Echo RSS Feed Post Generator Plugin for WordPress

Gutenberg Optimized
The most recent version of this plugin (v5.4.2.5) was uploaded to our platform on .

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#1 WordPress RSS Feed Aggregator Plugin for AutoBlogging

#1 RSS feed plugin for WordPress

You will Love this item! Echo RSS Feed Post Generator v5 major update Echo RSS Feed Post Generator Plugin for WordPress - 1 headlessbroswerapi-update-echo-rss unique news sites with the Echo RSS plugin Echo RSS Feed Post Generator coderevolution support center wp6
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In Greek mythology, Echo (from ἦχος (ēchos), meaning “sound”) was an Oread who fell in love with Zeus. She loved spreading the word about her love. Like Echo, this plugin will automatically “speak” on your blog with rich content blog posts using RSS feed sources.

What Can You Do With This Plugin?

Echo RSS Feed Post Generator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge RSS feed based post generator autoblogging plugin that uses the SimplePie API to turn your website into a autoblogging or even a money making machine!
You can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules. These rules can generate posts from:
  • Any blog that has a public RSS Feed available. All RSS feed versions are supported, from 0.9 to 2.0.
Also, you can automatically generate unlimited number of custom RSS feeds. These rules can generate RSS feeds from:
  • Your latest posts published on your blog.
So, the plugin’s main features are:

  • RSS Feeds -> Blog Posts
  • Blog Posts -> RSS Feeds
Two for the price of one!

Main plugin features:

Echo RSS Post Generator is a powerful WordPress autoblogging tool with many features to help you automate your WordPress blog posts. Most aspects of  Echo RSS Post Generator  are highly configurable and easy to customize through the plugin admin pages. Below is a summary of our major features:
RSS Feed Sources
  • Configure multiple RSS feed sources with the ability to enable or disable individual feeds.
  • Import unlimited content from an unlimited number of RSS feeds
  • RSS feed auto-detection and auto-discovery for sources that have RSS feeds that are hard-to-find (just add the website URL and the plugin will try to detect the RSS feeds)
  • Built-in shortcodes and Gutenberg blocks to display your imported posts from feeds with ease
  • Customize the display templates of generated posts to match your website’s design (individually for each feed)
  • Configure all RSS sources on a single administrative page
  • Support for RSS 0.9, 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0, and Atom 0.3 and 1.0 feeds.
  • Integrated feed caching, HTTP Conditional GET support, and support for GZIP-compression to improve performance and reduce bandwidth usage.
  • Support for dozens of RSS modules including Dublin Core, GeoRSS, ITunes, Media RSS, RSS 1.0 Content, W3C WGS84 Basic GEO, XML 1.0, and XHTML 1.0.
  • RSS Feed autodiscovery–if you don’t know the exact feed URL, just enter the page address and  Echo RSS Post Generator  will find it for you.
  • Ability to override the automatically extracted feed data, such as author or source, with your own static values or values.
  • Set the default post status to Published, Pending, Draft, or Private
Automated Feed Processing
  • Process feeds automatically using built-in pseudo cron feature so an external scheduler is not required.
  • Allow other feeds to notify your autoblog of updates using an XML-RPC ping.
  • Set a range of intervals for random update scheduling.
  • Manually process all feeds or one feed at a time.
  • Disable cron operations without disabling the entire plugin.
  • Configure individual feeds to update every time  Echo RSS Post Generator  runs or after every each number of runs you set.
  • Include all posts from each feed, set a limit on posts added per feed, or have  Echo RSS Post Generator  import partial content from feeds, based on a percentage you set.
  • Automatically create text-only excerpts based on number of words, sentences, or paragraphs.
Post Filtering
  • Blacklist words from posts (banned words). Excellent way to block sites with spammy content, invalid HTML, or to allow webmasters to exclude their site from your blog.
  • Block posts based on a set of required words – skip posts if they do not contain words you define.
  • Duplicate post checking based on title and/or URL.
  • Feed-specific filtering based on all words, any words, exact phrase, or none of the words specified.
  • Feed-specific search and replace features using regular expressions to rewrite words, URLs, fix invalid content, replace affiliate IDs, etc.
  • Truncate or filter out posts with long titles.
WordPress Categories and Tags
  • Assign each feed to one or more blog categories or subcategories or have  Echo RSS Post Generator  automatically create and assign new categories to posts.
  • Search each post for existing blog categories and add them as additional categories or as tags on the post.
  • Visits the original URL to extract full content not found in the feed using our own powerful readability engine–an important SEO feature that will load your blog with quality content.
  • Include categories from the original post and add missing categories to your blog if you choose.
  • Provide a list of tags to randomly add to each post to increase the density of long tail phrases and other targeted keywords.
  • Specify the author to use for new posts, assign a random author or use the name of the original author.
  • Use additional author information from your blog when adding new posts.
Post Templates
  • Post templates let you select your desired post format to ensure variety and to accommodate any number of site requirements.
  • Apply different post templates to each of your feeds.
  • Insert variables from the post, original feed, or any values you define.
  • Random Sentence Generator to add variety to each post.
  • Include images, video and other content in your blog posts using an embedded video players.
  • Build custom post templates to use with affiliate and other non-standard feed formats.
  • Include text-only summaries or entire feed content as your post.
  • Add custom HTML to each post to include NoFollow tags, Javascript, or even WordPress shortcodes.
  • Custom fields allow you to create your own post variables and include items as additional custom fields fin WordPress.
  • Automatic image and logo extraction.
  • Include any elements from the original feed based on dozens of supported RSS modules.
  • And of course, you can simply show the original feed content untouched.
WordPress Integration
  • Takes advantage of internal tagging and category engines to ensure strong keyword coverage and site navigation.
  • Full integration with WordPress security and user permission features.
  • Attribute posts to WordPress authors when incoming posts use that author’s name.
  • Automatically adds fields for images, videos, and thumbnails to support a variety of premium themes.
And even more
  • Set the HTTP Referer and User-Agent strings to use when visiting the original sites to advertise your site or provide opt-out instructions or contact info to other webmasters.
  • Huge speed and performance improvements over similar plugins.
  • PHP source code included.
  • Support forum and e-mail support for all validated customers.
  • Free version updates included, lifetime.

