Eventer - WordPress Event & Booking Manager Plugin
High Resolution
The most recent version of this plugin (v3.8) was uploaded to our platform on .
All new Eventer Check-In app is now available for both Android & iOS. Download now

Event registration steps

- Full width events calendar
- Events List & Grid view multiple styles
- Upcoming Event Countdown
- Free or Paid event registration
- Woocommerce payments for event registrations
- List view yearly, monthly, weekly, daily
- Events sorting using categories, tags, venues, organizers in lists
- Multiple ticket types for every event
- Advanced recurring event options. Repeat event for every day, week, bi weekly, any day of the week, every month or on any specific selected dates. Also can exclude repeating events from a continuous recurring event length
- Easy to use and very advanced event filter header for list view
- In built ticket generator
- QR code on printable tickets
- Email notifications
- Event manager for every single event
- Built in social sharing links on event details page
- Option to save events to iCalendar, Yahoo Calendar, Outlook or Google Calendar
- One way sync of Google Calendar to your website
- WPML plugin compatibility for multilingual websites
- Translation ready .pot file available
- Export event registration bookings to csv file
- Upload events in form of csv file format
- Intuitive Shortcode generator
- Custom permalinks options
Support is provided through our dedicated Support Forum to all verified theme buyers. Please have your purchase code handy when you register at our support forum. Here’s how to find your item Purchase Code?
Plugin requirements
Minimum PHP version required is 5.6 for the plugin to work correctly
Images from live preview are not included in the plugin.
This plugin is the only and official product of imithemes, exclusively available on the Enavto Market. It is not associated with any other plugin named Eventer available on any other market or WordPress.org plugins repository
Change Log
v3.8 – November 20, 2023NEW! Option to add new form fields for individual registrants NEW! Yearly recurring events NEW! Option to hide available tickets quantity for events individually NEW! Event Schema integrated NEW! PDF Tickets option NEW! Option to disable event tickets email delivery per event NEW! Pre payment and Payment confirmation email for Woo bookings as well NEW! Placeholder attribute for form fields shortcodes NEW! Event status Expired, Upcoming, Ongoing for all the list/grid styles UPDATED! Carousel plugin FIXED! Specific event ticket instructions not working with Woo bookings FIXED! Timeslot is not visible for all day events FIXED! Individual registrants record not exported in Woo bookings FIXED! Delete bookings record not working for Woo bookings FIXED! Event time countdown not working in the modern grid style FIXED! Style improvementsv3.7.5.1 – October 30, 2023
Date not visible on single event page when there is no value added at Eventerv3.7.5 – October 26, 2023
NEW! Separate field for date format on event single page FIXED! Booking form not working in DIVI theme FIXED! Even linked to custom URL not working FIXED! Eventer filters in New booking area not working FIXED! Event category filter not working for Elementor widget FIXED! Event specific ticket instructions not showing in event tickets FIXED! Email templates not showing line breaks FIXED! Added some missing translations for javascript errors FIXED! Half ticket image when booking from a mobile devicev3.7.4.1 – September 02, 2023
FIXED! Eventer icons not workingv3.7.4 – September 02, 2023
UPDATE! New check-in app functionalityv3.7.3 – July 20, 2023
UPDATED! Admin scripts to use plugin version.v3.7.2 – July 14, 2023
FIXED! Problem with style enqueuev3.7.1 – July 13, 2023
FIXED! Problem with Stripe paymentsv3.7 – July 12, 2023
NEW! CSV export for the 'New Bookings' Woocommerce NEW! Option to make time slot selection field mandatory NEW! PDF Invoices for the standard payments for event booking NEW! Option to add image and other details on the event tickets NEW! Option to define Email sender name and email address for all the Eventer outgoing emails NEW! Not show a dropdown select field instead of calendar date picker for the recurring events IMPROVEMENT! Eventer css and javascript will now load only on the pages which are using the eventer shortcodes. FIXED! Few stylings bugs UPDATED! Language .potv3.6.1 – March 24, 2023
FIXED! Problem with Woocommerce checkout popupv3.6 – February 11, 2023
FIXED! New bookings not showing any record for some users FIXED! Custom ticket email template content not working for Woocommerce bookings FIXED! Some styling bugsv3.5- August 30, 2022
UPDATED! Woocommerce booking functionality FIXED! Some styling bugsv3.4- July 26, 2022
UPDATED! Custom registration URL will be used for the Buy/Book tickets button ADDED! Brazilian Real currency option FIXED! Modern List not showing month name FIXED! Featured grid not showing month name FIXED! Currency position display wrong at total amount in cart FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! Ticket info visible even if no tickets were created FIXED! Some styling problem in the backend meta fieldsv3.3- January 16, 2022
