WPGYM - Wordpress Gym Management System
The most recent version of this plugin (v59.0 (26-01-2023)) was uploaded to our platform on .
WPGYM – Wordpress Gym Management System ideal Wordpress plugin for your Wordpress powered gym management system.
URL: http://pushnifty.com/mojoomla/extend/wordpress/gym
User Role | Username | Password |
Member | member | member |
Staff Member | staff_member | staff_member |
Accountant | accountant | accountant |

Note* The Plugin works best on Cpanel/WHM-enabled hosting. Usage/installation on Nginx / Plesk is not recommended and we will not be able to provide support for the same..
Update History
- 21-11-2023
-Compatibility Wordpress Version 6.4.1 - Compatibility With WP Latest Theme. -[Fixed] Mobile API Issue.
- 28-09-2023
-[Feature] Added New Coupon Module. -[Feature] System Settings Setup Wizard. -[Feature] Attendance QR code compatibility for iPhone. -[Feature] Member Can Upgrade/Renew Membership Plan. -[Feature] Compatibility With WP Default Theme. -[Feature] Updated Report Module with the new report. -[Fixed] Fixed minor bugs. -[Fixed] Fixed Membership Payment issue. -[Fixed] GUI issue in all modules. -[Fixed] Localization issues. -[Fixed] RTL Compatibility .
- 17-06-2023
-[Feature] Compatibility With WP Default Theme. -[Feature] Updated Report Module with new report. -[Feature] Updated General page settings. -[Feature] Updated Attendance module. -[Feature] Updated All Meber Dropdown with serach. -[Feature] Member Can Upgrade/Renew subscription. -[Feature] Member Can Pay Due Invoice after account suspended. -[Fixed] Fixed assign workout issue. -[Fixed] Fixed minor bugs. -[Fixed] GUI issue in all modules. -[Fixed] Mobile App API issue. -[Fixed] Localization issues. -[Fixed] RTL Compatibility .
- 28-02-2023
-[Feature] Compatibility With WP Default Theme. -[Fixed] Fixed assigned workout issue
- 30-01-2023
-[Fixed] License Setting Page issue. -[Fixed] we have added a search member dropdown in sale product, assign workout and nutrition modules.
- 24-01-2023
-[Fixed] Checked Compatibility With WP Default Theme. -[Fixed] Assign workout module issue. -[Fixed] GUI issue in all modules. -[Fixed] RTL Compatibility issue.
- 06-12-2022
-[Feature] Assign workout module updated. Assign workout with auto-suggest activity and category. -[Feature] Admin can enable/disable the dashboard option for the fronted user. -[Fixed] GUI issue in all modules. -[Fixed] Fixed PDF bugs.
- 12-11-2022
- Compatibility Wordpress Version 6.1 - Compatibility PHP Version 8.1 -[Feature] Recurring Invoices for membership plan. -[Feature] Admin can set enable/disable data table header. -[Feature] Admin can enable/disable the dashboard option for the fronted user. -[Fixed] GUI issue in all modules. -[Update] Security Audit -[Fixed] Fixed mobile app issue. -[Fixed] Fixed POPUP and Datepicker issues.
- 26-09-2022
-[Feature] RTL Compatibility. -[Feature] Show Nutrition Schedule , Class Schedule and class booking list on calendar. -[Fixed] Fixed minor bugs. -[Fixed] Fixed mobile app issue. -[Fixed] Language translation issue.
- 16-09-2022
- Compatibility Wordpress Version 6.0.2 -[Feature] Update New Design. -[Feature] Added Razorpay Payment gateway with the paymaster plugin. -[Feature] Compatibility With WP Default Theme, Avada Theme, Divi Theme. -[Fixed] Fixed minor bugs.
- 09-06-2022
- Compatibility Wordpress Version 6.0 -[Feature] Added new management/admin role. management user can manage WPGYM plugin. - [Fixed] Minor bugs. - [Fixed] GUI issue in all module.
- 19-05-2022
- Compatibility Wordpress Version 5.9.3 - [Feature] Added all module access to support staff users. - [Feature] Updated Report Module with data table and filter records. - [Feature] Added send payment reminders to all selected members and one by one member in the store, payment, and membership payment module. - [Feature] Attach document in the notice module. - [Feature] Update View member attedance list. - [Feature] Generate Membership payment and report module access to accountant user. - [Fixed] Add activity video issue. - [Fixed] User and product import CSV issue. - [Fixed] Fixed WP Deafults themes ,Avada themes design issue. - [Fixed] Mobile api issue. - [Fixed] Empty attendance data issue with QR code. - [Fixed] GUI issue in all module. - [Fixed] Fixed language translation issues. - [Fixed] Responsive issue in all module.
- 23-12-2021
- Compatibility Wordpress Version 5.8.2 - [Feature] Staff members can add and view activity videos. - [Feature] Added multi-language feature for the calendar. - [Feature] Added multi-language feature Date picker. - [Feature] Added default stripe payment getaways. - [Fixed] GUI issue in all modules. - [Fixed] Fixed language translation issues. - [Fixed] Responsive issue in all module.