Other plugin features:

  • v5.2.0 update: Use HeadlessBrowserAPI to scrape JavaScript Generated HTML Content from any website on the internet without the need to install anything (besides this plugin) on your server – tutorial video
  • v5.1.0 update: Added the ability to display live RSS feeds using a new shortcode / Gutenberg block – tutorial video
  • v5.0.0 update: Added the ability to search for new RSS feeds by keyword, URL or #topic search
  • v4.9.2 update: Added full support for Google Alerts RSS feeds
  • v4.8.0 update: Ability to shorten outgoing (post source) links (and monetize them), using link shortener service – example of shortened link
  • v4.7.7 update: JavaScript generated dynamic content importing supported!
  • v4.6.1 update: Added the ability to publish post featured images to generated feeds
  • v4.6.1 update: Added the ability to publish images from galleries found inside posts
  • v4.6.1 update: Added the ability to import image galleries from imported posts
  • v4.6.1 update: Added the ability to attach images to posts
  • Unique (on the market) feature: import any custom field from any RSS feed content. More details, here.
  • get full article content for posts from the feeds
  • Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
  • Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – built-in, The Best Spinner, WordAI, SpinRewriter – great SEO value!
  • customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
  • shortcode to list all posts generated by this plugin: [echo-list-posts type => ‘any’, order => ‘ASC’, ‘orderby’ => ‘date’, ‘posts’ => 50, ‘category’ => ’’, ‘ruleid’ => ’’]
  • automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
  • update posts if they are already posted (and posts are still in the feed)
  • manually add post categories or tags to items
  • generate post or page or any custom post type
  • embeds videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, IGN, and DailyMotion RSS feeds
  • define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
  • automatically generate a featured image for the post
  • enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
  • customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
  • ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
  • ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
  • option to automatically delete generated posts after a period of time
  • RSS Feed Generator – make unlimited fully customizable RSS Feeds
  • detailed plugin activity logging
  • scheduled rule runs
  • custom field support for generated posts
  • option to copy or not images locally
  • option to add to generated posts a “rel=canonical” meta tag linking back to source post
  • option to get page from Google cache when direct full content grabbing fails
  • Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
  • Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
  • Add a string to all links from the imported post content – great affiliate feature!
  • Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
  • Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content
  • Save and restore RSS rule list from file
  • Web proxy support
Try it out now

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Plugin Requirements

Learn more about this plugin

Mixed content supported

Extended License

Need support?