NEW! Services data is now included in the booking CSV NEW! Organiser name will show on the details page now NEW! Pagination added for events grid with terms filters NEW! Booking date added for bookings CSV with Woocommerce UPDATED! Recurring events array type UPDATED! Long duration events will now show in every month of their schedule UPDATED! Tickets sending process with Woocommerce FIXED! Additional info shortcake not working with Woocommerce FIXED! A problem with common ticket count FIXED! A bug with payment shortcode in the email templates FIXED! Classic list now showing buy button when direct ticket link is used FIXED! Event countdown not working with the Bridge theme FIXED! Prices with comma separators not working FIXED! PayPal button remains hidden when switching between payment options FIXED! Free event booking not working when Stripe is active FIXED! Selected organiser for slider shortcode not working FIXED! Custom event URL not working FIXED! Some styling bugs REMOVED! Google Plus share icon since the service has been stopped by Googlev3.2 .1- June 29, 2021
NEW! Organiser info block for single event details page FIXED! Payment method conditions not working in email templates FIXED! Booking not working when price is for more than 3 digits FIXED! Dynamically included dates for events recurrence not showing in the booking calendar FIXED! Some styling Bugsv3.2 – June 04, 2021
NEW! Option to use filters with the pagination enabled NEW! Additional info text for the event details section NEW! Additional content for the emails like adding Zoom meeting URLs FIXED! Registrant name not working when counter is enabled FIXED! Ticket restrictions not working for some users FIXED! Social sharing icon not showing on hover FIXED! Problem with date picker on single event details page FIXED! Some styling bugsv3.1 – December 27, 2020
NEW! Option to delete bulk bookings NEW! Option to disable PayPal payment option FIXED! Free events doesn't work if Stripe payment is active only FIXED! Decimal prices not working for offline payments FIXED! Wrong credit card info not allowing to change it in Stripe payments FIXED! Services & Coupons not working when using dynamic booking calendar FIXED! Rest API permission issue in WP 5.6 version FIXED! General settings tab doesn't remain active after saving FIXED! Some issues with JPY currency FIXED! Multi days events showing as passed in thank you message FIXED! Time slot not taking time settings FIXED! Print ticket not working in Safari browser FIXED! Woocommerce tickets not getting added for multi days events FIXED! Some styling bugsv3.0.1 – August 20, 2020
FIXED! Date wise tickets are getting reset while opening event edit page FIXED! Some styling bugsv3.0 – August 15, 2020
NEW! Multiple venue option for events grid NEW! Restore ticket option for default payment system NEW! Ticket slot time field in booking CSV export UPDATE! Compatibility with WP version 5.5 FIXED! Radio/Checkbox fields not validating FIXED! Add ticket field not working post 10 ticket types FIXED! Ticket details not updating when editing event from frontend FIXED! HTML markup in the event title not showing in calendar view FIXED! Remaining ticket count not working properly when event is added throughv2.9 – June 03, 2020
NEW! Field for specific venue in event IMPROVEMENT! Booking calendar will now show selected date instead of default text IMPROVEMENT! Bookings search in the admin FIXED! Polylang plugin not working correctly FIXED! Common ticket count not working with Woocommerce FIXED! Event with multi days with different time not showing correctly FIXED! 500 error when submitting Stripe payment form without filling the fields FIXED! Date missing when using grid with language other than English FIXED! Send tickets from admin not working for some users FIXED! URL escaping in the grid view FIXED! Static all day text showing in the list FIXED! Some typo in the emails FIXED! Custom permalinks not working in calendar view FIXED! Stripe payments not rounding off the amount properly FIXED! Total ticket values removing decimals FIXED! Google events showing wrong time FIXED! Frontend dashboard not working correctly on IE browser FIXED! Events filter not working in bookings page FIXED! New woo commerce ticket from existing product isn't workingv2.8 – January 29, 2020
NEW! Option to view/update details of bookings NEW! Stripe payment SCA authentication added NEW! Booking search is now can accept any value to search NEW! Currency code for second belarusian ruble IMPROVEMENT! Setting csv import for default payment IMPROVEMENT! Event that have different dates in start and end date field and user wants to set all day FIXED! Grid alignment issue on filters FIXED! Problem with polylang plugin translations FIXED! Date filter not working for some users FIXED! Some styling bugsv2.7.3.1 – September 27, 2019
FIXED! Bug with event registrationsv2.7.3 – September 27, 2019