- 19-10-2021
- Compatibility Wordpress Version 5.8.1 - [Feature] Added membership recurring option with stripe payment. 1)Membership recurring payment for new customers. 2)Membership recurring payment for existing customers. - Check Paymaster Compatibility and Fixed issue. - [Fixed] Import CSV issue for user roles. - [Fixed] Access right issue for all user roles. - [Fixed] GUI issue in all modules. - [Fixed] Responsive issue in all modules. - [Fixed] WP Defaults themes, Avada themes and diwi theme design issue.
- 09-08-2021
- [Feature] Set Access Rights for mobile app.
- 31-07-2021
- Compatibility with Wordpress Version 5.8 - [Feature] Added Qr Code Scanner In Attendance Module. - [Feature] Staff members can take attendance with a QR code Scanner. - [Feature] Compatibility With cherry shortcodes. - [Feature] Compatibility With WP Default Theme, Avada Theme, Divi Theme, and Elementor. - [Feature] Guest booking list in Staff member Side. - [Fixed] Product Entry Issue in Sales Module. - [Fixed] Fixed wp_enqueue Security issue. - [Fixed] Language Translation. - [Fixed] Responsive issue in all module.
- 28-06-2021
- Compatibility Wordpress Version 5.7.2 - [Feature] Zoom Integration. - [Feature] Added New Virtual Membership class Module(Zoom Live Video Class). Quickly and easily enable video meetings on your website. - [Feature] All WP default Theme, Elementor Page Builder, and Avada Theme compatibility. - [Feature]Updated Envato Security/vulnerability Update List. - [Feature] Updated all latest version libraries. Updated Libary 1) Boostrap (v5.0.1). 2) jQuery (v3.6.0). 3) DataTables(v1.10.24). 4) Fullcalender (v5.7.2). 5) Font Awesome (5.15.2) etc... - [Feature] Update Report With data and print /pdf. - [Feature] Add Field visibility. - [Feature] Add Multiple Delete option in admin side. - [Feature] Add import/export option for all user and product. - [Feature] Print/PDF for Data table records. - [Feature] Download attendance report. - [Feature] Class Booking List and Guest booking list with print/pdf. - [Feature] Add vedio in activity list. - [Feature] Admin and staff can edit workout plan. - [Feature] Send Mail reminder to member for membership payment. - [Fixed] Responsive issue in all module. - [Fixed] Minor bugs.
- 19-04-2021
- Wordpress Version 5.7 Compatibility. = [Feature] RTL Compatibility. - [Feature] All WP defult Theme compatibility. - [Fixed] GUI issue in all module. - [Fixed] Responsive issue in all module.
- 22-02-2021
- [Feature] Updated Member Registration Form. - [Feature] Updated Class Booking POPUP Design. - [Fixed] GUI issue in Class Booking.
- 08-02-2021
- Wordpress Version 5.6.1 Compatibility. - PHP Version 8.1 Compatibility. - Compatibility with paymaster plugin. - [Feature] Class Booking in Frontend Calander. - [Feature] Guest User can book class in frontend calendar. - [Feature] Add or remove class limit in the current membership. - [Feature] Set proper membership description in membership list page and view membership details. - [Fixed] GUI issue in all module. - [Fixed] Responsive issue in all module.
- 04-11-2020
- [Feature] compatibility with RTL. - [Feature] Added All language field validation. - [Feature] Data Sanitization/Escaping. - [Feature] Export member attendance report in csv. - [Feature] send messages with attachments. - [Feature] Security Audit and improvement. - [Fixed] GUI issue in all module. - [Fixed] Responsive issue in all module.
- 01-08-2020
- [Feature] Compatibility our plugin With Slider Revolution ,WP ERP,Business Manager and Cherry Shortcodes plugin. - [Feature] Compatibility our plugin page With Avada , WordPress Default Themes and other themes. - [Feature] Allowed floating value in assign workout. - [Feature] Send payment reminder/alert for when membership runs out. - [Feature] Allowed floating value in assign workout. - [Feature] Added mid-morning snacks and afternoon snacks fields in nutrition. - [Feature] Member can print or PDF nutrition. - [Feature] Member can Print or PDF assigned workouts logs. - [Feature] Member can register without payment option in general setting page. - [Feature] Membership signup fees count with membership amount in the fronted membership plan. - [Fixed] Membership amount issue in frontend side. - [Fixed] GUI issue in all module. - [Fixed] Responsive issue in all module.
- 20-06-2020
- Wordpress 5.4.2 Compatibility.
- 23-05-2020
- Wordpress 5.4.1 Compatibility. - [Fixed] GUI issue in all module.
- 19-03-2020
- Wordpress 5.3.2 Compatibility. - [Feature] Integrated With Our SMSmaster – Multipurpose SMS Gateway for Wordpress Plugin.
- 22-01-2020
- Wordpress 5.3.2 Compatibility. - [Feature] Added Paytm And Paystack Payment Getaways With Our Paymaster - Multipurpose Payment Gateway. - [Fixed] Fixed Payment issue. - [Fixed] GUI Issue in all module.
