lookat vector if you move between scenes - New: Top and bottom pitch limits for each scene - New: Left and right yaw limits for each scene - New: Hotspot titles - Fix: Scene images background load - Fix: Fullscreen on iOS Version 1.3.6 08/08/2017 ====================================== - Fix: Bug with a short touch on a link hotspot - Fix: Bug with a sceneId parameter in frontend Version 1.3.5 24/05/2017 ====================================== - Fix: Bug with multiple instances on one page Version 1.3.4 19/05/2017 ====================================== - Fix: Works better with touch events - Fix: Sometimes lost webgl context in FF - Fix: Bug with fullscreen on IE11 Version 1.3.3 06/05/2017 ====================================== - New: Global settings - New: Zoom by pinch gestures - New: The cube scene type can have one single texture or six separated - Fix: Bug with fullscreen on iOS (leave only standard fullscreen API) Version 1.3.2 27/02/2017 ====================================== - New: Top and bottom pitch limits - New: Specifying a custom onload callback javascript code - New: Enable/disable the prevention for default behavior on the mouseWheel event - Fix: Bug with loading a saved config - Fix: Bug with appearing hotspot images in the upper left corner Version 1.3.1 06/02/2017 ====================================== - Fix: Bug with scene distortion and quality Version 1.3.0 01/02/2017 ====================================== - Fix: Bug with char encoding, problems with item update - New: Image url can be local relative to the upload folder or full - New: Easy hotspot customization Version 1.2.1 02/09/2016 ====================================== - Improvement: Loading progress bar for the builder - Fix: Support multiple angular.js versions on the same page - Fix: Warning about array_map() after the item has been updated Version 1.2.0 22/08/2016 ====================================== - New: New dark theme - New: Thumbnails (vertical & horizontal) - New: Thumbnails toggle control - New: Next & Prev scene controls - New: Show a popover when the scene's loaded - New: Save & Load a config from file - New: Allow shortcodes within a popover content - Fix: Default width and height settings if this parameters are not set - Fix: When special characters are used in popovers and titles, the plugin doesn't work Version 1.1.0 20/07/2016 ====================================== - New: Updated the jQuery plugin Version 1.0.0 10/07/2016 ====================================== - First release

Version: 1.8.1
Envato version: 1.8.7Updated
Software Version
Gutenberg Optimized
High Resolution
Files Included
Demo Content Included