Custom Post Types, Taxonomies and Fields for Avada Builder

The most recent version of this plugin (v7.11.0) was uploaded to our platform on .

Custom Post Types, Taxonomies and Fields for Avada Builder - 1

Plugin Description

This plugin extends the Avada Builder Blog, Portfolio and Recent Posts elements to work with any Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies, Terms and Fields. With this plugin you will be able to put your own custom content in any place on the page the same way you can put Blog, Portfolios, Recent Posts with the original elements. Please, see the Demo of this plugin.

You can also use all the layouts and styles of the standard Blog, Portfolio and Recent Posts elements with your own Custom Post Types or with the Custom Post Types of the third party plugins.

Top Features

  • Enhances Blog, Portfolio and Recent Posts to any Custom Post Type (CPT) by creating 3 new elements – Blog CPT , Portfolio CPT and Recent Posts CPT
  • Can Filter blogs by Tags or any other Taxonomy
  • Can filter CPT by Custom Terms and Taxonomy
  • Can order Blog CPT and Portfolio CPT elements by Custom Fields
  • Can use different layouts for CPTs (Large, Medium, Grid, Alternative, Carousel, Grid with text)
  • Builds the list of all installed CPTs
  • Builds the list of all configured Custom Fields (Blog CPT)
  • Builds the list of all installed Custom Taxonomies
  • Shows only Taxonomies linked to the chosen CPTs
  • Filtering works with both Include and exclude mode
  • Can show any Custom Terms in CPTs listings (Blog CPT)
  • Two different Taxonomies can be shown in Blog CPT and Recent Posts CPT elements
  • Two different Custom Fields can be shown in Blog CPT and Recent Posts CPT elements
  • Keeps all the other features of the Avada Builder Blog, Portfolio and Recent Posts elements.

Custom Fields for Single Page

If you need to show a custom field on a single page have a look at our other plugin

If you want to search through your custom post types only, then you can get this with this plugin

How To Use

  1. Install plugin
  2. Insert the new Element via Avada Builder as usual
  3. Click Blog CPT , Portfolio CPT or Recent Posts CPT element
  4. Fill in Post Type, Taxonomy, Terms, Fields
  5. Save and enjoy

Extra Blog CPT and Recent Posts CPT settings

Custom Post Types, Taxonomies and Fields for Avada Builder - 2

Extra Portfolio CPT settings

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Demo, Documentation, Support

  • For documentation and demo wisit our website
  • Get support. We will reply within 2 business days, usually faster
  • Plugin works with Avada version 6.x and 7.x.

Short Install Instructions

  1. Download the Full version and unzip the file
  2. Choose the included zip file that matches your Avada major version number
  3. Install that zip file as usual
  4. Read the documentation for full instructions and update process


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