- 17-12-2019
- Wordpress 5.3.1 Compatibility. - [Fixed] Edit Post Issue. - [Fixed] GUI Issue in all module. - [Fixed] Message isssue in message module.
- 08-11-2019
- Wordpress 5.2.4 Compatibility. - [Feature] Updated Dashboard Design. --[Fixed] GUI Issue in all module. - [Fixed] Security issue in our plugin
- 11-07-2019
- Wordpress 5.2.2 Compatibility. - [Fixed] Vulnerabilities - security issue.
- 24-04-2019
- Package Update for latest Document
- 12-03-2019
-[Fixed] Membership Payment invoice issue.
- 02-03-2019
- Wordpress 5.1.0 Compatibility. -[Feature] All Users Form Organization in two-part. -[Feature] Staff member can add a member. -[Feature] Membership Fees and sign-up fees entry added in generate an invoice. -[Feature] Tax added in membership, store and income module. -[Feature] Add tax modules. -[Feature] View user details page. -[Feature] Add the group description in the group module. -[Feature] Frontend class booking option add in a general setting. -[Feature] Default golden membership added and this membership shortcode added in the membership list page. -[Feature] Frontend class booking option add in a general setting. -[Feature] Add KG and Rest time autofill value in add workout. -[Feature] All module view more details in the popup. -[Feature] Add payment details in payment popup. -[Feature] Payment history display in the invoice. -[Feature] Add nutrition design changed. -[Feature] Assign workouts design changed. -[Feature] Member name added in the subscription history list and pay button added. -[Feature] Update class booking module. -[Feature] Members can book a class in the calendar(with all validation). -[Feature] Admin can Delete a multi-select record in all module. -[Feature] Update Report module. -[Fixed] Launagre translation issue. -[Fixed] GUI issue in all module. -[Fixed] Newsletter issue in newsletter module. -[Fixed] Field validation issue.
- 21-01-2019
- Wordpress 5.0.3 Compatibility. - [Feature] Member is deleted in the plugin. so member data are deleted in the plugin. - [Fixed] Field validation issue in form. - [Fixed] Header issue in accountant list.
- 10-01-2019
- Wordpress 5.0.2 Compatibility. - [Fixed] Member Registration or Login Page issue Resolved in Twenty Nineteen Theme. - [Fixed] Frontend side membership purchasing time member approve issue resolved. - [Fixed] Payment issue resolved in the Paymaster Payment gateway plugin.
- 14-07-2018
-[Feature] Update Attendence Module. -[Feature] Add field validation.
- [Feature] Updated income module. - [Feature] Updated store, membership, income invoice format. - [Feature] Ability to sell multiple products. - [Feature] Add payment in-store and income module. - [Feature] Date and time validation in all module. -[Feature] View income and product sales report. - Fixed Email notifications issue. - Fixed invoice issue. - Fixed assign workout and view workout issue.
- 04-11-2017
- [Feature] Installation Bug resolved.
- 13-09-2017
- [Feature] Email notifications.
- 27-07-2017
- Wordpress 4.8 Compatibility. - [Feature] Added popup for adding staff members, add membership and add a class in member module. - [Feature] Added popup for adding the product in sell product module. - [Feature] Added bootstrap date picker. - [Feature] Added file upload validations for front-end users. - Fixed payment report issue.
- 07-05-2017
- [Feature] Plugin licence key registration. - Update message module.
- 10-04-2017
- Fixed accountant list issue. - Image upload validation.
- 06-03-2017
- Compatibility with Avada theme.
- 10-02-2017
- Wordpress 4.7.2 Compatibility.
- 31-07-2016
- Fixed bug with Date Format
- 26-07-2016
- [Feature] Email Templates. - [Feature] Upload member photo. - [Feature] Subscription history list. - [Feature] Fee payment report. - [Feature] Front-end member registration form.
- 23-06-2016
- Fixed bug responsive css
- 18-05-2016
- Fixed bug in Invoice print function.
- 14-04-2016
- Add date format option in general settings
- 20-03-2016
- Plugin compatibility with Wordpress 4.2.2 - Updated help document
- 08-03-2016
- [Feature] Buy Membership from frontend - [Feature] Create a Membership list page for Users to choose - Resolved language issue.
- 25-02-2016
- [Feature] Access rights settings from admin. - Add setting option for message centre - Unread message counter in Message module
- 19-01-2016
- [Feature] membership expire notification email.
- 01-01-2016
- [Feature] Set member privacy.
- 20-12-2015
- [Feature] Added new Thigh, Arms, Fat reports on member dashboard. - Wordpress 4.4 compitable.
- 04-12-2015
- [Feature] Add measurement unit option in settings - [Feature] Responsive ready. - [Feature] RTL ready.
- 22-11-2015
- [Feature] Membership payment module. - Member can pay membership cost by paypal.
- 01-11-2015
- Multilanguage Supported
- 22-10-2015
- Initial plugin release

Version: 59.0 (26-01-2023)
Envato version: 67.3.0Updated
Software Version
Compatible With
Gutenberg Optimized
High Resolution
Files Included
Demo Content Included