NEW! Option to add custom booking form for every event FIXED! Compact list showing incorrect date FIXED! All day event showing event end date FIXED! Event data not saving for some usersv2.7.2 – September 26, 2019
FIXED! Stripe payments checkout not workingv2.7.1 – September 15, 2019
IMPROVED! Stripe payment system integration IMPROVED! Event booking with time slots functionality FIXED! Events product style grid linking issue FIXED! Some bugs with Woocommerce checkout FIXED! WPML shows blank IDD for events for some users FIXED! iCalendar not saving events FIXED! Linking issue with events grid when no featured image is available FIXED! Contact Form modal box not getting closed FIXED! Year tab is not visible in filters when events are available for only single year FIXED! Front end event submission not working FIXED! Multi date events showing only last date on details page FIXED! Infinite loading at checkout process FIXED! All day events not working properly FIXED! Booking not visible for some users FIXED! Countdown not working for featured events FIXED! Some styling bugsv2.7 – August 02, 2019
NEW! Option to apply coupon codes for default payment options NEW! Option to set default payment status NEW! Option to disable shortcodde preview link NEW! Option to disable carousel scripts in case of conflict with a theme FIXED! Some domains not validating registered email address FIXED! Issue with href tag passing to event URL FIXED! Custom badges not working FIXED! Event countdown not working with some themes FIXED! Booking calendar to not show if event is not recurring FIXED! Events with same date/time not showing in the list FIXED! Assets file should use plugin's version instead of theme's FIXED! Externally linked event redirecting to single event page first FIXED! Organisers website URL opening in same window FIXED! Countdown counting from local time FIXED! Future events links should be shown only when events are available FIXED! An issue with events tickets not showing when using Woocommerce FIXED! Woocommerce tickets to show by default if product is available FIXED! Some styling issues with Bridge theme FIXED! Categories with no events not showing in addd event page FIXED! Woocommerce orders not updating by own FIXED! Classic list tickets button not workingv2.6.2.3 – May 04, 2019
NEW! Stripe payment gateway added as default payment options FIXED! Some stylings bugsv2.6.2.1 – April 25, 2019
FIXED! Woocommerce checkout not showingv2.6.2 – April 23, 2019
NEW! Custom venue name field for events NEW! Option to preview shortcodes while generating them IMPROVEMENT! Selected date visible in booking date calendar button IMPROVEMENT! Option to count all tickets from single field IMPROVEMENT! Filters are now alphabetically sorted IMPROVEMENT! Date and time format in booking is now as per WP settings IMPROVEMENT! Check for only WP events FIXED! Time slots not updating while changing date from booking calendar FIXED! Australian dollar option missing from PayPal currency options FIXED! Excerpt now working for shortcodes FIXED! Date sort function not working for filters FIXED! Clean grid style not redirecting to details page FIXED! Some issue with Divi theme FIXED! Some styling bugs with The 7 theme FIXED! Warnings while fetching tickets FIXED! CSV import not working properly with registrants fields FIXED! Bookings filter not working when selecting a specific event FIXED! Some compatibility issue with IE browser FIXED! Woocommerce tickets showing on front end while not available in the back end FIXED! Login form styling issues in mobile devices FIXED! Grid not aligned properly in mobile devicesv2.6.1 – March 05, 2019
FIXED! Woocommerce payments not getting processedv2.6 – March 01, 2019
NEW! Option to hide past events NEW! Option to manually checkin by Ticket NEW! Option to autocomplete payments NEW! Archive page custom template option NEW! Option to reset ticket details in the add event page ticket section IMPROVED! Calendar will now show the weeks as per the month not fixed like before IMPROVED! Booking DB tables FIXED! Recurring week day function is not working properly FIXED! Recurring events showing same weekday in date format FIXED! Woocommerce ticket showing different ticket ID every time FIXED! Woocommerce contacting check for single event page only FIXED! Date not showing in plain grid style FIXED! Some styling issues FIXED! Events to be treated as single event when start and end date doesn't match FIXED! Event slot time discrepancy in tickets FIXED! Save event option not working FIXED! Cart page not showing proceed button FIXED! Time slot data removed from Woocommerce ticket FIXED! PayPal payment info not passing in the system FIXED! Plugin's ajax system not working with other language pages of WPML FIXED! User's Dashboard submissions tab not loading for some users FIXED! Alignment of grid layout after filter ajax call FIXED! Some conflicts with Divi Theme FIXED! Some bugs with featured events display FIXED! Some themes not showing venter settings page FIXED! Filters