Video on how to get full article content using this plugin: video.
New video on the latest major update (get the article’s full content without entering html div class or id name!): video.
Please check our knowledge base, it may have the answer to your question or a solution for your issue. If not, just email me at [email protected] and I will respond as soon as I can.

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Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-02-21
First version released!
Version 1.1 Release Date 2017-02-22
Fixed plugin auto-updating process
Some minor fixes and enhancements
Version 1.2 Release Date 2017-02-24
Added a new feature: unlimited custom RSS Feed generation
Minor fixes and enhancements
Version 1.3 Release Date 2017-02-27
Fixed a reported issue when the plugin failed to detect the featured image of some feeds
Version 1.4 Release Date 2017-03-01
Fixed some characters not appearing correctly from some feeds
Added the option to use built-in SimplePie library or a custom one
Version 1.5 Release Date 2017-03-01
Moved 'Banned Words List' and 'Required Words List' features from settings to rules
Version 1.6 Release Date 2017-03-02
featured image extraction from og:image
fixed encoding issues
added feed auto detection
option to force the detection of feeds at the links you specify - disables auto detection
option to enable feed caching (/res/cache folder)
Version 1.7 Release Date 2017-03-03
Fixed an issue with quotes in generated content
Version 1.8 Release Date 2017-03-04
Fixes and enhancements
Version 1.9 Release Date 2017-03-05
Reworked custom article content fetching - fixing some issues and enhancing performance
Added the ability to select the source article's encoding
Version 2.0 Release Date 2017-03-06
Option to disable the excerpt automatic generation
Improved featured image generation - ability to scrape featured image from article content
Multiple class or ID scrapping support -> separate classes by comma
Added an article word limit, after which 'Read More' link will be added
Version 2.1 Release Date 2017-03-08
Fixed multiple classes grabbing
Fixed 'Limit Article Length' stripping HTML tags from content
Moved 'Translate' option to rules
Added option to disable 'Google Translate Popups' on resulting translated text
Version 2.2 Release Date 2017-03-12
Added a built in text spinning method
Minor fixes and enhancements
Version 2.3 Release Date 2017-03-25
Added an option to resize featured image to desired width and height
Minor fixes and improvements
Version 2.3.1 Release Date 2017-03-26
Fixed a small issue with image resizing
Version 2.4 Release Date 2017-03-31
Added an option to remove images from post content
Fixed a issue with unicode title generation
Added support for custom post types
Other minor fixes
Version 2.5 Release Date 2017-04-04
Major performance improvements
Minor fixes and enhancements
Version 2.6 Release Date 2017-04-06
Added the ability to set the created post date as the date of the RSS feed item
Minor fixes and enhancements
Version 2.7 Release Date 2017-04-07
Added the option to remove WordPress's default category and leave only custom categories for created posts
Version 2.8 Release Date 2017-04-12
Fixed some rss feeds taking very long time to import
Version 2.8.1 Release Date 2017-04-13
Added the ability to modify the 'Read More' text the plugin generates
Version 2.9 Release Date 2017-04-15
Added an option to not copy post featured images locally (saves much disk space, but is risky if the remote image gets deleted)
Minor fixes and enhancements
Version 2.9.1 Release Date 2017-04-16
Fixed some themes not displaying the remote featured images correctly
Version 2.9.2 Release Date 2017-04-17
Fixed a reported issue with default featured image setting
Fixed a reported issue with feed URL sometimes getting malformed
Version 3.0 Release Date 2017-04-19
General performance improvement
Rewritten some modules to increase performance
Featured image generation speed increased
Fixed some bugs when rule appears to be hanging
Some more fixes and enhancements
Version 3.0.1 Release Date 2017-04-20
Fixed a small issue with image grabbing from custom content
Version 3.0.2 Release Date 2017-04-20
Fixed a minor issue with featured image setting
Version 3.0.3 Release Date 2017-04-21
Added the ability to specify 'Read More' link text for each rule
