Alipay Cross-Border Payment Gateway For WooCommerce

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The most recent version of this plugin (v1.4) was uploaded to our platform on .

Add Alipay Cross Border Payment Gateway To WooCommerce Store

The Alipay Cross-Border Payment Gateway plugin for WooCommerce allows you to tap into the 1.3 billion-person Chinese market.

Alipay is the most-used payment gateway in China. With the Alipay Cross-Border plugin, your website will be able to accept payments from residents and businesses inside China. It accounts for roughly half of all online payment transactions within China.

Technical Requirements

  • Min WordPress Version: 4.7
  • Min WooCommerce Version: 2.6
  • Min PHP Version: 5.7
  • Active Alipay Account


Have a pre-sale question?

If you are confused about any of the features of the plugin or else, then you can ask questions to our team from here. Our team will get to you as soon as possible.


== 1.0.0 ==

* Released: 21 August, 2021

    >> Initial release