not working properly when there are multiple shortcodes added to a single page FIXED! Some compatibility issues with WPML plugin FIXED! Woocommerce tickets keeps showing processing status for tickets FIXED! Night time events with not more than 1 days should be treaded as single day event FIXED! Specific event bookings importing ll events while using default payment gateway FIXED! Woocommerce tickets not adding for specific date in date wise section FIXED! Tickets were not saving when using Polylang plugin FIXED! Event date is not working for single occurrence events several times FIXED! Events calendar not honouring time settings set in Eventer settings FIXED! Select booking date button text is not translatable FIXED! Woocommerce orders showing pending when using Woocommerce code to auto complete ordersv2.5.2 – January 14, 2019
UPDATED! wc_functions.php template FIXED! All day event not working correctly FIXED! Some event types not working in VC FIXED! Name and Email should be auto filled for logged in users FIXED! Additional registrants details not showing in csv FIXED! Mini cart throwing some errors for some users FIXED! Services setup not working for some events FIXED! init functions delegate function updatev2.5.1 – January 03, 2019
FIXED! Added some new thumbnail size to fix new grid/list view layouts FIXED! Modal window not opening for some usersv2.5 – January 02, 2019
NEW! 4 new events list styles NEW! 5 new grid styles NEW! Events carousel option for grid view NEW! 3 slider style NEW! Filters options for grid view IMPROVED! Social sharing and event save options FIXED! IE11 compatibility fixes FIXED! PHP 7.2 bugs resolved FIXED! Restoring of tickets not working correctly FIXED! Additional buttons on single event page option to hide not working FIXED! Canadian Dollar option was missing from PayPal currency settings FIXED! Taxonomies not showing in WP 5.0+ FIXED! Events filters issue in IE browser FIXED! Ticket reset option not workingv2.4.2 – 27 November, 2018
NEW! Multiple time slots for a single event NEW! Option to select a time slot for ticket booking NEW! Option to hide print, contact, future events, Directions links from single events page NEW! Option to show end time of events in calendar view NEW! Option to set a maximum limit allowed for booking per ticket type FIXED! A styling bug in event ticket image that is sent to email FIXED! Some styling issue with tickets layout on single event page when Woocommerce ticket system is been used FIXED! A bug with the Visual Composer integration FIXED! Compatibility issue with Salient theme custom VC plugin FIXED! Book ticket button gets hidden when date is selected from calendar FIXED! Currency sign not taking space with the price FIXED! Currency sign position changed when ticket count is changed in ticket booking popup FIXED! Google events showing error for some users FIXED! Book Ticket button not showing after date selection in multilingual websites FIXED! Some static text strings were not translatable FIXED! QR Code was showing on thank you page for incomplete payments FIXED! Event date was storing wrong for some users in bookings FIXED! Woocommerce product sold individually option now works for the tickets as well FIXED! Unused venter class removed from the event details content section FIXED! Event count was not updating when ticket payment status is changedv2.4.1 – 25 September, 2018
NEW! Option to choose event date with in the ticket section while booking FIXED! Some styling bugsv2.4 – 25 September, 2018
NEW! Option to set events as featured and show them on top of the events list NEW! Option to hide past events in monthly, yearly views NEW! Option to select recurring event date on event details page for registration of any future date IMPROVEMENT! Filter events using AND/OR operator IMPROVEMENT! All available currency options added while using plugin's default payment option IMPROVEMENT! Apply filter for the content of emails IMPROVEMENT! Google events now loading in a new improved way to speed up the load time FIXED! Ticket count not working properly with Polylang plugin FIXED! Some warning message with pagination FIXED! Some options were not translatable FIXED! Order summary box infinite loading when using plugin's layout with Woocommerce FIXED! Multi day events event to show start/end dates in event details page and emails sent FIXED! Tickets count not working while using Woocommerce with default layout FIXED! Decimals values not working with Woocommerce after decimals FIXED! Plugin's PayPal payment system doesn't; t have correct IPN message FIXED! Removed eventer class put on single page entry div to avoid typography problems FIXED! Checkout section isn't updating while changing data in the Woo minicart FIXED! Event calendar not working when used with tabs FIXED! Add new form first section isn't visible once form is edited FIXED! Woocommerce coupon toggle box not working while using with plugin's layout FIXED! Bookings not working for some users when using Woocommerce with plugin layoutv2.3.1 – 17 August, 2018