Version 3.1 Release Date 2017-04-21
Fixed an issue where rule count was limited to 25
Version 3.1.1 Release Date 2017-04-21
Fixing minor issues
Version 3.1.2 Release Date 2017-04-21
Some more issues fixed
Version 3.1.3 Release Date 2017-04-22
Added the ability to skip og:image tag checking when generating featured image
Version 3.1.4 Release Date 2017-04-22
Updated built-in SimplePie library to v1.5
Fixed a rare issue with image importing
Version 3.1.5 Release Date 2017-04-29
Fixed some visual issues with automatic rule running
Version 3.1.6 Release Date 2017-04-30
Added an option to change the user-agent SimplePie uses
Version 3.1.7 Release Date 2017-04-30
Added a shortcode to list all post generated by this plugin: [echo-list-posts]
Version 3.1.8 Release Date 2017-05-01
Added another shortcode to list all post generated by this plugin (with more options): [echo-display-posts]
Updated documentation
Version 3.1.9 Release Date 2017-05-04
Small fix in rule running
Version 3.2.0 Release Date 2017-05-05
Added a shortcode to display post creation date
Some minor fixes
Version 3.2.1 Release Date 2017-05-09
Added an option to skip featured image fetching from feed
Some minor fixes
Version 3.3 Release Date 2017-05-14
Fixed multiple category and tag importing
Added an option to remove automatic categories for rules
Some minor fixes
Version 3.4 Release Date 2017-05-16
Added the option to send each published post in email to a predefined address
Version 3.5 Release Date 2017-05-17
Added a new feature to automatically delete generated posts after a period of time
Version 3.5.1 Release Date 2017-05-18
Added an option to not spin the article title
Added info about when the post will be automatically deleted
Version 3.5.2 Release Date 2017-05-18
Fixed some issues with link detections
Version 3.5.3 Release Date 2017-05-22
Fixed some issues with link stripping
Version 3.6 Release Date 2017-05-23
Added an option to copy images from post content locally
Version 3.7 Release Date 2017-05-26
Updated rule running interface - added rule paging
Added the ability to save and restore rules from file
Plugin once again runs on PHP 5.2 and 5.3
Minor fixes and improvements
Version 3.7.1 Release Date 2017-05-29
Added an option to add a delay between rule running
Minor issue fixes
Version 3.7.2 Release Date 2017-05-30
Fixed an issue with rule delays
Version 3.7.3 Release Date 2017-05-31
Auto cleanup rule running list
Added date started info for rules
Version 3.7.4 Release Date 2017-06-01
Added an option to the built-in text spinner to not spin predefined set of words
Version 3.7.5 Release Date 2017-06-05
Fixed some issues
Version 3.7.6 Release Date 2017-06-06
Extended 'Affiliate Keyword Replacer' tool functionality also to articles's title
Version 3.7.7 Release Date 2017-06-07
New feature: replace all links from content
Version 3.7.8 Release Date 2017-06-12
Fixed 'Copy images locally' feature not working, only when full content was grabbed
Fixed some rare issues
Version 3.8.0 Release Date 2017-06-18
Added 'Wordai' premium text spinning method
Added an option to duplicate existing rules
Some minor fixes
Version 3.8.1 Release Date 2017-06-19
Added an option to skip first image when grabbing images from content
Version 3.8.2 Release Date 2017-06-22
Improved plugin memory usage
Version 3.8.3 Release Date 2017-06-23
Fixed custom feeds not being generated in some cases (custom post queries)
Version 3.8.4 Release Date 2017-06-29
Fixed issue with Google Translate
Version 3.8.5 Release Date 2017-06-29
Fixed incompatibility with some WordPress cron versions
Version 3.8.6 Release Date 2017-07-06
Added an option to skip searching for featured image in post content
Version 3.8.7 Release Date 2017-07-07
Added a new feature to leave only a percentage of the full article content (to obey copyright restrictions)
Version 3.8.8 Release Date 2017-07-09
Added the ability to select multiple default categories for generated posts
Version 3.8.9 Release Date 2017-07-10
Fixed a rare issue with HTTPS protocols
Version 3.9.0 Release Date 2017-07-11
Changed 'Article Percentage Trimming' work event when not full content grabbed
Version 3.9.1 Release Date 2017-07-12
Fixed an issue with content trimming by percentage
Version 3.9.2 Release Date 2017-07-13
Fixed an issue with rule duplication
