Gravity Forms Auto Formatter
Automatic capitalization/case formatting, blacklist/block text, auto copy values between fields or user single click to copy values, read only and disabled fields, obscure the users input without password field types (with optional user toggle option), turn off autocomplete, turn off spellcheck, require matching or non-matching inputs, restrict character type of inputs in realtime, restrict inputs to only accept the specific characters you choose, link removal, custom text replacement, min/max character requirements, HTML tag and PHP code removal, and before/after text appending ..all per individual field! Also adds the powerful ability to use shortcodes inside GF merge tag areas, and a quiz/form review page option to let users review all input before submitting! Let Gravity Forms Auto Formatter sanitize, and neatly format your form entries with quick and easy setup!
Gravity Forms Auto Formatter is an Add-On for Gravity Forms, and works as a great companion to our encryption and form timing add-on plugins for Gravity Forms.
See Full Feature List Below!
Let this super helpful plugin automatically take the pain out of moderating and/or formatting your entries.
Gravity Forms Auto Formatter is an Add-On for gravity forms, which adds: per field automatic upper and lower casing/capitalization of input text as well as first character per input or word capitalization, option to obscure text (can be toggled as well) on input without using a password field type. per field selectable custom blacklist/blocked word checks with custom validation errors and the option to reveal the blocked terms/characters to the user, making fields only accept certain characters, simple option for making fields read only and/or disabled, auto or user clicked value copying such as filling in a billing address with the shipping address or a text field with a phone number etc, the ability to require that the users input matches in 2 selected fields and/or does not match multiple other selected fields, turn off autocomplete, make fields only respond to alpha/numeric/alpha-numeric input, and can automatically disable links, remove HTML tags and PHP code, auto prefix and/or suffix users input with per field custom text/characters, set minimum character requirements on fields and and maximum character requirements on field types unsupported by Gravity Forms core, as well as replace specified submitted text with custom text ..all per field.
Whether you would like to just auto format the address or name with first letters capitalized, block problematic characters or offensive words, make fields data read only and/or disabled, copy one address or field to another, disable fields from autocompleting to hide previous entry data, disallow numbers/alpha chars/special characters in realtime, require that the user inputs the same matching data twice for verification and/or require that the user enters different values between fields, use standard or custom shortcodes inside of GF merge tag areas, disable links, remove any HTML tags and PHP code, auto add custom characters or text before or after the input text, auto replace custom text/characters with other text/characters, or just add a review input page to the form/quiz before the user submits the form/quiz..this is the plugin for you! Super easy to use and set up for hands off automatic formatting!
-Text replacement can also simply remove specified text/characters.
-For those who need parse the notification e-mails the before and after text can be used to easily add parsing indicators to find certain field data.
Supported Field Types: text, text area, name, email, website, phone, address, number, list, drop down, radio, multi select, , checkbox, post_title, post_category, post_content, post_excerpt, post_tags, post_custom_field
NOTE: All options are not available for all field types. Only options sensible or possible for each field type are available for that field type.
- Supports almost all alphabets/languages with UTF-8 encoding
- Automatic real-time case/capitalization options for submitted text per individual field
- Automatically copy values between fields or let the user click to copy them. Can copy addresses, names and even copy between different field types! * *
- Form setting for enabling a review page where the user can review all entered data before submitting.
- Restrict inputs to only accept the specific characters you choose
- Simple field options for making fields read only and/or disabled
- Simple field options for turning fields autocomplete off
- Simple field options for turning fields spellcheck off
- Simple field options for obscuring the users input without using a password field type so that browsers do not suggest remembering or retrieving passwords. This can be either set, or user toggled.
- Option to only allow specified characters per field. (text, text area, post title/content/excerpt/tags/custom field)
- Custom central blacklist validation checks with per field on/off
- Custom field specific blacklist validation checks
- Custom blacklist validation error message option
- Option to reveal the blacklisted terms being blocked to submitting user
- Additional custom blacklist validation error message for when terms are revealed option
- Minimum Character requirement option for field types: text, text area, website, email, post title, post content/body, post excerpt.
- Maximum Character restriction option for field types: website, email, post title.
- Require that different inputs do NOT match on the same entry. Allows for blocking users from entering same data in multiple fields on the same entry.
- Require that fields inputs DO match on the same entry. Allows for creating verification or double check fields of types other than “e-mail” and checks that the two fields match on validation.
- Set fields to only allow alpha/numeric/alpha-numeric input in realtime.
- Ability to use shotcodes inside GF merge tags to place shortcode content where GF merge tags are accepted. (Example {gfaf: [shortcode]} Example usage: field default values filled by shortcodes).
- Automatic removal of link functionality for submitted text per individual field
- Automatic removal of all HTML tags and PHP code for submitted text per individual field
- Automatic central custom text/character replacement with per field on/off
- Automatic field specific custom text/character replacement
- Automatic custom text appending to submitted text per individual field. Both before and after text are customizable per individual field
- Uses both strict and normal text replacement options which can be used at the same time
- Uses both strict and normal blacklists which can be used at the same time
- Option to save existing plugin settings during uninstallation/plugin deletion
- Automatic updates and update notifications through the free Envato Market plugin.
- Show/Hide button in form field options to keep field settings tidy
- Easy to read “System Check” in the settings page.
Simple instructions are directly inside the options page and inline field general option help markers.
Supported Field Types: single line text, paragraph text, name, email, website, phone, address, number, list, dropdown, multi select, radio buttons, checkbox, quiz, post_title, post_content, post category, post_excerpt, post_tags, post_custom_field.
*Not all options are available on all field types. Only options which are useful to particular field types apply to that field type. Some options like requiring matching or blocking entry between fields can be applied to supported fields and checked against unsupported fields
* *Supported fields for auto and user copy value: Single Line Text, Paragraph Text, Number, Email, Website, Phone, Post Title, Post Content, Post Excerpt, Post Custom Field (post custom field must be of other valid field type). Name, Address. Most fields with this option can also copy from a drop down field type. Name and address fields can only copy to and from other name or address fields.
This plugin is currently only authorized, supported, and legitimately sold through Do not compromise your sites security by unauthorized installs of this or any other plugin.
Gravity Forms Auto Formatter © Plugin Owl.
Please see support page for plugin F.A.Q
Item is supported though the comments page
+ means “or any higher version”
-WordPress 4.6+
-PHP 5.6+ (5.5 and 5.4 should currently also function but are NOT SUPPORTED)
-Gravity Forms Version 2.5+
-This plugin supports most all UTF-8 encoded languages but some features (such as auto case formatting) may not fully function with certain special alphabets (Turkish is a known alphabet that has support issues due to variances in characters).
Installation / Upgrade
IMPORTANT: Please refer to the plugin’s readme file for detailed instructions on upgrading between versions or initial install.
New in Version 2.7.91
- Tested on WP 6.1.1
- Tested on GF 2.7.16