FIXED! New shortcodes for dashboard and add new form requiring event activation hook FIXED! Stripe payment and checkout js not working with Woocommerce FIXED! PayPal payments IPN not working for plugin default payment system FIXED! Woocommerce optional fields also showing as required while placing order FIXED! Deleted events showing even after deletedv2.3 – 16 August, 2018
NEW! Front end add new event form NEW! From end add new event form drag drop builder NEW! User Dashboard to see created events and bookings NEW! User Login/Register forms in new Dashboard NEW! Option to schedule sale start date for any ticket type (Only for Woocommerce payments) NEW! Now add additional date for a single time occurring event NEW! Option to disable email sending for different notifications NEW! Option to make individual registrants field mandatory IMPROVED! Ticket image resolution IMPROVED! Small screen visibility of events calendar UPDATED! Email content textarea to WP editor type FIXED! Event time was showing on tickets for all day events FIXED! A bug that was showing warning message while adding services for an event FIXED! Event time is not showing correct for some users FIXED! Terms were not working properly on page load FIXED! Google events were showing in list view for several users FIXED! Number of tickets to be restored after cancelling an event FIXED! Data in downloaded csv file was not getting complete FIXED! Services was not getting included in the bookings downloaded csv file FIXED! Filtering options conflicting with theme's other custom post types FIXED! Loading not working in Google Chrome when adding tickets to cart FIXED! Some of the Google events were not showing for list view FIXED! Event title not showing when csv downloaded for bookings FIXED! Cancelled tickets doesn't restore with Woocommerce setup FIXED! hyphen not working in price field of Woocommerce FIXED! Woocommerce payment proceeding without validating fields FIXED! Some styling bugsv2.2.1 – 7 July, 2018
FIXED! An issue with VC shortcodes not getting activated properlyv2.2 – 06 July, 2018
NEW! WPBakery page builder compatibility, 4 shortcodes added for the page builder FIXED! Eventers folder with custom template not working from child theme FIXED! Event name not showing in ticket for some users FIXED! Badge not saving while creating events FIXED! eventer-overflow-hidden class was adding by default causing webpage not scrollable FIXED! Save event options not working for some users FIXED! Some styling bugsv2.1 – 05 June, 2018
FIXED! Tickets not getting generated for several users FIXED! Event preview on calendar positioning FIXED! Shortcodes for details page not working for some users FIXED! Some styling bugsv2.0 – 24 May, 2018
NEW! Option to set custom permalink for events to redirect event to some specific URL NEW! Event preview option for events calendar NEW! Option to show events venue name in the list view in place of full address NEW! Option to disabled event post type archive template so you can create a page with same slug as your events slug UPDATED! Some functions and file locations UPDATED! Few plugin functions to start withe eventer prefix to avoid conflict with some themes FIXED! Styling bug with event status badge FIXED! Show event featured image in the woo commerce cart instead of product FIXED! Single event ticket delivery when only one person is registered FIXED! A bug which sometimes disabled addition of tickets to woo cart FIXED! Cart messages while using for event ticketing FIXED! Child terms not working while adding only parent term for shortcodes FIXED! Booking doesn't get deleted for some cases FIXED! Plugin's payment options not showing under settings for some users FIXED! Full day event not showing on events calendarv1.9 – 03 May, 2018
NEW! Event registration through woo commerce now show records in Eventer plugin Bookings tab NEW! Admin can send tickets from booking records manually and can also download tickets from there NEW! Now multi date events show both start end date in list view NEW! Unlimited ticket types for woo commerce event registration FIXED! Some bug related to woo commerce event registrationv1.8.1 – 20 April, 2018
UPDATED! Woocommerce tickets to set all tickets as virtual product to avoid shipping costs FIXED! Date wise price not working for Woocommerce tickets FIXED! Currency symbol not correct for Woo tickets FIXED! Event content now showing when using plugin layout for Woocommerce tickets FIXED! UI date picker conflict with some themes FIXED! Some styling bugsv1.8 – 17 April, 2018
NEW! Woocommerce cart and checkout can now use the plugin' own checkout UI in the popup modal NEW! Date wise booking records for Woocommerce tickets NEW! Now sell additional services along with tickets using Woocommerce payment system FIXED! Some minor bugs and styling issuesv1.7 – 07 April, 2018