Version 3.9.3 Release Date 2017-07-14
Fixed an issue with rule category selection on multipage setups
Version 3.9.4 Release Date 2017-07-14
Plugin will try to fix incomplete featured image urls
Version 3.9.5 Release Date 2017-07-15
Minor fixes and improvements
Version 3.9.6 Release Date 2017-07-16
Fixed a small reported issue
Version 3.9.7 Release Date 2017-07-17
Added the ability to add attributes (ex: rel="nofollow") to internal and external links from the post content
Version 3.9.8 Release Date 2017-07-17
Fixed an issue with rule management
Version 3.9.9 Release Date 2017-07-17
Fixed an issue with rule display
Version Release Date 2017-07-17
Reduced memory consumption
Version Release Date 2017-07-17
Some more performance improvement
Version Release Date 2017-07-18
Added an option to delete all rules from the plugin
Version Release Date 2017-07-19
Prevented form double submission for rules
Version Release Date 2017-07-20
Added custom meta field support for generated posts
Version Release Date 2017-07-21
Improved plugin performance when creating custom feeds
Version Release Date 2017-07-21
Added a new feature to resize imported iframes to desired width
Version Release Date 2017-07-21
Added a new feature to skip posts if they have a specified word in their featured image name
Version Release Date 2017-07-22
Fixed a set of reported issues
Version 4.0.0 Release Date 2017-07-24
Major performance improvements
Version 4.0.1 Release Date 2017-07-26
Fix an issue with Google Translate
Version 4.0.2 Release Date 2017-07-27
Added the ability to translate other languages than english
Version 4.0.3 Release Date 2017-07-28
Fixed iframe resizing in some cases
Version 4.0.4 Release Date 2017-07-30
Fixed a rare content percentage trimming issue
Version 4.1.0 Release Date 2017-07-31
Fixed a memory issue when 10000+ posts are posted
Version 4.1.1 Release Date 2017-08-01
Added support for regex content modifications
Version 4.1.2 Release Date 2017-08-07
Added the ability to get article full content without entering html classes or ids (using readability)
Version 4.1.3 Release Date 2017-08-13
User interface made more user friendly
Version 4.1.4 Release Date 2017-08-18
Fixed category creation
Version 4.1.5 Release Date 2017-08-22
Renamed featured images as the post's name for better SEO - thank you Maxim
Version 4.1.6 Release Date 2017-08-24
Added the ability to replace wp_cron with cron
Version 4.1.7 Release Date 2017-08-25
Some minor fixes
Version 4.1.8 Release Date 2017-08-28
Added a global required words list and banned words list for generated posts
Version 4.1.9 Release Date 2017-08-31
Fixed a featured image related issue
Version 4.2.0 Release Date 2017-08-31
Added an option to get page from Google cache when direct full content grabbing fails
Version 4.2.1 Release Date 2017-09-01
Made the plugin timezone aware
Version 4.2.2 Release Date 2017-09-02
Fixed time stamps plugin wide
Version 4.2.3 Release Date 2017-09-03
Fixed some issues with featured image checking
Version 4.2.4 Release Date 2017-09-04
Added compatibility with some third party plugins
Version 4.2.5 Release Date 2017-09-05
Fixed featured image checking
Version 4.2.6 Release Date 2017-09-06
Fixed link filler feature
Added a new feature to append a string to all links from the imported content - great affiliate feature!
Version 4.2.7 Release Date 2017-09-07
Fixed some minor issues
Version 4.2.8 Release Date 2017-09-14
Fixed issue with regex replace
Version 4.2.9 Release Date 2017-09-15
Another issue with regex fixed
Version 4.3.0 Release Date 2017-09-15
Fix excerpt when regex used
Version 4.3.1 Release Date 2017-09-23
Fixed importing of some videos
Version 4.3.2 Release Date 2017-09-24
Added the ability to add post categories only if they already exist
Version 4.3.3 Release Date 2017-09-27
Version 4.3.4 Release Date 2017-10-03
Fix for regex parsing
Version 4.3.5 Release Date 2017-10-22
Added crawler helper module
Version 4.3.6 Release Date 2017-10-25
Added the ability to not check posts in plugin settings
Version 4.3.7 Release Date 2017-10-28
Fixed incompatibility with mod_security
Version 4.3.8 Release Date 2017-11-01
Added option to change excerpt length
Version 4.3.9 Release Date 2017-11-07
Version 4.4.0 Release Date 2017-11-08
Added option to draft post first, then automatically publish them
Version 4.4.1 Release Date 2017-11-15
Fixes for 'Required Words List'
Version 4.4.2 Release Date 2017-11-16
Added Web Proxy support
Version 4.4.3 Release Date 2017-11-25
Minor fixes and improvements
Version 4.4.4 Release Date 2017-12-03
Added the option to link post titles directly to source pages
Version 4.4.5 Release Date 2017-12-18
Added the ability to define a secret manually callable url, that will run post importing - can be used in manual cron setup
Version 4.4.6 Release Date 2017-12-19
Fixed some minor issues
Version 4.4.7 Release Date 2017-12-20
Fixed word replacement issue
Version 4.4.8 Release Date 2017-12-26
Fixed spintax issue
Version 4.4.9 Release Date 2017-12-27
Fixed content generation issue
Version 4.5.0 Release Date 2017-12-28
Added an option to not spin posts generated by a specific rule
Version 4.5.1 Release Date 2017-12-29
Added a new feature to change the date format for the %%item_pub_date%% shortcode
Version 4.5.2 Release Date 2017-12-30
Added the ability to add rel="nofollow" or target="_blank" to links from the post content
Version 4.5.3 Release Date 2017-12-31
Fixed iconv issue
Version 4.5.4 Release Date 2018-01-03
Fixed author name for some feeds
Version 4.5.5 Release Date 2018-01-05
Fixed issue with author name
Version 4.5.6 Release Date 2018-01-16
Added SpinRewriter post spinning
Version 4.5.7 Release Date 2018-01-28
Added the ability to import any custom field from rss field content
Version 4.5.8 Release Date 2018-01-29
Version 4.5.9 Release Date 2018-02-01
Fixed importing bug
Version 4.6.0 Release Date 2018-02-19
Now the plugin is able to import Instagram embedded content into posts
Version 4.6.1 Release Date 2018-02-22
Added the ability to publish post featured images to generated feeds
Added the ability to publish images from galleries found inside posts
Added the ability to import image galleries from imported posts
Added the ability to attach images to posts
Version 4.6.2 Release Date 2018-03-01
Fixed some embedding issues
Version 4.6.3 Release Date 2018-03-04
Version 4.6.4 Release Date 2018-03-06
Fixed some incompatibilities with some themes
Version 4.6.5 Release Date 2018-03-15
Added the ability to strip links only from the imported post content (not content generated by shortcodes)
Version 4.6.6 Release Date 2018-03-19
Fixed timezone issue
Version 4.6.7 Release Date 2018-04-02
Added 'Link Generated Post Titles To Source Articles' and 'Replace All URLs from Content With This URL' to rule settings
Version 4.6.8 Release Date 2018-04-20
Improved remote featured image support
Version 4.6.9 Release Date 2018-04-25
Added 'Skip Posts Older Than This Date' to each rule
Version 4.7.0 Release Date 2018-05-29
Added the ability to define a required word list (AND) per rule
Version 4.7.1 Release Date 2018-06-02
Added the ability to change the resized image quality
Version 4.7.2 Release Date 2018-06-03
Fixed SpinRewriter word spinning
Version 4.7.3 Release Date 2018-07-13
Updated built-in readability module
Version 4.7.4 Release Date 2018-08-10
Added a new shortcode to allow users to submit their own feed URLs to the plugin's backend
Version 4.7.5 Release Date 2018-09-03
Added the ability to add to generated posts a 'rel=canonical' meta tag linking back to source pages
Version 4.7.6 Release Date 2018-09-04
Removed some false positive warnings from WordFence security software
Security update
Version 4.7.7 Release Date 2018-09-12
Added the ability to use phantomjs to import dynamic content generated by JavaScript
Version 4.7.8 Release Date 2018-09-29
Version 4.7.9 Release Date 2018-10-14
Added the ability to assign random users to generated posts
Added the ability to import user author from feed (create new user in WordPress if not exists)
Version 4.8.0 Release Date 2018-10-24
Added the ability to shorten links using
Version 4.8.1 Release Date 2018-11-06
Added the ability to skip link translation when using Google Translate
Version 4.8.2 Release Date 2018-11-28
Fixed duplicate post creation when using the link shortener
Version 4.8.3 Release Date 2018-12-16
Added nested importing support - import mixed content into a single post, from multiple plugins created by CodeRevolution
Version 4.8.4 Release Date 2019-01-03
Version 4.8.5 Release Date 2019-01-05
Fixed HTML stripping from full content
Version 4.8.6 Release Date 2019-01-08
Added the ability to import royalty free images for created posts