NEW! Now users can see venue and organizer details while selecting it within the add new event NEW! Download tickets option when admin set the payments to be autocomplete by default NEW! Custom cart URL for woo commerce payments NEW! Filters and services dropdown to auto close now FIXED! some themes shows multiple events element to details page FIXED! Woocommerce sale price doesn't show correctly FIXED! Organizer website link doesn't work correct for some users FIXED! Woocommerce tickets are not getting attached to email when same name tickets are users for some other eventv1.6 – 26 March, 2018
NEW! Now single-venter.php is not a mandatory template for your theme NEW! Event single page shortcodes for event data FIXED! A bug with some selected events FIXED! Some javascript bugs FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! A bug with excerpt with share event linksv1.5.4 – 14 March, 2018
FIXED! Compatibility issue with some plugin using the same venue fields function FIXED! Eventer woo commerce add to cart function not updating woo minicart UPDATED! .pot file to add new text stringsv1.5.3 – 12 March, 2018
UPDATED! Additional services UI to allow users to deselect any selected service in the cart FIXED! Save event options not working on some environment FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! Problem with sending attached tickets in multi site WordPress install FIXED! A bug with venue image when updating any venue FIXED! Calendar page not filtering events with multiple selected terms FIXED! A bug with json data in shortcodes.php FIXED! Individual registrants fields not working correct when multiple ticket choices are present FIXED! Passed badge not working correctly FIXED! Event archive not working properlyv1.5.2 – 04 March, 2018
FIXED! Styling bug with new passed label badge feature UPDATED! Plugin documentationv1.5.1 – 02 March, 2018
NEW! Option to send ticket as attachment in user email using woo commerce payments NEW! Option to show "Passed" label on the events that are passed on date NEW! Option to set custom label like "Upcoming", "New" etc on each event on different dates FIXED! Some styling bugsv1.5 – 22 February, 2018
NEW! Individual fields for name and email of every registrants when registering multiple tickets at a time NEW! Option to send tickets as attachment to user's email NEW! Option to select currency symbol position for price field NEW! Now registration for events is possible without creating ticket types. This can be used as RSVP NEW! Address and map coordinates field for event venue taxonomy NEW! Now tickets can be sent with QR codes in the email IMPROVED! Single event page layout FIXED! Bug with event available and event quantity in event bookings FIXED! Passed event message for woo commerce ticket booking FIXED! eventer.php template not working from child theme FIXED! Woocommerce tickets language is not set when using WPML FIXED! Some missing static text strings FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! If registration is off for an event then event details box should be full width FIXED! Google events not showing when there is no event from the WPv1.4.1 – 26 January, 2018
UPDATED! Some hooks for plugin stability FIXED! Console error for live function FIXED! Datepicker library to load only if required FIXED! Next arrow in events filter not showing for certain cases FIXED! Name not showing for event in woo commerce FIXED! Translation bug with woo commerce tickets FIXED! Events import function not saving event dates in correct format FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! Event ticket from website not working correctly FIXED! Some styling bugsv1.4 – 16 January, 2018
NEW! Additional services payment for events NEW! Load events by date range in list view NEW! Option to restrict event registrations for one time for any ticket type NEW! Ticket send in email for woo commerce payments for events NEW! Email template for tickets(Available here: https://eventer.imithemes.com/documentation/ FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! Some theme compatibility bugs FIXED! Repeated emails sending on the view ticket URL page refresh FIXED! Ticket URL were sent for offline payments, now it will be sent only when the payments status is changed to "Success" IMPROVED! Loading speed IMPROVED! Bookings list to sort by latest datev1.3 – 15 December, 2017
NEW! Woocommerce payments for events NEW! Option to add "Today" button in events view option for list filters NEW! Option to define image size for single event page FIXED! Some styling bugsv1.2 – 03 December, 2017
NEW! Option to repeat events every 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks etc. NEW! Loading animation on events calendar IMPROVED! Some styling FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! Tooltip title on future events link was wrong on single events page FIXED! Saving a recurring event to ical and other calendars were saving wrong dates FIXED! Old price styling not workingv1.1 – 28 November, 2017
FIXED! Multiple event countdown shortcode on a single page not working correctlyv1.0 – 22 November, 2017
Initial Release

Version: 3.8
Envato version:
Software Version
Compatible With
High Resolution
Files Included
Demo Content Included