Version 4.8.7 Release Date 2019-01-12
Added support for Gutenberg blocks to list posts
Version 4.8.8 Release Date 2019-01-21
Added support for any custom tag importing from any RSS feed
Version 4.8.9 Release Date 2019-02-14
Added the ability to select confidence level for SpinRewriter synonyms
Version 4.9.0 Release Date 2019-02-21
Added the ability to skip posts if no royalty free image found
Performance improvement update
Version 4.9.1 Release Date 2019-04-19
Security update
Version 4.9.2 Release Date 2019-08-02
Added support for Google Alerts feeds
Version 4.9.3 Release Date 2019-08-05
Fixed issue with Google Translate
Version 4.9.4 Release Date 2019-11-15
WordPress 5.3 compatibility update
Version 4.9.5 Release Date 2020-05-11
New features added for content templates
Bugfix update
Version 4.9.6 Release Date 2020-06-24
Performance improvements
Version 4.9.7 Release Date 2020-09-09
Improved category and tag extraction
Other reported bugs fixed
Version 4.9.8 Release Date 2020-10-09
Version 5.0.0 Release Date 2020-10-22
Added a the ability to search for RSS feeds based on keywords, URLs or #topics
Major performance improvements
Version 5.0.1 Release Date 2020-11-07
Added the ability to filter imported posts from RSS feeds by author
Version 5.0.2 Release Date 2020-11-15
Added the ability to filter imported posts from RSS feeds by item categories
Version 5.1.0 Release Date 2020-12-30
Added the ability to display live RSS feeds using a new shortcode / Gutenberg block
Version 5.2.0 Release Date 2021-01-14
Added support for HeadlessBrowserAPI to scrape JavaScript rendered content with ease
Version 5.2.1 Release Date 2021-01-16
PHP 8 compatibility update
Version 5.3.0 Release Date 2021-01-23
Added the option to use an experimental feed parser instead of SimplePie
Version 5.3.1 Release Date 2021-02-18
Added an option to capitalize each word in the generated post title
Version 5.3.2 Release Date 2021-03-29
(Highly requested update) Added visual content selector when selecting full content source for articles
Version 5.3.3 Release Date 2021-05-19
Added the ability to make screenshots of websites using the HeadlessBrowserAPI feature
Version 5.3.4 Release Date 2021-07-15
Added multiple Regex expression support for content stripping or replacement (one on each line)
Version 5.3.5 Release Date 2021-07-19
Added Bing Translator support (next to Google Translator and DeepL Translator)
Version 5.3.6 Release Date 2021-09-27
Improved importing speed if full page content imported and also featured image is scraped from HTML content (lowered page request count)
Added visual selector/multiple query types for featured image importing selection
Version Release Date 2022-03-21
Bugfix update
Version 5.3.7 Release Date 2022-04-20
Fixed Google Translator problem caused by a recent Google API update
Version 5.3.8 Release Date 2022-06-14
Added the ability to translate posts a third time (acting like a Word Spinner, if the content is translated back to the original language
Version 5.3.9 Release Date 2022-06-26
Added in importing rule settings, input fields for custom RSS tag mapping
Added support for nested custom RSS feed tag importing, use this syntax: 
    Example: gdacs:resources=>gdacs:resource=>gdacs:acknowledgements
Version 5.4.0 Release Date 2022-09-07
Added the ability to assign categories to posts based on keywords found in post titles
Version 5.4.1 Release Date 2023-01-03
Fixed all reported issues
Version 5.4.2 Release Date 2023-02-10
Fixed Google News scraping after recent changes
Version Release Date 2023-07-28
Fixed Google Translate integration, working with latest changes
Version Release Date 2023-10-18
Fixed PHP 8.2 related errors

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WordPress 6.2 and PHP 8.2 Tested!

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Through this plugin you are able to grab content from various websites that does not necessary belong to you or which are not under your control. If you grab copyrighted material without the author’s permission, the plugin’s developer does not assume any responsibility for your actions. Also, the plugin’s developer has no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites.

Echo RSS Feed Post Generator Plugin for WordPress - 2
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